


1. 头 [tóu]2. 头 [tou]头 [tóu]人身体的最上部分或动物身体的最前的部分:~骨。~脑。~脸(a.头和脸;b.指面貌;c.指面子,体面)。~角(jiǎo )(喻青年的气概或才华)。指头发或所留头发的样式:留~。剃~。物体的……





汉语拼音:tóu zhào






  1. 用丝结成的网状头巾。用来拢住头发。




  1. Tesla put his hands behind his back and paced back and forth, the crown of his head inches from the longhouse rafters.


  2. 'It was really funny and looked very unusual to see a squirrel eating nuts from inside the huge head.


  3. A breathing arrangement includes a patient interface (10), at least one inlet conduit (22), and a headgear assembly (31).


  4. Force shackled, hooded prisoners to masturbate or simulate oral sex with one another?


  5. Lincoln quietly urges his brother to turn around, but the headpiece restraints restrict his speech.


  6. The researchers designed a special cap for the user. This head cover captures the signals from the scalp and redirects them to a computer.


  7. A bearded worker will typically require a powered air-purifying respirator (PAPR) with a hood or helmet.


  8. We are also installing automatic slide gate and hooding over the mixers to take out the duct while cleaning the mixer.


  9. The most traditional objects carved from willow, painted with animal blood, wolf in sheep horn or ram's horn hood chips in a mask.


  1. 戴着头罩,拿着枪

    masked men with shotguns.

  2. 带头巾的, 有头罩的

    Covered with or having a hood.

  3. 带头巾的,有头罩的。

    Covered with or having a hood.

  4. 一体化防护头罩的研究

    Research on integral protective hood

  5. 头罩适合在套在作战头盔上。

    The hood fits over the combat helmet.

  6. 罩上机头罩,并用小螺丝紧固。

    Cover the canopy and tighten it with the small screws.

  7. 高速飞行器红外制冷头罩设计

    Design of the hypersonic vehicle infrared cooling dome

  8. 使用过程中头罩的细菌学监测

    Bacterial Monitoring the Head Coverings Being Used

  9. 我认为我们没必要戴这个头罩。

    I don't think we need to wear the hazmat gear.

  10. 囚犯们受到折磨并被套上了头罩。

    The prisoners had been tortured and made to wear hoods.

  11. 头罩套在猎鹰头上使其安静的袋子。

    A sack placed over a falcon's head to keep the bird quiet.

  12. 大型空气加压舱中头罩的制作与应用

    Development and application of a head tent in large hyperbaric oxygen chamber

  13. 带头巾的,有头罩的她头上包了一块头巾。

    Covered with or having a hood. She tied a scarf round her head.

  14. 喔, 真是太可惜了你那时没戴防护头罩

    Well, it's too bad you weren't wearing protective headgear

  15. 清洗时不要将头罩浸泡在清洗液中。

    Do not soak the headgear during cleaning.

  16. 没人会喜欢戴着仓鼠头罩的金发美女。

    Nobody likes a blonde in a hamster ball.

  17. 超声速弹头凹型光学头罩流动显示研究

    Flow visualization of supersonic flow around a concave optical bow cap model of warhead.

  18. 稠密大气层内火箭头罩动态分离过程数值模拟

    Numerical Simulation of the Detaching Process for Rocket Mantles in Low Altitude

  19. 一种正压呼吸防护头罩送风量的研究

    Head continuous with body; Study on the Air Flow Rate of a Positive Pressure Respiratory Protective Hood

  20. 有篷四轮马车一种四轮有篷马车, 后有敞开的, 有头罩的座位

    A fourwheeled closed carriage having an open, hooded seat behind.

  21. 每个男孩的头上都被罩上了厚重的白棉布头罩。

    A heavy white cotton hood was over the head of each boy.

  22. 同时头罩在水平方向和竖直方向都有很广阔的视野。

    The hoods have excellent lateral and vertical visibility.

  23. 迫使拷镣加身,头罩蒙面的囚徒相互手淫或模拟口交?

    Force shackled, hooded prisoners to masturbate or simulate oral sex with one another.

  24. 正压医用防护头罩过滤效率和微环境研究及其临床试验

    Study on filtering efficiency and microenvironment of positive pressure medical protective hood and its clinical trial

  25. 接受口鼻面罩或头罩高压氧治疗后患者的眼屈光改变

    Ocular refractive changes in patients receiving hyperbaric oxygen admini stered by oronasal mask or hood

  26. 不同供氧浓度和流量下头罩内的新生儿鼻前庭氧浓度变化

    The changes of oxygen concentration in nasal cavities of neonates when supplied with different oxygen concentration and flow rates via different sizes of oxygen hood

  27. 目的研究并确定一种正压呼吸防护头罩合适的送风量。

    Objective To study and determine the appropriate air flow rate of a positive pressure respiratory protective hood.

  28. 看着松鼠在这么大的头罩里面找坚果吃,这真的很好玩。

    It was really funny and looked very unusual to see a squirrel eating nuts from inside the huge head.

  29. 一名雇佣兵用头罩遮住了杰克的脸, 抬着他走上楼梯。

    A guard throws a hood over Jack's face and carries him up the stairs.