


1. 血 [xuè]2. 血 [xiě]血 [xuè]人或动物体内循环系统的不透明液体,大多为红色,主要成分为“血浆”、“血细胞”和“血小板”。味咸而腥:~型。~脂。~压。~糖。~迹。~汗。~泪。~洗。~书。~雨腥风。~海深仇。人类因生育而……





汉语拼音:xuè sī








  1. 丝缕状的血。

    鲁迅 《且介亭杂文·忆韦素园君》:“有些是掉在水里了,将水一搅,有几片还会翻腾,闪烁,然而中间混着血丝。” 郁达夫 《迟桂花》:“痰里的血丝早就没有了。”

  2. 指极稀少的血色。


  3. 指眼白上因毛细管充血而出现的红丝。

    孔厥 袁静 《新儿女英雄传》第四回:“ 大水 见 双喜 的脸儿更瘦更黄了,眼球上满是血丝儿。” 知侠 《铁道游击队》第十九章:“ 冈村 的眼睛圆瞪着,由于激怒,白眼珠上冒着血丝。”



  1. His red face was convulsed with anger, and the Grand Army man ducked his head when he saw the spark in his blue, bloodshot eye.


  2. With the door ajar , Kupchak peeked in. West was seated at his desk in the dark, staring straight ahead, eyes bloodshot.


  3. Bilberry extract is beneficial in the strengthening of red blood cells and capillaries, specifically around the eyes and in the retina.


  4. His face, also, was on the ground; it was almost black, and his eyes, nearly closed were puffed and bloodshot.


  5. My eyes were red and bloodshot. I had lost weight and was as thin as a bean pole.


  6. Blame not! From some further view Can you fail to see This trace of red eternal In a woman's eye?


  7. The original script called for Bossk to be a "slimy, tentacled monster with two huge, bloodshot eyes in a soft baggy face. "


  8. His eyes were bloodshot , and he had a curiously furtive way of avoiding one's glance.


  9. Although his eye was bloodshot, Duncan said he didn't expect to miss Tuesday night's game against the Clippers.


  1. 痰中的血丝

    blood in the sputum

  2. 斑氏血丝虫病

    Bancroftian filariasis.

  3. 祛红血丝精华液

    Dispe Blood streak Essential Liquid

  4. 血丝管控制冷冻剂。

    Capillary tube controls refrigerant.

  5. 皮肤红润,无红血丝。

    Ruddy skin, no blood.

  6. 祛除面部红血丝面部潮红。

    Dispel facial red blood silk and flush.

  7. 血丝虫性象皮病

    elephantiasis filariensis

  8. 他咯出的痰带有血丝。

    There are traces of blood detectable in his sputum.

  9. 烟雾使他的眼睛充满血丝。

    The smog made his eyes red.

  10. 他的眼睛布满血丝,两手颤抖。

    His eyes were red, and his hands trembled.

  11. 她的双颊布满细红的血丝。

    Her cheeks'were netted with little purple veins.

  12. 她的眼睛也有血丝,很疲惫。

    Her eyes were also bloodshot and weary.

  13. 治疗红血丝得时候要忌口吗

    Does avoid certain food want when treating red blood silk

  14. 治疗红血丝的时候要忌口吗?

    Does avoid certain food want when treating red blood silk

  15. 我脸上的红血丝能遮盖上吗

    The red blood silk on my face can on cover

  16. 由于睡眠不足, 他两眼布满血丝。

    His eyes are bloodshot because of lack of sleep.

  17. 我脸上得红血丝能遮盖上 吗

    The red blood silk on my face can on cover.

  18. 大便时可看到血丝和粘膜。

    He can see trace of blood and pus or mucus in his stool.

  19. 你们三个眼睛里都有血丝了。

    All three of you have blood in your eyes.

  20. 她的眼睛布满血丝,都哭肿了。

    Her eyes were bloodshot and swollen.

  21. 抗每舒缓冰晶淡化红血丝精油

    Blood Streak Fading Essence Oil

  22. 治疗红血丝的时候要注意什么吗?

    What should notice when treating red blood silk?

  23. 为什么我的鼻孔下旁边的皮肤有血丝?

    Why does the on the side skin below my nostril have hematic silk?

  24. 他的眼睛因为没有睡好觉布满血丝。

    His eyes were red and sleepless.

  25. 莫道少年迎春风,谁明浪子血丝泪。

    Wudao juvenile spring wind, Tears of the prodigal son who bloodshot.

  26. 他一连两夜没有睡,满眼都是血丝。

    He didn't sleep for two successive nights, so his eyes are bloodshot.

  27. 她由于缺乏睡眠而双眼昏花,布满血丝。

    She had bleary red eyes from lack of sleep.

  28. 沃特斯充满血丝的眼睛看着面前的显示器。

    Waters looked up bloodshot eyes from his display.

  29. 用醋水洗脸会不会使红血丝加重?

    Can face of bath that use vinegar make red blood silk aggravating ?

  30. 现在治疗红血丝最好的办法是什么啊?

    What is the method with best now silk of remedial red blood?


  1. 问:血丝拼音怎么拼?血丝的读音是什么?血丝翻译成英文是什么?

    答:血丝的读音是xiěsī,血丝翻译成英文是 trace of blood