


人、动物的躯体,物体的主要部分:~躯。人~。~材。~段。船~。树~。指人的生命或一生:~世。献~。亲自,本人:自~。亲~。~教。~体力行。统指人的地位、品德:出~。~分(fèn )。~败名裂。孕,娠:~孕。量词,指整套衣服:做了一~儿新衣服……


1. 处 [chǔ]2. 处 [chù]处 [chǔ]居住:穴居野~。存在,置身:设身~地。~心积虑。~世。跟别人一起生活,交往:融洽相~。决定,决断:~理。对犯错误或有罪的人给予相当的惩戒:~罚。~决。止,隐退:~暑。处 [chù]地方:……






  1. Steward, who did not know where he was, eventually approached a policeman at a petrol station and asked for help late Wednesday.


  2. Or to put it differently, right now we're in a world in which mercantilism works.


  3. Two weeks later, he found himself caught in the middle of a congressional debate over the size and direction of a behemoth stimulus package.


  4. Although the long hours sometimes made Tom feel like he was in bondage , Tom was bound to his job.


  5. Then she'll know what she's in for. Besides, You got to let them know what kind of guy you are. Then they'll know what kind of girl to be.


  6. Being in Munich, this famous historic city, I would be remiss if I did not touch upon China-Europe relations.


  7. Patty's true home amid all this brilliant eccentricity was a foam-cushioned, mildewed, built-in bench in the TV corner of the basement.


  8. "He (Zardari) made a blunder, he shouldn't have come here especially in a time of crisis when his people are suffering, " Dar said.


  9. If the door is always open fan, then we, whether when, where, what environment, heart, will be the brilliant sunshine.


  1. 身处这种环境

    in this kind of environment.

  2. 他身处危险之中。

    He was encompassed with perils.

  3. 我们身处危险之中。

    We are in a position of danger.

  4. 只因吾早已身处其中。

    We were invited in.

  5. 身处山穷水尽,力争柳暗花明

    Make the best of a Bad Business

  6. 我们仿佛身处贵宾席。

    Today, we are all offered front row seats.

  7. 他身处他乡,倍感孤独。

    When he's away from home he feels twice as lonely.

  8. 让我知道身处何方。

    It was a way of locating myself.

  9. 每个人都身处其中。

    And everyone's somewhere in the middle.

  10. 身处困境时,我信任她。

    I'd trust her in a pinch.

  11. 我并未感到身处险境。

    I didn't ever feel like I was in danger.

  12. 同时,我也身处危机之中。

    And so I was in crisis.

  13. 就像身处龙卷风的中心

    in, like, the middle of a tornado.

  14. 粉丝们想要身处球场之中

    Fans want to be on the field.

  15. 身处困境时互相的慰藉

    Comforting each other in times of need.

  16. 他身处难以应付的环境。

    He was placed in difficult circumstances.

  17. 他假想自己身处百年之前。

    He tried to vision himself in a past century.

  18. 有些人好像总是身处困境。

    Some people seem to always be in the hot seat.

  19. 身处高位,别人对你肃然起敬。

    Your high viz. position commands respect.

  20. 我们清楚我们正身处危机之中。

    That we are in the midst of crisis is now well understood.

  21. 我亦有身处营房的儿子。

    From me came the son who is in the barracks.

  22. 身处顺境一定不要骄躁。

    Never be arrogant and impetuous when life is smooth.

  23. 身处顺境一定不要骄躁。

    Never be arrogant and impetuous when life is smooth.

  24. 身处绝境的人,仇敌很多。

    A man has many enemies when his back is to the wall.

  25. 身处治世人民方能安居乐业。

    In times of peace, people can live and work in peace and contentment.

  26. 我正身处英国西部的河口。

    I'm in an estuary in the west of england.

  27. 那时候我身处自己的监狱

    Hey, at that time in my life, I was in my own prison.

  28. 你将身处一个新的地方。

    You will be in a new place.

  29. 设想一下你身处荒岛的情形。

    Imagine yourself to be on a desert island.

  30. 我们身处非常严重的危机之中。

    We are in the gravest peril.


  1. 问:身处海外拼音怎么拼?身处海外的读音是什么?身处海外翻译成英文是什么?

    答:身处海外的读音是shēn chǔ hǎi wài,身处海外翻译成英文是 ultra mare