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1. 盛 [shèng]2. 盛 [chéng]盛 [shèng]兴旺:兴~。繁~。旺~。~世。~衰。茂~。全~时期。炽烈:年轻气~。~怒。~气凌人。丰富,华美:~产。~宴。~装。热烈,规模大:~大。~况。~典。~举。广泛,程度深:~传(c……
人或事物的称谓:~字。~氏。~姓。~义。~分(fèn )。~堂。~落孙山。~存实亡。起名字:“秦氏有好女,自~为罗敷”。做某事时用来作依据的称号:这些人以“办学”为~,行骗钱之实。叫出,说出:不可~状。声誉:~誉。~声。~优(a.出名的,优……
汉语拼音:shèng míng
《淮南子·诠言训》:“故世有盛名,则衰之日至矣。” 唐 独孤及 《送长孙将军歙州之任》诗:“临难敢横行,遭时取盛名。” 瞿秋白 《赤都心史》十六:“各代表演说庆祝完了之后,还聘请全 俄 、全世界负盛名的名伶 沙略屏 唱歌曲助兴。”
This book is said to have been translated into many languages, so it is well known all over the world.
据说这本书被翻译成很多种语言,在国际上享誉盛名。But Prof Lin is just as well known for his own extraordinary personal history as he is for his professional achievements.
不过,林毅夫非凡的个人经历也与他在专业上的成就一样富有盛名。"The level of support we've received has been outstanding, and it's easy to see why the company enjoys a great reputation for aftercare" .
他说:“我们收到的支持作出了杰出的水平,很容易明白为什么公司享有盛名的善后”。Marco Polo, the legendary explorer famous for his epic journey into Asia, was just a "conman, " according to the report.
报道称,由于其亚洲之旅而而极富盛名的传奇探险家马可波罗不过是个骗子。Much of that money goes on star players, as the team strives - with mixed results so far this season - to live up to its exalted reputation.
该俱乐部力求不辜负其盛名,把很多钱花在了球星身上——不过从本赛季到目前的情况看,结果喜忧参半。George Town is famous for its nightlife and we end up in a bar full of men.
乔治市的夜生活素享盛名,我们最后找到了一家挤满男人的酒吧。Albert Einstein is said to have remarked that Curie, "of all celebrated beings, [is] the only one whom fame has not corrupted. "
爱因斯坦被问及如何评价居里夫人时说,“在我认识的所有著名人物里面,居里夫人是唯一不为盛名所颠倒的人。”Shanghai's nightlife is in the unenviable position of having to live up to its own decades-old reputation.
上海的夜生活处在一个不令人羡慕的位置上,那就是她不能辜负自己几十年的盛名。Seeing how the hunger for immortality damaged her husband, she did not leap into those arms as much as drift.