




1. 术 [shù]2. 术 [shú]3. 术 [zhú]术 [shù]技艺:技~。艺~。武~。学~。不学无~。方法:战~。权~。心~。古代城市中的道路。术 [shú]古同“秫”,黏高梁。术 [zhú]〔白~〕多年生草本植物,根状茎可入药……



汉语拼音:xīn shù








  1. In real life, Gibson doesn't have to read any minds to find out what women think of him.


  2. Telepathy as you know it, is not usually the mode used.


  3. You going to tell me what's the matter? Or will I have to read your mind?


  4. His career began to unravel when Luke Skywalker targeted him with a Jedi mind trick.


  5. If it were a real phenomenon, versions of it should be widespread, the way normal vision is.


  6. That would mean that mind-reading would have to be the result of evolution.


  7. Angel Heart, said to be "one of the most topical Chinese TV series of 2012" , focuses on a hospital and the stories of patients' and staff.


  8. Teaching students to communicate with animals has been a life long journey for me.


  9. I am supposed to be some sort of mind reader, I guess.


  1. 心理传心术

    mental telepathy.

  2. 磬求重心术

    finding the center of gravity on boulder.

  3. 你心术不正。

    You are corrupted at heart.

  4. 心术不正充耳不闻。

    Tow ones heart ones in wrong place.

  5. 掌握读心术的人

    thought reader

  6. 动物传心术是甚麽

    What is Animal Communication

  7. 满口粗话, 心术不正。

    His heart cannot be pured whose tongue is not clear.

  8. 满口粗话,心术不正。

    His heart cannot be pured whose tongue is not clear .

  9. 心术不正而且没有规矩

    Malicious and has no manner

  10. 他是个有心术的人。

    He is a calculating person.

  11. 他是个心术不正的人。

    He was a person with sinister designs.

  12. 他们还能抵御绝地控心术。

    They were also impervious to Jedi mental powers.

  13. 像传心术一样的超自然现象

    Such paranormal phenomena as telepathy

  14. 我因为你坏了心术而伤感。

    I mourn over your corruptio

  15. 我们不会读心术, 也永远学不会。

    We are not mind readers and we never will be.

  16. 我不相信汤姆,他看起来心术不正。

    I don't trust Tom, he looks bad.

  17. 心术不正的人权外交可能适得其反。

    Indeed, halfhearted humanrights diplomacy can backfire nastily.

  18. 她身边有一帮心术不正的人。

    She's kept a lot of bad people on the street.

  19. 我们其余的人都错了,心术不正。

    All the rest of us were wrong and evil.

  20. 心灵学行为, 如心电感应和测心术

    Parapsychological activities, such as telepathy and mind reading.

  21. 你是要告诉我们这男孩会读心术?

    You're trying to tell us this boy can read minds?

  22. 他并不真的相信有谁会读心术。

    He didn'treally believe that any human being could read another's mind.

  23. 爱因斯坦相信传心术和唯灵论吗

    Does Einstein Believe in Telepathy and Spiritualism

  24. 小游戏读心术源码, 欢迎大家下载学习, 呵呵。

    Game time source intention to welcome everyone to download to learn, huh, huh.

  25. 我怎么知道他在想什么?我又不会传心术!

    How do I know what he's thinking? I'm not telepathic!

  26. 奸诈刁钻、心术不正的蓬蒙也混了进来。

    Deceitful was cunning, plan loose Mongolia also did not mix.

  27. 我经常被咨询动物传心术是否有任何保证。

    I have been asked many times whether there are any guarantees in animal communication.

  28. 读心术技能如果熟练运用的话,对战斗很有用。

    That read the intention skill and uses skillfully is very useful to the fight.

  29. 你不会读心术, 你也不能让别人戴上测谎仪。

    You can't mind read and you don't have everyone else wired into a lie detector.

  30. 我要是有读心术知道他心里想什么就好了。

    I wish I could read his mind and know what he’s thinking.


  1. 问:心术拼音怎么拼?心术的读音是什么?心术翻译成英文是什么?

    答:心术的读音是xīnshù,心术翻译成英文是 intent; plan



“心术”是个多义词,它可以指心术(汉语词语), 心术(2012年国产电视剧), 心术(苏洵所著《权书》中的篇目)。