







汉语拼音:yè yá






  1. 指植物叶与茎之间生出的侧芽。




  1. Activity of axillary meristems dictates the architecture of both vegetative and reproductive parts of a plant.


  2. anterior Designating the part of a flower or axillary bud facing away from the inflorescence axis or stem, respectively.


  3. Result shows that clustered shoots induction rate can be 80%, and axillary shoot were better than terminal buds.


  4. particular way is : should help sang youmiao up to grow about 20 centimeters tall when make a top , make shoot of bottom axillary bud.


  5. Axillary buds concealed in excavated base of petioles; ovary in female flowers syncarpous; fruit a drupaceous berry.


  6. Percentage of bud regeneration could be improved at vertical cutting.


  7. Axillary bud will grow quickly after decapitation during tobacco leaf production.


  8. Shrubs or trees, unarmed, without rust-colored villosulous indumentum on terminal and axillary buds or young inflorescences.


  9. Axillary buds not stalked; flowers 4-me rous, unisexual (plants dioecious); nutlets strongly convex and distinctly veined.


  1. 腋芽萌动生长

    Shoot differentiation and proliferation.

  2. 带腋芽茎段

    stem with axillary bud.

  3. 带腋芽的茎段

    stems with bud.

  4. 甘蓝腋芽扦插育苗研究

    Study on Axil Bud Cutting of Cabbage

  5. 带腋芽茎段优于带顶芽茎段。

    The stem with axillary buds is better than that with apical buds.

  6. 腋芽隐藏下方肉质叶,叶柄。

    Axillary buds are hidden beneath fleshy leaf petioles.

  7. 甘蔗腋芽快繁种苗新技术

    A new method of seedling rapid reproduction on axillary bud of sugarcane

  8. 甜菜种株腋芽的培养审美能力的培养

    The Axillary Bud Culture of Seed Plants in Sugarbeet.

  9. 长枝每个叶腋均可见到腋芽。

    Each branch of the axillary long can see axillary bud.

  10. 花楸腋芽增殖途径快繁技术研究

    The Rapid Propagation Technology of Sorbus pohuashanensis by Axillary Bud Regeneration Way

  11. 蝴蝶兰花梗腋芽诱导的影响因素

    Study on Valid Factors to Induce Axillary Bud of Pedicel in Butterfly Orchid

  12. 甘蔗腋芽苗亚无性系种性比较研究

    Comparative research on asexual strain of axillary bud seedings of sugarcane

  13. 利用大岩桐腋芽诱导分化育苗技术研究

    Research of the Technique of Cultivating Seedlings Derived by Using Axillary Bud of Gloxinia

  14. 腋芽或侧芽是生在枝的侧面叶腋内的芽。

    Axillary or lateral buds develop in the leaf axils.

  15. 这些结果初步说明生长素促进腋芽的休眠。

    These results indicated auxin promote the dormancy of tea axillary buds.

  16. 大叶相思茎段腋芽组织培养技术初探

    A Preliminary Exploration on Tissue Culture of the Young Stem Axillary Bud of Acacia auriculiformis

  17. 大扁杏离体腋芽增殖和生长的研究

    In vitro Shoot Proliferation and Growth of Prunus armeniaca Linn Stem Segment

  18. 刺山柑腋芽的组织培养快繁技术研究

    Studies on the Tissue Culture of Axillary Bud and Rapid Propagation in the Capparis spinosa

  19. 康乃馨茎的腋芽诱导和再生植株的研究

    The Study on the Axillary Bud Induction and Plant Regeneration by the Use of Carnation's Stems

  20. 播种期对再生稻腋芽萌发和产量的影响

    Effects of Sowing Stage on the Sprouting of Axillary Bud and Yield of Ratooning Rice.

  21. 甘蔗腋芽快速繁殖培养基及激素配方的筛选

    Selection of constitutions of medium and hormone for flash propagating of axillary buds in sugarcane

  22. 碳水化合物得积累为腋芽得产生提供了物质基础。

    The accumulation of carbohydrate supplied the matter and energy for the axillary buds to grow.

  23. 蝴蝶兰花梗腋芽组培再生技术体系的研究

    The regeneration technology system of axillary bud from phalaenopsis wisonii flower stems with tissue culture

  24. 春甘蓝腋芽叶片离体培养及植株再生技术研究

    Tissue culture and plantlet regeneration of the axillary bud's leaf on spring cabbages.

  25. 本文对甜菜种株腋芽的培养进行了初步研究。

    In this paper, a preliminary study on the axillary bud culture of seed plants of sugarbeet is in progress.

  26. 在烟叶生产中, 烟株打顶之后腋芽会迅速发生。

    Axillary bud will grow quickly after decapitation during tobacco leaf production.

  27. 油菜扩繁中茎段长度对腋芽生长发育的影响

    Effect of Lengths of Stem Segments on Growth and Development of Axillary Buds in Asexual Reproduction in B. Napus

  28. 三倍体毛白杨愈伤组织诱导及腋芽增殖技术研究

    Study on callus inducement and axillary bud multiplication of Chinese white poplar

  29. 前的描述花或者腋芽面对花序轴或茎的那部分。

    anterior Designating the part of a flower or axillary bud facing away from the inflorescence axis or stem, respectively.

  30. 冬芽为位于末端叶的腋芽,无顶芽,通常被2个芽鳞包被。

    Axillary buds of most apical leaves in falseterminal buds, usually enclosed by 0 outer scales, imbricate within.


  1. 问:腋芽拼音怎么拼?腋芽的读音是什么?腋芽翻译成英文是什么?

    答:腋芽的读音是yèyá,腋芽翻译成英文是 axillary bud



腋芽 axillary bud 侧芽之一种,特指从叶腋所生出的定芽。腋芽常见于种子植物的普通叶中,不长腋生侧芽的叶是少见的,但是鳞叶、花叶或多数蕨类的叶一般不分化出腋芽。