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1. 洒 [sǎ]2. 洒 [xǐ]洒 [sǎ]使水或其他东西分散地落下:~水。~扫。~泪。东西散落:粮食~了。姓。洒 [xǐ]古同“洗”,洗涤。……
汉语拼音:pāo sǎ
All this, without spilling American blood and for a small fraction of the cost of conventional battle.
所有这一切,都无需抛洒美国人的热血,也只需消耗常规战经费的一小部分。Boris Yeltsin visited the Katyn monument in Warsaw, as Russian president, and said as he laid flowers "forgive us, if you can" .
俄罗斯总统鲍里斯•叶利钦访问了位于华沙的卡廷纪念碑,当他抛洒花瓣时,说道“如果你们能的话,请原谅我们”。"People chucking money away in the street for everyone to see! " said Frederic, a resident quoted by the newspaper.
“为了让大家都看见,参加婚礼的人将碎纸币抛洒在街道上!”《解放报》援引当地居民的一段话说。"Britain provided the time, Russia the blood, America the money and the weapons, " he concludes.
“英国争取了时间,俄国抛洒了鲜血,美国则提供了金钱和武器”,他如此总结说。The event included photo opportunities with local politicians and showers of confetti over the production line.
这场庆典活动的内容包括提供与当地政客合影的机会,以及在生产线上空抛洒五彩纸屑等等。On the heights of despair, the passion for the absurd is the only thing that can still throw a demonic light on chaos.
站在绝望的巅峰,为荒谬而生的激情只是持续抛洒在混沌之上的恶魔之光。Wuwei has a long history, splendid culture, the long river of history here topaz sa pearl crystal.
武威有悠久的历史、灿烂的文化,历史的长河曾在这里抛洒过晶莹的珍珠。Autumn in October, autumn cold, this is an accumulation of anxiety season, Yela seems spilled shy, beautiful scattered in an instant.
金秋十月,秋风凛冽,这是一个积淀忧虑的季节,叶落似乎在抛洒羞涩,美丽在瞬间散落。Mr Mage is always keen on appearing his views this several year.