







汉语拼音:shì yǎn







饰演 [shì yǎn]
  1. 妆扮表演。




  1. Painstaking to the point of mania, he often cast his ballets at the last minute, usually after trying out several dancers in each role.


  2. Richard: That would be easy if you were playing a real character, but impossible if you were in a sci-fi flick.


  3. Spanish actor Javier Bardem will play the villain. He said Bond was also a regular fixture on the Spanish cinemas when he was growing up.


  4. I had to do a scene with another girl, really tough, who played a shop clerk. I was supposed to be trying to return something.


  5. 'If I was a comic character I would be like the Green Goblin flying around throwing pumpkin bombs.


  6. Your character Nick drives like a crazy person, in this movie. What's the coolest car stunt you got to do?


  7. Bogart to drink all day long because of steamships played a captain, so in the film shooting is often drunk.


  8. As you might expect, Sigourney Weaver, in yet another Snow-White-eclipsing star turn for the Queen, is the only one to emerge unscathed.


  9. In 'Moonstruck, ' Cher's character confronts her boyfriend with a slap and a sharp reprimand: 'Snap out of it! '


  1. 他饰演孙悟空。

    He plays the Monkey King.

  2. 他饰演孙悟空。

    He plays the Monkey King.

  3. 他饰演那个反面人物。

    He was cast as the villain.

  4. 饰演一位职业杀手。

    In the thriller Collateral, Tom Cruise plays a contract killer.

  5. 他在剧中饰演父亲。

    He played the part of a father in the play.

  6. 她饰演奥菲莉娅很成功。

    She did an outstanding job as ophelia.

  7. 本金斯利饰演大恶人。

    Ben Kingsley plays the villain.

  8. 有的人最终饰演受害者

    Others end up playing the victim.

  9. 有的人最终饰演受害者。

    Others end up playing the victim.

  10. 饰演父亲的演员太呆板。

    The actor playing the father was too wooden.

  11. 见习黑玫瑰甄子菁饰演。

    Chris Yen in Protege de la Rose Noire.

  12. 她饰演苔丝狄蒙娜的角色。

    She played the part of Desdemona.

  13. 那个饰演超人的演员自杀了。

    That actor who shot himself, the one who plays superman.

  14. 我获得饰演朱丽叶的角色。

    I was given the role of juliet!

  15. 我饰演的是另外一个版本。

    I'm working on a different version.

  16. 凯文被考虑过饰演男主角。

    Costner was considered for the lead role.

  17. 金凯瑞饰演孩子们的坏叔叔。

    Jim Carrey plays the childrens hateful uncle.

  18. 他饰演的角色傲慢、狡诈、冷酷无情。

    His emperor is all pride, cunning, and ruthlessness.

  19. 饰演戏剧性地表现,如在舞台上

    To represent dramatically,as on the stage.

  20. 彩旦一般都由男性演员来饰演。

    Old female roles in Chinese operas are often played by male actors.

  21. 彩旦一般都由男性演员来饰演。

    Old female roles in Chinese operas are often played by male actors.

  22. 比如优雅哥由乔治克鲁尼饰演

    the man like Mister Suave, played George.

  23. 克里斯托弗?里夫饰演了超人一角。

    Christopher Reeve made Superman.

  24. 克里斯托弗•里夫饰演了超人一角。

    Christopher Reeve made Superman.

  25. 奥利维尔经宣布将饰演李尔王。

    Olivier was billed to appear as Lear.

  26. 张钧甯在片中饰演来自孤儿院的孤儿。

    Ning Chang acted as a orphan from orphanage.

  27. 我拒绝饰演含情脉脉的妻子这一角色。

    I refuse to play the part of the adoring wife.

  28. 誓言,就像是演员在饰演,全是假的。

    Oath, as an actor in the play, all false.

  29. 明道饰演周计春, 一位数学天才。

    Ming Dao plays Jichun Zhou, a young guy with a talent for maths.

  30. 他们让法国的一位男演员饰演主角。

    They gave the lead to a French actor.


  1. 问:饰演拼音怎么拼?饰演的读音是什么?饰演翻译成英文是什么?

    答:饰演的读音是shìyǎn,饰演翻译成英文是 play



饰演shìyǎn,[act]扮演,装演 是指专职演出,或在表演艺术中扮演某个角色的人物。经常用在电影、电视、剧场、广播等媒体当中。有时也用在街头艺人的身上。通常演员可借由舞蹈、歌唱,或只是在广播中做声音演出戏剧角色。