


1. 邪 [xié]2. 邪 [yá]3. 邪 [yé]4. 邪 [yú]5. 邪 [xú]邪 [xié]不正当,不正派:~恶(è)。~念。~说。中医指引起疾病的环境因素:寒~。风~。迷信的人指鬼神给予的灾祸:中(zhòng)~。妖异怪诞:……


1. 说 [shuō]2. 说 [shuì]3. 说 [yuè]说 [shuō]用话来表达意思:~话。~明。演~。解~。介绍:~合(a.从中介绍;b.商议;c.说和。“合”均读轻声)。~媒。言论,主张:学~。著书立~。责备:数~。文体的一种……



汉语拼音:xié shuō








  1. 荒谬有害的言论。

    《孟子·滕文公下》:“我亦欲正人心,息邪説,距詖行,放淫辞,以承三圣者。” 宋 苏轼 《道德》:“去圣益远,邪説滋炽。” 清 唐孙华 《赠赵松一》诗:“邪説既纷紜,大道日离畔。” 老舍 《二马》第五段:“她跑了,咱们还要她……自要她肯不再念那些邪说谬论!”



  1. Once the extra dimensions of M theory have curled up, particle physics provides a plausible understanding of how the universe evolved.


  2. His works now only served to prolong and propagate the evil proposition the prophet proclaimed, and all with great proficiency.


  3. HE has been accused of promoting devil-worship and denounced for trivialising some of Britain's most ancient traditions.


  4. He also said that the Chinese religious circle should be alert to false theories and evil sayings and never let it stir up trouble.


  5. To the man of letters it is a missile that he can fling in the reader's face to disprove the pestilent heresy.


  6. More effective and pervasive education programs may help dispel such myths, but Corless calls for more.


  7. Time travel was once considered scientific heresy.


  8. Most blind beliefs in heretical ideas and various taboos originate in some religious mentality.


  9. The crumbling away of prejudices and errors causes light.


  1. 犯异端邪说罪

    be guilty of heresy.

  2. 他不容异端邪说。

    He is intolerant of heresy.

  3. 阿里乌斯异端邪说

    the Arian heresy.

  4. 早期新教徒的异端邪说

    the heresies of the early Protestants

  5. 克制是异端邪说的敌人。

    Continence is the foe of heresy.

  6. 我们应该公开指摘异端邪说。

    We should denounce a heresy.

  7. 我们应该公开指责异端邪说。

    We should denounce a heresy.

  8. 异教徒。信封邪说的人

    Heretic a person who favors heresy or is guilty of a heresy

  9. 所有的这些都是异端邪说。

    All this is grand heresy.

  10. 邪说非正统的观点或教义

    A heterodox opinion or doctrine.

  11. 似是而非及异端邪说被视为真理。

    Halftruth and hearsay was called truth.

  12. 现在,在设计界 这是异端邪说

    Now, this is heresy in the design world.

  13. 我出力打破了邪说和谬见。

    I have aided in the overthrow of prejudices and errors.

  14. 试图用暴力消除异端邪说是徒劳的。

    It is vain to attempt to root out heresy by force.

  15. 她认为应该增加税收,这是异端邪说。

    Her belief that taxes should be higher was heresy.

  16. 科学假说与伪科学歪理邪说的分界

    Separatrix between Science Assumption and Pseudoscience Heresy

  17. 你不要被这些歪理邪说蒙骗了。

    Don't let yourself be taken in by such absurd deception.

  18. 邪说和谬见得崩溃造成了光明。

    The crumbling away of prejudices and errors causes light.

  19. 邪说和谬见的崩溃造成了光明。

    The crumbling away of prejudices and errors causes light.

  20. 在火刑柱上烧死异端邪说者。

    Burning heretics at the stake.

  21. 在其他时代, 基督教也被当成异端邪说。

    Other times, christianity was considered heresy.

  22. 他的一些同时代的考虑他的一些想法是异端邪说。

    Some of his contemporaries considered some of his ideas to be heretical.

  23. 或将您使用他们自己的歪理邪说优势?

    Or will you use them to your own devious advantage?

  24. 他就早期新教徒的异端邪说作了演讲。

    He gave a speech on the heresies of the early Protestants.

  25. 破坏社会稳定, 宣扬迷信邪说, 蒙骗群众

    Damaged social stability, promulgated superstition and fallacies and deceived people

  26. 时间旅行时间旅行曾一度被当作科学邪说

    They think, I am a girl not to give them money is not everything is obedient, treason and heresy, are unfilial.

  27. 提出这样一个观点可能会被视为异端邪说。

    It might be considered heresy to suggest such a notion.

  28. 一切伟大的真理起初都被视为大逆不道的邪说。

    All great truths begin as blasphemies.

  29. 伏邪说在感染性疾病治疗中的意义

    The Sgnificance of the Doctrine of Insidious Pathogen in the Treatment of Infectious Disease

  30. 视网膜光损伤与中医光毒邪说理论探析

    Analysis of Retinal Light Injury and the Theory of Light Poison


  1. 问:邪说拼音怎么拼?邪说的读音是什么?邪说翻译成英文是什么?

    答:邪说的读音是xiéshuō,邪说翻译成英文是 heresy; heretical ideas; the absurd harmful com...




拼音:xíe shūo 基本解释 [heretical ideas;fallacy;heresy] 不正当的议论、主张 辟邪说 详细解释 荒谬有害的言论。

《孟子·滕文公下》:“我亦欲正人心,息邪说,距詖行,放淫辞,以承三圣者。” 宋 苏轼 《道德》:“去圣益远,邪说滋炽。” 清 唐孙华 《赠赵松一》诗:“邪说既纷纭,大道日离畔。” 老舍 《二马》第五段:“她跑了,咱们还要她……自要她肯不再念那些邪说谬论!” 另:佛教中指不符合佛陀释迦牟尼所说正法的修行理论。如:“彼有邪说法之诸外道”(《南传律藏》)