




1. 头 [tóu]2. 头 [tou]头 [tóu]人身体的最上部分或动物身体的最前的部分:~骨。~脑。~脸(a.头和脸;b.指面貌;c.指面子,体面)。~角(jiǎo )(喻青年的气概或才华)。指头发或所留头发的样式:留~。剃~。物体的……



汉语拼音:láng tou







  1. 亦作“桹头”。锤子。

    明 汤显祖 《牡丹亭·肃苑》:“嗏!敢几个小榔头把你分的朗。”《红楼梦》第三九回:“我们村庄上的人商量着还要拿榔头砸他呢。” 清 沉曰霖 《晋人麈·异闻·囚徒妖法》:“一日讯囚,严加夹击,终不敢承,视之若无苦者。乃下于狱,明日又讯夹之,自朝至暮,加以桹头无数,其不承如故也。”



  1. Known as the "Iron Hammer" for her powerful spikes , Lang has appeared on her own postage stamp.


  2. All of a sudden you think is never done, like pain under the hammer with you.


  3. Ms. Osbourne, for her part, tried to run him over with a car, smashing his gold records with a hammer and taking out a restraining order.


  4. The spear, mace, and axe were relatively easy to manufacture and use, but somewhat cumbersome in actual hand-to-hand combat.


  5. And then one day, she passed away. You finally remembered all the things that you should have done. It pounded your heart like a hammer.


  6. Trembling with fear, they spotted an old man with a hammer and chisel, chipping away at one of the headstones .


  7. there is no a dedicated Department to advance planning and coordination, hammer, and, with a hammer.


  8. To replace the sprinklers, we could punch holes in the pipe with a hammer and nail and let water dribble out to the plants.


  9. Many passengers take out a small hammer on board, broke down the car windows, the passengers fled the car have Fanchuang.


  1. 敲榔头的人

    brass pounder.

  2. 用榔头捶打铁板

    hammer away at the iron plate

  3. 工人用榔头敲钉子。

    The worker struck the nail with a hammer.

  4. 她可以装备皮甲以及榔头。

    She can equip Leather Armor and Hammer.

  5. 我被榔头砸了自己的小拇指。

    I smashed my pinkie with a hammer.

  6. 榔头和锯子都是有用的工具。

    A hammer and a saw are useful tools.

  7. 我放下轨距, 拿起了榔头。

    I put down the gauge and picked up a hammer.

  8. 我放下轨距,拿起了榔头。

    I put down the gauge and picked up a hammer.

  9. 从厨房给我拿个榔头,好吗?

    Get me a hammer from the kitchen, will you?

  10. 他停下手里的活儿,放下榔头。

    He stops his work and puts down his hammer.

  11. 从厨房给我拿一个榔头好吗?

    Get me a hammer from the kitchen, will you?

  12. 她用榔头猛敲他的汽车前灯。

    She took a hammer to the headlamps of his car.

  13. 喂,握住这把改锥,我用榔头试试

    Here, cop hold of the screwdriver while I try the hammer

  14. 你知道我是多想抓住榔头,对吧?

    You know how much I wanted to get hammer, right?

  15. 我可以用榔头跟几个钉子修好的。

    I can fix that with a hammer and some nails.

  16. 我可以用榔头跟几个钉子修好得。

    I can fix that with a hammer and some nails.

  17. 即便用16磅榔头敲,玻璃也不会炸。

    Even if is knocked with16 pounds hammer, glass also wont scamper.

  18. 我没有榔头,不过这块石头也会合我用。

    I haven't got a hammer, but this stone should serve my purpose.

  19. 一把榔头能造成这样,真是让人惊讶呀!

    A hammer can make this. So surprised I am.

  20. 木匠的榔头砸不准钉子,倒砸着自己的手。

    The carpenter's hammer misses the nail and hits his finger.

  21. 他拿起一个榔头,在墙上敲出一个洞。

    He took a hammer and recessed a hole into the wall.

  22. 他拿起一个榔头,在墙上敲出一个洞。

    He took a hammer and recessed a hole into the wall.

  23. 另外,他还拿来一个榔头,一把钳子,一个改锥。

    In addition, he used a hammer, a pair of pliers, a screwdriver.

  24. 有些部件可能需要更换,比如说榔头和呢毡。

    Some may need replacement parts such as hammers or felts.

  25. 翻新这么大一圈得围墙,就用这把榔头么?

    Should I renovate this big enclosing wall with this hammer?

  26. 翻新这么大一圈的围墙,就用这把榔头么?

    Should I renovate this big enclosing wall with this hammer?

  27. 那名所谓得间谍被人用榔头打烂了头骨。

    The alleged spy was brained with a hammer.

  28. 那名所谓的间谍被人用榔头打烂了头骨。

    The alleged spy was brained with a hammer.

  29. 那名所谓的间谍被人用榔头打烂了头骨。

    The alleged spy was brained with a hammer.

  30. 她使出全身力气抡起榔头砸向他的脑袋。

    She swung the hammer at his head with all her might.


  1. 问:榔头拼音怎么拼?榔头的读音是什么?榔头翻译成英文是什么?

    答:榔头的读音是lángtou,榔头翻译成英文是 hammer



lángtou [hammer] 锤子。也作“狼头”(因形状像狼头得名)