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1. 喷 [pēn]2. 喷 [pèn]喷 [pēn]散着射出:~出。~涌。~发。~饭(形容极其可笑)。~薄(形容气势壮盛,激荡喷涌而出,如“一轮红日~~而出”)。~洒。~泉。~壶。井~。喷 [pèn]香气扑鼻:~香的热馒头。蔬菜、鱼虾、瓜……
1. 发 [fā]2. 发 [fà]发 [fā]交付,送出:分~。~放。~行(批发)。放,射:~射。百~百中。焕~。表达,阐述:~表。~凡(陈述某一学科或一本书的要旨)。阐~。散开,分散:~散。开展,张大,扩大:~展。~扬。打开,揭露:~现……
汉语拼音:pēn fā
夏丏尊 叶圣陶 《文心》十:“或者你来到群众聚集的大会场,感觉到群众的激昂情绪有如海潮的汹涌,有如火山的喷发。” 茅盾 《子夜》十七:“她和她哥哥同禀着刚强的天性,不过在她这面是一向敛而不露。现在,她这久蕴的天性却要喷发!”
郭风 《麦笛集·木兰溪畔--村庄》:“它的榨油坊喷发着花生的香味。”
At the image top, over Io's limb, a bluish plume rises about 140 kilometers above the surface of a volcanic caldera known as Pillan Patera.
在这张照片的顶部,木卫一的表面上升起了一道大约140千米高的青烟,它从名为PillanPatera的火山口喷发而出。Climate scientists have suspected - but never been able to prove - that the CO2 was the result of a huge belch of gas from the oceans.
气候学家猜测——但仍未被证明——二氧化碳是来自海洋的大规模气体喷发的结果。At least part of the cause of this extinction seems to have been huge volcanic eruptions that poured carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.
这次生物大灭绝事件的发生似乎至少部分是因为大量的火山喷发,火山喷发将大量的二氧化碳喷到大气中。Many of the procedures we tried had never been used before on an active explosive volcano .
我们采用的许多试验方法,过去还从未在一次活喷发火山地区用过。Even when it isn't erupting, smoke comes out of the earth on top of it out of thousands of little holes.
即使不喷发,烟也会从山顶地上的成千上万个小孔中冒出来。Its natural beauty was created by a succession of volcanoes making it a fascinating geological masterpiece.
它美丽的自然风光得益于火山的不断喷发,其景色令人心驰神往。In two letters to the historian Tacitus, the nephew of Pliny the Elder wrote the only eyewitness account of the great eruption of Vesuvius .
在给塔希托的两封信中,老普林尼的侄子写了有关威苏威火山大喷发的唯一的证言。If magma is going to erupt, it will start to move within the earth's crust and force its way up to migrate to the surface.
如果岩浆即将喷发,它会先在地壳内流动,然后向上流向地球表面。The most recent solar eruption is one of the first signs that the sun is waking up and heading toward another maximum.