




通:四通八~。~德(通行天下的美德)。~人。~士(达人)。通晓:洞~。练~。遍,全面:~观(对不如意的事情看得开,不计个人的得失)。到:到~。抵~。通宵~旦。实现:目的已~。传出来:传(chuán)~。转(zhuǎn )~。得到显要的地位:……



汉语拼音:gāo dá








  1. 谓才高而通达。

    《后汉书·逸民传·戴良》:“ 良 才既高达,而论议尚奇,多骇流俗。” 五代 齐己 《寄欧阳侍郎》诗:“毕竟男儿自高达,从来心不是悠悠。”

  2. 旷达脱俗。

    北魏 高允 《酒训》:“往者有 晋 ,士多失度,肆散诞以为不羈,纵长酣以为高达。”

  3. 上升。

    唐 令狐楚 《为桂府王珙中丞贺南郊表》:“云敛而柴燎高达,风清而萧薌远闻。”



  1. Firing one regular sized marshmallow (not included) at a time, the Marshmallow Blaster has the power to hit targets up to 40 feet away.


  2. Lack of vitamin A causes up to half a million children to go blind each year, of whom half die within a year.


  3. Mr Lee estimated that the total size of the distressed market in Asia-Pacific, excluding Japan, was as high as $100bn.


  4. "The American people are trying to figure out, " Mr. Obama said, "how can something have 90 percent support and yet not happen? "


  5. The eye-popping 4 trillion yuan stimulus package unveiled by China's State Council this week is to be spent over the next two years.


  6. It had become a byword for reckless lending , offering home loans of up to 125% and borrowing heavily on the international money markets.


  7. Development groups have estimated the money needed at up to $400bn a year.


  8. Web Accelerator, which will optimize the system settings of your present Internet connection and raise your Web surfing speed by up to 300%.


  9. That investigation also found a six-day working week, with staff working up to 288 hours a month.


  1. 海浪高达50英尺

    We had a waves up to 48 ft.

  2. 摩天大楼高达500尺。

    The skyscraper stands 500 feet.

  3. 高达几千美元

    mount up to thousands of dollars

  4. 气温高达85至90度

    the temperature was in the high eighties

  5. 气温高达85至90度

    the temperature was in the high eighties

  6. 温度高达90多度。

    The temperature was up in the nineties.

  7. 几率高达一百倍。

    To infection about 100 times a day.

  8. 海浪高达25 到50英尺

    The waves were 25 to 48 feet high.

  9. 大坝将高达600英尺。

    The dam will stand 600 feet high.

  10. 高达屋檐的灌木丛

    ShruBBery reaching up to the eaves

  11. 高达屋檐的灌木树

    shruBBery reaching up to the eaves

  12. 常绿小乔木,高达5米

    Scientific Name Citrus reticulata Blanco.

  13. 这座办公楼高达475。6米。

    It is 475 metres 60 centimetres high.

  14. 昨天气温高达80多度。

    The temperature was up in the eighties yesterday.

  15. 缩水率高达每10米15公分

    a shrinkage of 15cm in a length of 10m.

  16. 这个物种可高达116米

    The range of the species goes up to as much as 378 feet tall.

  17. 乔木,高达15米,达40厘米直径。

    Trees to 15 m tall, to 40 cm d.b.h.

  18. 茎纤细,单一,高达6厘米。

    Stem slender,simple,to 6 cm high,reddish.

  19. 看那座塔, 它高达。

    Look at the tower, it is as high as sixty metres.

  20. 高达两百万的物业税

    into the city every year.

  21. 埃弗勒斯峰高达8848公尺。

    Mt. Everest rises 8848 meters.

  22. 可能性甚至高达3到4倍

    sometimes by three to four times as much.

  23. 辍学率高达百分之七十。

    School dropout rate is up to 68 percent.

  24. 企鹅跳起来可高达6英尺。

    Penguins can jump as high as6 feet in the air.

  25. 佛像连座均高达2米以上。

    They are all above2 meters high.

  26. 天气很热, 气温高达38摄氏度。

    It was very hot. The temperature went up to 38 centigrade.

  27. 某些蒲类高达三十英尺。

    Certain rushes reached 30 feet in height.

  28. 这些花费可高达数千欧元。

    Those costs run to thousands of euros.

  29. 他们以高达30节的速度行进。

    They travel at speeds of up to 30 knots.

  30. 盆浴要使用得水量高达100升!

    A bath can use up to98 litres of water!


  1. 问:高达拼音怎么拼?高达的读音是什么?高达翻译成英文是什么?

    答:高达的读音是gāodá,高达翻译成英文是 Gundam, a Japanese animated series, created by Su...

  2. 问:高达奇拼音怎么拼?高达奇的读音是什么?高达奇翻译成英文是什么?

    答:高达奇的读音是Gāodáqí,高达奇翻译成英文是 Gadácsi; Gadácsy

  3. 问:高达尼拼音怎么拼?高达尼的读音是什么?高达尼翻译成英文是什么?

    答:高达尼的读音是Gāodání,高达尼翻译成英文是 Gadányi

  4. 问:高达特拼音怎么拼?高达特的读音是什么?高达特翻译成英文是什么?

    答:高达特的读音是Gāodátè,高达特翻译成英文是 Gaudat

  5. 问:高达寺址拼音怎么拼?高达寺址的读音是什么?高达寺址翻译成英文是什么?

    答:高达寺址的读音是gāodá sì zhǐ,高达寺址翻译成英文是 Godalsa Temple Site

  6. 问:高达干酪拼音怎么拼?高达干酪的读音是什么?高达干酪翻译成英文是什么?

    答:高达干酪的读音是gāodá gānlào,高达干酪翻译成英文是 Gouda

  7. 问:高达格斗拼音怎么拼?高达格斗的读音是什么?高达格斗翻译成英文是什么?

    答:高达格斗的读音是Gāodágédòu,高达格斗翻译成英文是 Gundam: Battle Assault



“高达”是个多义词,它可以指高达(剑侠情缘3中蓝色品质远程武器), 高达(日本机器人动画), 高达(倪匡笔下人物), 高达(南宋襄阳守将)。