







汉语拼音:dǎo wén






  1. 祈祷时所用的文辞。古代文体之一。

    《后汉书·皇甫规传》:“﹝ 皇甫规 ﹞所著赋、铭、碑、讚、祷文、弔、章表、教令、书、檄、牋记,凡二十七篇。” 曹禺 等《胆剑篇》第三幕:“ 太辛 爹--七十上下,精神旺健,他领着一些百姓走来,他们纷纷读着求雨的祷文,手里举着树枝和祭旗。”



  1. That would be a lamentable fate for the "Great Sea" , invoked in a Jewish prayer which gives this book its title.


  2. After a little while of silence, he said he thought somebody might read a prayer.


  3. What he saw that day was like an answered prayer.


  4. He took a breath, then added his mantra: "Love each other or die. "


  5. The X-ray imaging showed its contents, including the name of the scribe who overwrote the parchment with religious text.


  6. She says her prayers every night before she goes to bed.


  7. To say the Jesus Prayer a hundred time attentively and without haste, about half an hour is needed, but some ascetics require even longer.


  8. In His prayer in John 17, Christ said, 'Holy Father, protect them by the power of your Name.


  9. The Lord's Prayer was prefigured by an Egyptian hymn to Osiris - beginning by Amen, "O Amen, O Amen, who are in heaven. "


  1. 他们吟咏的祷文。

    Their chantlike intoned prayers.

  2. 祈求祷文恳求祈祷者

    say prayer ask earnestly entreat

  3. 叽哩咕咕地念祷文

    to singsong the prayer

  4. 我一定得念祷文吗

    DO I have to say a prayer

  5. 教士念祷文, 祈神赐福。

    The priest pronounced a blessing.

  6. 用作诵读祷文的台桌。

    A desk at which the litany is recited.

  7. 同样,念耶稣祷文也是如此。

    Begin to pronounce it with adoration and love.

  8. 尤用於祷文中的祈使句

    To look out. Often used in the imperative. esp imperative in prayers

  9. 现在我们来念主祷文。

    We will now say the lord's prayer.

  10. 因为你是我对上天的祷文

    Cause you are my litany to heaven

  11. 很快这里将有蜡烛和祷文。

    Soon there'll be candles and prayers.

  12. 他们站起来吟诵下午祷文。

    They stood and intoned their afternoon prayers.

  13. 神父庄重地念了最后的祷文。

    The priest intoned the final prayer.

  14. 她每晚就寝前念祷文。

    She say her prayers every night before she go to bed.

  15. 湿婆并不需要很多祷文。

    Siva requires few articles of worship.

  16. 我很多年没听过祝祷文了。

    I haven't heard the Kiddush for ages.

  17. 牧师再也没有用那篇祷文。

    The Padre never used that prayer again.

  18. 在这一章,我以一篇祷文作结。

    But I end this chapter on amends with a prayer.

  19. 和李阳一起读巴哈伊祷文。

    Read Bahai prayers with Li Yang.

  20. 这篇祷文记于我这本书得最后,

    Let me conclude with a prayer that I have in the end of my book.

  21. 这篇祷文记于我这本书的最后,

    Let me conclude with a prayer that I have in the end of my book.

  22. 政客们在电视演播室里朗诵祷文。

    Politicians recite their liturgies in TV studios.

  23. 我上学时每天早晨都念祷文。

    When I was at school we had prayers every morning.

  24. 这些祷文是专为患癌症的人写的。

    These prayers have been written specially for people suffering from cancer.

  25. 这时, 她们把圣经的祷文倒过来念。

    Becuz when they mumble theyre saying the Lords Prayer backards.

  26. 很快这里会充满悲伤的鲜花和祷文。

    Soon there'll be flowers and prayers that are sad.

  27. 另外,学生被要求齐声背诵主祷文。

    In addition, the students were to recite the Lord's Prayer in unison.

  28. 主祷文的第五诉求是最特别的。

    The 5 th petition of the Lord's Prayer is the most special.

  29. 他们让我诵读这个星期的短祷文。

    I was asked to say the collect for the week.

  30. 他们让我诵读这个星期的短祷文。

    I was asked to say the collect for the week.


  1. 问:祷文拼音怎么拼?祷文的读音是什么?祷文翻译成英文是什么?

    答:祷文的读音是dǎowén,祷文翻译成英文是 prayer



祷文 dǎowén 伴有回声或连续吟唱的祷文 作者诵读他对生、死、洪水、水和天空这些捉摸不定的事物的祷文 在古代祷文有时是为了向天道说明一件事情的缘由,有时是为了上天能体恤人心,答应一个要求;沟通或者告知的作用,比如咒术,巫术等也有用到.