







汉语拼音:shén zhì







  1. 精神志气。

    《晋书·刘曜载记》:“ 曜 立太学於 长乐宫 东,小学於 未央宫 西,简百姓二十五已下十三已上,神志可教者千五百人,选朝贤宿儒明经篤学以教之。” 唐 柳宗元 《与杨京兆凭书》:“凡为文,以神志为主。”

  2. 知觉和理智。

    《宋书·王僧达传》:“比日眩瞀更甚,风虚渐剧,凑理合闭,荣卫惛底,心气忡弱,神志疲散。”《红楼梦》第九六回:“ 寳玉 失玉以后,神志惛憒,医药无效。” 姚雪垠 《李自成》第一卷第十三章:“他站在 一功 的床边,看见他果然神志清爽了。”



  1. Her mind is totally alienated, which, according to her mother's account, is sometimes the consequence of an confinement.


  2. But his strength ebbed, his eyes glazed, and he knew nothing when the train was flagged and the two men threw him into the baggage car.


  3. The patient was feverish and out of his head and had to be watched.


  4. He was only ill the last two years and he was totally clear right up to the end, the most marvellous company.


  5. Hooked up to the heart rate monitor was a pale body, staring off into the ceiling, seeming like she was off in La La land of sorts.


  6. To do that, they need her to be conscious and responsive through the beginning of the operation process.


  7. He also told the company that he was unable to make an informed decision at the time as he was intoxicated with alcohol.


  8. After I realized he was lucid, I said, Hugh, the speech wasn't good enough to give anyone a heart attack!


  9. We know these three patients were conscious as they were able to respond repeatedly to the instructions we had given them.


  1. 神志不正常

    be wrong in the head.

  2. 使神志恍惚

    To put into a trance.

  3. 神志清醒期间

    lucid intervals.

  4. 他神志不太正常。

    He is not quite sane.

  5. 他病得神志昏迷。

    He was so ill he became delirious.

  6. 我的孩子神志昏迷。

    My child is delirious.

  7. 他神志昏迷说胡话。

    He raved in his delirium.

  8. 酒入肠胃,神志昏迷。

    When wine is in truth is out.

  9. 他似乎神志完全正常。

    He seemed perfectly sane.

  10. 你一定神志不清了。

    You must be out of sorts.

  11. 老太婆也许神志昏迷了。

    Perhaps the old woman was out of her head.

  12. 你认为他神志清醒吗?

    Do you think he's all there? ?

  13. 我有些神志不清,然后。

    I got a little confused, and.

  14. 我有些神志不清,然后。

    I got a little confused, and.

  15. 她神志昏乱, 但有时清醒。

    She's delirious but has lucid intervals.

  16. 神志正常与不正常的分界线

    the boundary between sanity and insanity

  17. 她神志昏乱,但时而清醒。

    She's delirious, but has lucid intervals.

  18. 我就已经神志不清了

    and I feel hollow. jangly.

  19. 他犯罪时,神志十分清醒。

    He was perfectly sane when he committed the crime.

  20. 使受催眠似地神志恍惚

    to be hypnotically entranced

  21. 在麻醉剂影响下神志不清

    dazed with drugs

  22. 突发性癫痫神志不清楚。

    Epilepsy characterized by paroxysmal attacks of brief clouding of consciousness.

  23. 他已94岁,神志日衰。

    He s 94 and his mind is going, ie he is becoming senile.

  24. 我差点就神志不清了

    I'd nearly lost my mind.

  25. 他喝酒喝得神志不清了。

    He was stupefied with alcohol.

  26. 她的表情证明她神志清醒正常。

    Her expression bespoke sobriety and saneness of soul.

  27. 他受了伤,不过神志还清醒。

    He is hurt but still conscious.

  28. 心脏监测器显示患者神志不清。

    The heart monitor shows low levels of consciousness.

  29. 不,当然没有,你都神志不清了

    No, of course not. You are strung out!

  30. 她那样做肯定是神志不清。

    She must be out of her senses to act in that way.


  1. 问:神志拼音怎么拼?神志的读音是什么?神志翻译成英文是什么?

    答:神志的读音是shénzhì,神志翻译成英文是 mind

  2. 问:神志清明拼音怎么拼?神志清明的读音是什么?神志清明翻译成英文是什么?

    答:神志清明的读音是shénzhì qīngmíng,神志清明翻译成英文是 clear-headed

  3. 问:神志那拼音怎么拼?神志那的读音是什么?神志那翻译成英文是什么?

    答:神志那的读音是Shénzhìnà,神志那翻译成英文是 Kōjina

  4. 问:神志不清拼音怎么拼?神志不清的读音是什么?神志不清翻译成英文是什么?

    答:神志不清的读音是shén zhì bù qīng,神志不清翻译成英文是 obnubilation

  5. 问:神志正常拼音怎么拼?神志正常的读音是什么?神志正常翻译成英文是什么?

    答:神志正常的读音是shénzhìzhèngcháng,神志正常翻译成英文是 imputability

  6. 问:神志清醒的拼音怎么拼?神志清醒的的读音是什么?神志清醒的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:神志清醒的的读音是,神志清醒的翻译成英文是 lucid

  7. 问:神志短暂清醒期拼音怎么拼?神志短暂清醒期的读音是什么?神志短暂清醒期翻译成英文是什么?

    答:神志短暂清醒期的读音是shén zhì duǎn zàn qīng xǐng qī,神志短暂清醒期翻译成英文是 lucid interval

