


金钱和物资:~产。~富。~经。~贸。~东。~政。~务。~会(kuài )。古同“才”(a.才能;才干。b.仅仅)。古同“裁”,裁决。……





汉语拼音:cái yuán







  1. 钱财的来源。语本《荀子·富国》:“上得天时,下得地利,中得人和,则财货浑浑如泉源,汸汸如河海。”《西游记》第七八回:“万户千门生意好,六街三市广财源。”《清史稿·食货志一》:“开鑛产以扩财源。” 周恩来 《迅速出师讨伐蒋介石》:“巩固政权,控制财源。”



  1. Joe worked 7 days a week for 5 years to make his restaurant the best in town. Now the money is rolling in and he's living on easy street.


  2. When he saw that this wretched resource was becoming exhausted, he gave up his garden and allowed it to run to waste.


  3. Mr. Mubarak's military backers, beneficiaries of that aid, worried that he was no longer a reliable source of revenue.


  4. "We did not know where our coffers were, but now we do, " he said, referring to oil and gas.


  5. Away for a year of hard work, but also ushered in a new years, I wish you in the new year, the grand plans, plenty of money!


  6. If I merely want money the present system is all right; it gives money in plenty to me.


  7. Such a move could bring in plenty of cash, even if it does appear a bit, er, anti-social.


  8. The rich man's business flourishes, with money rolling in. Now, all there is left with him is a desire to send his spoiled son to college.


  9. He could have easily stayed at home, for he had plenty of financial resources to keep him from worrying about medical bills.


  1. 财源滚滚。

    The money is rolling in.

  2. 扩大财源。

    Open up new sources of revenue.

  3. 开辟财源。

    Explore more sources of revenue.

  4. 财源枯竭。

    Financial resources were exhausted.

  5. 财源滚滚啊

    It never gets old.

  6. 财源新模式

    new model of finance.

  7. 财源广进。

    May a river of gold flow into your pockets.

  8. 他们财源茂盛。

    They were coining money

  9. 绿色财源建设

    green finance source construction.

  10. 意味着财源滚滚。

    That means more money.

  11. 财源滚滚而来。

    Money is just rolling in.

  12. 大财源, 如矿藏

    a source of great riches, such as a mine

  13. 财源即将枯竭了。

    Funds are approaching vanishingpoint.

  14. 突然开始财源滚滚

    suddenly began raking in the money.

  15. 文明经商, 财源滚滚。

    For those who doing business honorably, money will roll in.

  16. 文明经商,财源滚滚。

    For those who doing business honorably, money will roll in.

  17. 岁入来自如下财源。

    The revenue is derived from the following sources.

  18. 万事顺顺,财源滚滚!

    The all things are suitable, the source of wealth is billowing!

  19. 祝您来年财源滚滚!

    I hope you have money in great abundance in the year ahead!

  20. 恭祝新年财源广进。

    May a river of gold flow into your pocket in the new year.

  21. 祝你今年财源滚滚。

    May your financial future be filled with profits this year.

  22. 校长说学校缺乏财源。

    The headmaster said the school was being starved of.

  23. 要是财源不断就好了!

    If only one had an unlimited supply of money!

  24. 要是财源不断就好了!

    If only one had an unlimited supply of money!

  25. 这个国家的财源殷实吗

    Are the country's finances sound.

  26. 无财源的经常计划活动

    Unfunded regular program activities

  27. 有独立财源的退休人士

    Retired Persons with Independent Means

  28. 他们将成为家庭的财源。

    They are becoming the milch cow of the family.

  29. 薪俸这一类财源的收入

    The revenue from such assets.

  30. 敬祝宝号生意兴隆、财源滚滚!

    I wish you thriving business and great fortune!


  1. 问:财源拼音怎么拼?财源的读音是什么?财源翻译成英文是什么?

    答:财源的读音是cáiyuán,财源翻译成英文是 financial resources; source of money

  2. 问:财源滚滚拼音怎么拼?财源滚滚的读音是什么?财源滚滚翻译成英文是什么?

    答:财源滚滚的读音是cái yuán gǔn gǔn,财源滚滚翻译成英文是 profits pouring in from all sides; raking i...