




1. 风 [fēng]2. 风 [fěng]风 [fēng]空气流动的现象。气象学特指空气在水平方向的流动:~向。~速。~级。~险。~波(喻纠纷或乱子)。~雨如磐(a.指风雨不断,天色黑暗,给人以重压的感觉;b.喻社会黑暗或境地艰难)。~花……



汉语拼音:chéng fēng







  1. 形成风气;已成习惯。

    唐 韩愈 《应所在典贴良人男女等状》:“原其本末,或因水旱不熟,或因公私债负,遂相典贴,渐以成风。”《资治通鉴·后唐庄宗同光二年》:“伪 梁 之季,贿赂成风。” 清 李渔 《风筝误·闺哄》:“二娘 梅氏 ,嫉妬成风,咆哮作性。”

  2. 轻快得像风一样。参见“ 成风斤 ”。



  1. Mid-Autumn Festival trouble with the wind, scraping the sky, happiness has become a trend, head-blowing.


  2. The Election Commission has shown itself vigilant enough to suggest that Thailand's endemic vote-buying will become harder to get away with.


  3. After decades of mismanagement, corruption and a 14-year-long war, Liberia is in a worse state than it was in the 1970s.


  4. The shearing wind helicity and thermal wind helicity are introduced and applied to a northeastern cold vortex rainfall event.


  5. Customers are snapping up its trendy pants and tops to wear to class and , increasingly, to the supermarket or out to dinner.


  6. Thus, the increased (decreased) thermal winds over the northern (southern) plateau region will strengthen (weaken) the west wind.


  7. The local U. S. attorney, Eddie Jordan, has called corruption in the (police) department "pervasive, rampant and systemic. "


  8. Many Chinese sports analysts and scholars point to endemic corruption within the association as one root cause of the sport's ills.


  9. But experts warn discrimination is still rife in the workplace and in hospitals, hindering these efforts.


  1. 节约成风。

    Thrift has become the prevailing practice.

  2. 后门成风。

    The malpractice of going in for back door deals became common.

  3. 虚夸成风。

    Boasting has become daily practice.

  4. 国内旅游成风。

    Tourism has become very popular in this country.

  5. 如今攀比成风。

    It is nowadays a common practice to keep up with the joneses.

  6. 该城腐败成风。

    The city is riddled with corruption.

  7. 贪污成风, 廉耻扫地

    Officials become habitual grafters without any sense of shame or decency

  8. 当地政府里腐败成风。

    Local government has a rempant corruption.

  9. 一个好客成风的地方。

    A locality where the spirit of hospitality pervades.

  10. 成风文化传播广告有限公司。


  11. 结果当然是贪污成风。

    As a result, rampant corruption becomes a way of life.

  12. 那个国家依然贪污成风。

    Corruption is still rife in that country.

  13. 这是个腐败成风的国家。

    It is a country where corruption is rife.

  14. 那个国家里仍然贪污成风。

    Corruption is still running rife in that country.

  15. 住在好客成风的地方是很愉快的。

    It is pleasant to live in a locality where hospitality pervades.

  16. 非热成风平衡基流的对称不稳定

    Symmetric instability of non thermal wind balance basic flow

  17. 大气扰动以热成风的方向运动过程。

    The movement of an atmospheric disturbance in the direction of the nearest thermal wind.

  18. 废品站收赃成风监管处于真空地

    The Rampancy of the Illegal Purchasing In the Wastes Recycling Point Is Because of the Manage ment beout of order

  19. 权实施中。出售国有资产成风, 状况堪忧。

    It is worried that the asset sales to private in. The water field reformation become a fashion.

  20. 那些日子喝酒成风。大多数人都痛饮。

    Those were drinking days and most men drank hard.

  21. 而俄罗斯正在向腐败成风和国家占有转变。

    Russia, however, is drifting toward a condition of endemic corruption and state predation.

  22. 不再是乱砍盗伐成风,而正走向长治久安。

    It is become a common practice of hackle steel strike no longer, and moving toward long period of order and stability.

  23. 没想到这种格子图案得大衣会靡然成风。

    It is a big surprise that this kind of checked overcoat has become a trend.

  24. 没想到这种格子图案的大衣会靡然成风。

    It is a big surprise that this kind of checked overcoat has become a trend.

  25. 没想到这种格子图案的大衣会靡然成风。

    It is a big surprise that this kind of checked overcoat has become a trend.

  26. 中秋节烦恼随风, 刮向天空, 快乐成风, 迎面吹送。

    MidAutumn Festival trouble with the wind, scraping the sky, happiness has become a trend, headblowing.

  27. 国产动漫原创匮乏、抄袭成风早已有之,于今更烈。

    Lack of domestic original animation, plagiarism has long been rife, even more strongly today.

  28. 大运动量增氧舞蹈乃是随着慢跑成风的时尚附带产生的。

    Aerobic dancing piggybacked on the jogging craze.

  29. 我也多希望自己能变成云、变成花、化成风、化成蝶啊!

    How I wish that I could become a butterfly, Fluttering after Your footsteps.

  30. 时下侈靡成风,中华民族的勤俭美德被一些人抛在脑后。

    Luxurious living has become the current fashion. The Chinese traditional virtue of being diligent and thrifty has been abandoned by some people.


  1. 问:成风拼音怎么拼?成风的读音是什么?成风翻译成英文是什么?

    答:成风的读音是chéngfēng,成风翻译成英文是 become common practice; become the order of th...