







汉语拼音:sǐ bìng






  1. 不治之症。

    《孔丛子·嘉言》:“夫死病不可为医。” 宋 张畋 《九河公语录》:“头上疮,公勿疑,不是死病。”



  1. The mortal form of greyscale began in the extremities, he knew: a tingling in a fingertip, a toenail turning black, a loss of feeling.


  2. "Garin's Curse is only greyscale, " said Tyrion.


  3. Though mortal, greyscale was supposedly not painful.


  4. Death had lost its terror for Tyrion Lannister, but greyscale was another matter.


  5. Some say it helps prevent the greyscale.


  6. since She has been ill since last Sunday.


  7. Progress in the research on the shoot blight of Asian pear


  8. How to control cotton yellow-leaves withered disease


  9. Mask of the Gray Death


  1. 黑死病,鼠疫

    the Black Death

  2. 黑死病的后果

    Consequences of the Black Death

  3. 黑死病及其后果

    Black Death and its consequences

  4. 红死病下载

    Masque of the Red Death, The.

  5. 家兔唇坏死病

    labial necrosis of rabbits.

  6. 人死病灾除。

    Death frees us from ills.

  7. 黑死病前后的欧洲

    Europe Around Black Death.

  8. 试论黑死病爆发的偶然性

    A Study on the Chance of the Black Death

  9. 什么是黑死病?什么是七彩鱼瘟?

    What is black disease ?What is discus plague ?

  10. 没有艾滋病或是黑死病那么严重。

    No worse than AIDS or bubonic plague.

  11. 她常死病,吃许多多少药。

    She is often ill, and takes a lot of medicine.

  12. 黑死病曾引起人们极大得恐慌。

    The Black Death once caused a great panic among people.

  13. 论黑死病对英国人口发展之影响

    Effect of the Black Death on British Population Development

  14. 万一黑死病再次出现,我们该怎么办?

    Should the Black Death reappear, what should we do ?

  15. 看看你的敌人是遭受黑死病的袭击的吧。

    Watch Black Death come for your enemies.

  16. 诺曼的征服和黑死病就是典型的例子。

    The Norman Conquest and the Black Death are typical instances.

  17. 诺曼得征服和黑死病就是典型得例子。

    The Norman Conquest and the Black Death are typical instances.

  18. 接着爆发了黑死病,人口锐减了四分之一。

    Then, with the Black Death, it fell by a quarter.

  19. 论黑死病对中世纪欧洲社会变迁的影响

    On the Influence of the Black Death on the Medieval European Social Transformation

  20. 四种症状是心肌梗死病发的最危险的症状。

    Four things in particular are the most sinister signs of a silent heart attack.

  21. 黑死病之后,人口数量经过了150年才得以恢复。

    It took150 years for the population to recover.

  22. 我们正在学习关于黑色瘟疫或者黑死病的知识。

    So we're learning about the black plague or black death at school.

  23. 黑死病是一种夺取过千百万人生命得疾病。

    The Black Death was a disease that killed millions.

  24. 加林的诅咒只是灰死病而已,提利昂说。

    Garin's Curse is only greyscale, said Tyrion.

  25. 五百年平, 黑死病几乎消灭了岛上所的人。

    Five hundred years ago the plague almost wiped out the population of the island.

  26. 他们还排除了图坦卡蒙患有黑死病或肺结核。

    They also ruled out bubonic plague or tuberculosis.

  27. 艾滋病将超过黑死病成为世界上最可怕的传染病。

    AIDS will surpass the Black Death as the world's worst pandemic.

  28. 你不是每天都可以逃离黑死病的魔爪的,凯特。

    It's not every day you escape the clutches of the black death, kate.

  29. 五百年前,黑死病几乎消灭了岛上所有的人。

    Five hundred years ago the plague almost wiped out the population of the island.

  30. 在14世纪,一种称为黑死病的瘟疫漫延到整个欧洲。

    During the fourteenth century a plague known as the black death swept over europe.