如显示乱码,请安装支持7万5千多字显示的中日韩越超大规模字符集,下载地址:百度网盘;提取码: y1x5
古代的一种兵器,横刃,用青铜或铁制成,装有长柄:干(gān)~。倒(dǎo )~。枕~待旦。姓。……
They point at the red Berlingo driving across the sky as though it were Halley's Comet.
他们指着驶过天空的红色贝林戈,就好像它是哈雷彗星似地。Despite help from the likes of Ringo Starr and Billy Preston, it failed to make much of an impact.
尽管从林戈斯塔尔普雷斯顿喜欢和比利的帮助下,没能产生太大影响。When we're writing a song, if I'm writing Ringo will just automatically sing the harmony and Jojo will come in with his. It just comes out.
当我们创作歌曲时,如果我在写谱,林戈就自然而然地哼出和音,约约也加进他的和音,就这样完成了。Her first big break came when Stewart appeared on Larry King Live alongside Ringo Starr, and the call went out for a backup singer.
她的第一次重大突破时,斯图尔特来到拉里金直播出现在旁边林戈斯塔尔,并呼吁为备份出去歌手。The Buddhist puts the dog on the floor of his Berlingo, and drives away from the South Harbor.
佛教徒将桑乔放在贝林戈的地板上,开着车从南部港口区出发了。Piers Morgan can only afford to hack into the voicemail of Ringo.
皮尔斯·摩根口袋里的钱也只够他侵入林戈的语音信箱。The fact that the Berlingo is a safe car is hardly immaterial either.
贝林戈是一款安全性能高的车,这一点也非常重要。"How great to be playing with Paul, Ringo, and Paul Horn again -- as we did in India in 1968, " Donovan said.
“如何将发挥巨大的保罗,林戈,保罗再次非洲之角-就像我们在印度于1968年,”多诺万说。The Beatles were formed by George Harrison, Ringo Starr, Paul McCartney, and John Lennon.