







汉语拼音:yù móu









  1. 预先计谋。

    汉 贾谊 《鵩鸟赋》:“天不可预虑兮,道不可预谋。”《太平广记》卷一九五引 唐 袁郊 《甘泽谣·红线》:“事关来世,安可预谋。” 清 蒲松龄 《聊斋志异·葛巾》:“一夕,谓生曰:‘近日微有浮言,势不可长,此不可不预谋也。’” 艾青 《大西洋》诗:“这些线,杂色纷呈,里面透露着预谋着的战争。”

  2. 参与计议。

    《周书·皇后传·宣帝杨皇后》:“ 宣帝 不豫,詔后父入禁中侍疾。及大渐, 刘昉 、 郑译 等因矫詔以后父受遗辅政。后初虽不预谋,然以嗣主幼冲,恐权在他族,不利於己,闻 昉 译 已行此詔,心甚悦之。” 宋 曾敏行 《独醒杂志》卷一:“ 天禧 末, 寇公 诸人皆贬远方, 文公 实预谋。”《东周列国志》第十六回:“兵事临机制胜,非可预言,愿假臣一乘,使得预谋於行间。”



  1. But even at the level of first principles of the sort of planning session, it was planned and premeditated mass murder on a massive scale.


  2. His impending suicide was premeditated and not a spur-of-the-moment thing as he'd tried to have himself believe.


  3. But slavery should never be tolerated regardless of any economic benefit, just as systemic fraud should not be tolerated.


  4. Weeks later, a truck rammed his car off the road in what Kim believed was an attempt to kill him.


  5. Not at this stage, no. It was an intentional leak, and was not a leak of a 2nd single.


  6. However, another investigation has been opened to determine whether the deadly crash could have been the result of a plot.


  7. It's not easy to prove that an executive intended to deceive shareholders rather than just engaged in sloppy paperwork, say lawyers.


  8. In the case of the Vietnam iPhone, Kahney said he believes this was an act of corporate espionage.


  9. I do not wish you to say that Michael is the bearer of doom and gloom or that this scribe has contrived this information.


  1. 有预谋的停业

    contrived cessation of business

  2. 预谋的残忍行径

    calculated cruelty

  3. 这是有预谋的行动。

    This was a deliberate action.

  4. 这起凶杀是有预谋的。

    The murder was premeditated.

  5. 这起凶杀是有预谋得。

    The murder was premeditated.

  6. 预备现在不再重置预谋。

    Preparation no longer refreshes the cooldown of Premeditation.

  7. 这次杀人不是预谋的。

    The killing had not been premeditated.

  8. 袭击者绝对是有预谋的。

    There was definitely intent from the attacker.

  9. 非法地杀人但没有预谋。

    Unlawful killing of a human being without malice.

  10. 故意的有意或有预谋做的。

    Done intentionally or with premeditation; deliberate.

  11. 预谋事先的考虑, 思考或计划

    Deliberation, consideration, or planning beforehand.

  12. 据说是一次有预谋得活动!

    Is said to be a premeditated event!

  13. 据说是一次有预谋的活动!

    Is said to be a premeditated event!

  14. 很明显他的辞职是有预谋的。

    It is obvious that his resignation was put up.

  15. 那次谋杀并不是真正预谋得。

    The murder wasn't exactly premeditated.

  16. 那次谋杀并不是真正预谋的。

    The murder wasn't exactly premeditated.

  17. 有预谋的攻击, 凶杀, 冒犯行为等

    A premeditated attack, murder, insult, etc

  18. 他们对于人类一直是有预谋的。

    They've always had plans for the human race.

  19. 有预谋用毒气毒害某人的行为。

    the deliberate act of poisoning someone with gas.

  20. 摧毁马尔戴克是有预谋的。

    The destruction of Maldek was premeditated.

  21. 摧毁马尔戴克是有预谋得。

    The destruction of Maldek was premeditated.

  22. 指控二级谋杀罪和预谋谋杀攻击。

    Charge is murder in the second degree and assault with intent to murder.

  23. 结果你却以为我是有预谋的?

    Now to find out you thought I had an agenda?

  24. 预谋预先考虑,安排或图谋的行为

    The act of speculating,arranging,or plotting in advance.

  25. 黑社会的枪手,总是预谋进行杀人

    an underworld gunman who in premeditation shoots a victim

  26. 如果你怀疑那是早有预谋的话。

    If you suspected that it was deliberate.

  27. 预谋持续时间减为20秒,冷却也减为20秒。

    Premeditation duration increased to 20 seconds, cooldown reduced to 20 seconds.

  28. 因为它并不是意外,是你预谋的。

    Because it was no accident, you planned it.

  29. 你为什么咬我?你一定是有预谋的。

    Why did you bite me? You bit me on purpose.

  30. 你做的每件事,都是有预谋的。

    I think everything you do, you do on purpose.


  1. 问:预谋拼音怎么拼?预谋的读音是什么?预谋翻译成英文是什么?

    答:预谋的读音是yùmóu,预谋翻译成英文是 premeditate; to plan beforehand

  2. 问:预谋的拼音怎么拼?预谋的的读音是什么?预谋的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:预谋的的读音是,预谋的翻译成英文是 premeditated

  3. 问:预谋恶意拼音怎么拼?预谋恶意的读音是什么?预谋恶意翻译成英文是什么?

    答:预谋恶意的读音是yùmóuèyì,预谋恶意翻译成英文是 malice prepense

  4. 问:预谋故意拼音怎么拼?预谋故意的读音是什么?预谋故意翻译成英文是什么?

    答:预谋故意的读音是yùmóugùyì,预谋故意翻译成英文是 premeditated intention

  5. 问:预谋杀人拼音怎么拼?预谋杀人的读音是什么?预谋杀人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:预谋杀人的读音是yùmóushārén,预谋杀人翻译成英文是 murder with malice aforethought

  6. 问:预谋犯罪拼音怎么拼?预谋犯罪的读音是什么?预谋犯罪翻译成英文是什么?

    答:预谋犯罪的读音是yùmóufànzuì,预谋犯罪翻译成英文是 premeditated crime

  7. 问:预谋心理学拼音怎么拼?预谋心理学的读音是什么?预谋心理学翻译成英文是什么?

    答:预谋心理学的读音是yù móu xīn lǐ xué,预谋心理学翻译成英文是 psychology of premeditation

  8. 问:预谋型暴力行为拼音怎么拼?预谋型暴力行为的读音是什么?预谋型暴力行为翻译成英文是什么?

    答:预谋型暴力行为的读音是yù móu xíng bào lì xíng wéi,预谋型暴力行为翻译成英文是 premeditated violence

  9. 问:预谋型破坏事件拼音怎么拼?预谋型破坏事件的读音是什么?预谋型破坏事件翻译成英文是什么?

    答:预谋型破坏事件的读音是yù móu xíng pò huài shì jiàn,预谋型破坏事件翻译成英文是 premeditated destructive event