


1. 粘 [nián]2. 粘 [zhān]粘 [nián]同“黏”。姓。粘 [zhān]黏的东西互相附着连结在一起:糖~牙。用胶水或糨糊把一种东西胶合在另一种东西上:~贴。~连。~接。……


1. 糊 [hū]2. 糊 [hú]3. 糊 [hù]糊 [hū]涂抹或粘合使封闭起来:~了一层泥。糊 [hú]粘合,涂附:裱~。~墙。~窗户。粥类:~口。〔~涂〕a.不明事理;认识模糊混乱,如“他太~~了”;b.内容混乱的,如“~~账”。……


1. 糊 [hū]2. 糊 [hú]3. 糊 [hù]糊 [hū]涂抹或粘合使封闭起来:~了一层泥。糊 [hú]粘合,涂附:裱~。~墙。~窗户。粥类:~口。〔~涂〕a.不明事理;认识模糊混乱,如“他太~~了”;b.内容混乱的,如“~~账”。……



汉语拼音:nián hū hū






  1. 见“ 粘糊 ”。



  1. No cop for yours, ' said the waiter, with a voice like butter cakes and an eye like the cherry in a Manhattan cocktail. ' Hey, Con! '


  2. The original script called for Bossk to be a "slimy, tentacled monster with two huge, bloodshot eyes in a soft baggy face. "


  3. Neuroscientists used to think glia were simply the sticky stuff that holds neurons together.


  4. She cried , leaning back and looking while the thick tears went over her eyes .


  5. So for cases in which a real dissection would be too slimy , it's time to try some toad tech.


  6. I felt pretty good but the sweat seemed to be pouring off me from the heat.


  7. On the wet chopping board, a few bloody shreds, seasoned flour with a red sticky edge.


  8. a fungus with a reddish purple cap having a smooth slimy surface; close violet gills; all parts stain dark purple when bruised.


  9. The fabric was vulnerable to changes in the weather, becoming stiffer in the cold and stickier in the heat.


  1. 粘糊糊的糖果

    icky candy.

  2. 出汗感觉粘糊糊的。

    Feeling sticky and sweaty.

  3. 又潮又粘糊糊的天气。

    It's a humid and soggy weather.

  4. 那上面的糖果有点粘糊糊的。

    The candy was sort of sticky!

  5. 他的手上沾了果酱, 粘糊糊的。

    His hands were sticky with jam.

  6. 妈妈在擦净粘糊糊的煮锅。

    Mother is scraping out a sticky saucepan.

  7. 粘糊糊的东西!我说对了吧?

    Viscous material! What did I tell you?

  8. 35度的天气竟然没有空调,粘糊糊的。

    35 degrees and no AC, it could be a sticky day!

  9. 蛋糕掉在地上,粘糊糊的一团。

    The cake fell; it's a doughy mess.

  10. 粘糊糊的东西粘稠肮脏的东西, 如软泥

    A thick, messy substance, such as sludge.

  11. 厨房壁上蒙着一层粘糊糊的油。

    Your kitchen is covered by a sticky film of grease.

  12. 拖着它粘糊糊的肚皮贴在河岸上,

    Dragging its slimy belly on the bank

  13. 拖着它粘糊糊得肚皮贴在河岸上,

    Dragging its slimy belly on the bank

  14. 她把粘糊糊的平底锅内壁擦干净了。

    She scraped out the sticky saucepan.

  15. 你真 是一团粘糊糊 令人恶心的屎!

    You're a slimy, pukey piece of shit!

  16. 局部又粘粘糊糊的,这是渗出来的果蜜。

    At best partial and sticky, which is the exudation of the fruit to honey.

  17. 只一会就把这个粘糊糊的锅擦干净了。

    Once in a while the sticky sauce pan is thoroughly scraped out.

  18. 斯洛特喝了一匙粘糊糊得苏格兰肉汤。

    Slote took a spoonful of gummy Scotch broth.

  19. 斯洛特喝了一匙粘糊糊的苏格兰肉汤。

    Slote took a spoonful of gummy Scotch broth.

  20. 先生,有六个粘糊糊的吸盘棒,请确保船的清洁。

    Six sticky sucker sticks. Sure the ships shipshape, sir.

  21. 她觉得自己又脏又乱, 粘粘糊糊, 差不多要发臭了。

    She felt dirty and messy and sticky, almost as if she smelled bad.

  22. 这次你无论如何要全部扔掉你屉子里那些粘糊糊的旧糖纸。

    Do please clear out all those sticky old sweet papers from your drawer this time.