


1. 伯 [bó]2. 伯 [bǎi]3. 伯 [bà]伯 [bó]兄弟排行次序:~仲(指兄弟的次第,喻事物不相上下)。父亲的哥哥:~~。~父。~母。对父辈戚友的尊称:老~。世~。封建制度五等爵位的第三等:~爵。旧时对文章、道德足为表率者的……


1. 仲 [zhòng]仲 [zhòng]兄弟排行次序二:~兄。~弟。在当中的:~春(春季的第二个月,即农历二月。仲夏、仲秋、仲冬依此类推)。~裁(居间调停、裁判)。姓。……



汉语拼音:bó zhòng







  1. 指兄弟的次第。亦代称兄弟。

    《诗·小雅·何人斯》“伯氏吹壎,仲氏吹篪” 汉 郑玄 笺:“伯仲,喻兄弟也。” 唐 元稹 《祭翰林白学士太夫人文》:“呜呼!分同伯仲,古则拜亲。”《太平广记》卷一九三引 前蜀 杜光庭 《虬髯传》:“问其姓。曰:‘ 张 。’问伯仲之次。曰:‘最长。’”旧题 宋 尤袤 《全唐诗话·卢渥》:“轩冕之盛,近代无比,伯仲四人,咸居显列。” 清 钮琇 《觚賸·佞佛》:“ 魏里 丁清 惠公 之后,有伯仲二人,绩学工文。”

  2. 借指关系密切的人或事物。

    清 孔尚任 《桃花扇·骂筵》:“ 东林 伯仲,俺青楼皆知敬重。” 王季思 等注:“伯仲,本指兄弟,这里意指朋党。” 清 曹寅 《秋饮》诗:“且看大小《雅》,伯仲本同系。”

  3. 古代对年长的男子,不称名字而称排行,表示尊敬。

    《礼记·檀弓上》:“幼名,冠字,五十以伯仲。” 汉 班固 《白虎通·姓名》:“五十乃称伯仲者,五十知天命,思虑定也,能顺四时长幼之序,故以伯仲号之。”

  4. 比喻事物不相上下。

    晋 王羲之 《与谢安书》:“ 蜀 中山水,如 峨眉山 ,夏含霜雹,碑板之所闻, 崑崙 之伯仲也。” 宋 秦观 《代贺王左丞启》:“学穷 游 夏 之渊源,文列 班 杨 之伯仲。” 明 蒋一葵 《长安客话·碧云寺》:“大抵 西山 兰若, 碧云 、 香山 相伯仲。” 孙中山 《行易知难》第四章:“ 中国 更有一浩大工程,可与长城相伯仲者,运河是也。”参见“ 伯仲之间 ”。



  1. Plug on air since the Great Wall, temples have been the first spot mirror. It holds a table method, the thousand years who between brothers.


  2. "Clearly they both could have attacked each other's juveniles, " but a match between two adults may have been less clear-cut, he added.


  3. Women are clearly the equals of men where governing is concerned.


  4. By any standard of perfection, an excellent Seiko quartz watch is as good as a top-of-the-line Rolex.


  5. It is also the first joint venture to explore in an area that could hold as much oil and gas as the North Sea.


  6. Hopefully Fielding and Stockdale will go on to prove that they belong in the same company as Hart.


  7. In aggregate the results have been stunning, comparable to the returns of the most blistering hedge fund.


  8. This was, if you like, a North Atlantic crisis, with not much to choose between the messes of the Old World and the New.


  9. Ornstein expects the presidential race to remain close and says both presumptive nominees have challenges at their respective conventions.


  1. 他们难分伯仲。

    They are near equals.

  2. 他俩不分伯仲。

    There's little to choose between them.

  3. 参赛双方不分伯仲。

    It was a very tight match.

  4. 他们的英语能力在伯仲之间。

    Their English is equally good.

  5. 两个队难分伯仲。

    The teams are evenly matched.

  6. 打网球我跟他难分伯仲。

    I was his match at tennis.

  7. 两军实力在伯仲之间, 隔江相峙, 战争一触即发。

    The advanced groups made significant contributions to the battle victory.

  8. 世界顶级网球运动员之间往往难分伯仲。

    There is very little to choose between the world's top tennis players.

  9. 两军实力在伯仲之间,隔江相峙,战争一触即发。

    With almost the same power, the two armies confronted each other across the river where the battle will soon start.

  10. 就公平性而言,程序公平原则与实体公平原则难分伯仲。

    Concerning fairness, substantial fairness rule and procedural fairness rule are almost equal.

  11. 在执政上,女性的能力显然与男性不相伯仲。

    Women are clearly the equals of men where governing is concerned.

  12. 这两位女网顶尖高手的比赛将难分伯仲。

    The competition between these two top women's players will be close.

  13. 最后,墨西哥的消费量的起伏与生产量不分伯仲。

    Third, consumption is no less volatile than output in Mexico.

  14. 这个元叙事的完美与早前的那一个不分伯仲。

    This one was just as grand.

  15. 而两人在传球和射门方面的数据不分伯仲。

    Two areas in which both players have performed equally are distribution and shooting.

  16. 不过,民主党人在若干难分伯仲的选战中获胜。

    But Democrats prevailed in a number of close races.

  17. 而且片中其他演员的配音也都相当出色,不分伯仲。

    And the voice of the film the other actors are also quite good, no clear winner.


  1. 问:伯仲拼音怎么拼?伯仲的读音是什么?伯仲翻译成英文是什么?

    答:伯仲的读音是bózhòng,伯仲翻译成英文是 the literal meaning is elderand younger....

  2. 问:伯仲之间拼音怎么拼?伯仲之间的读音是什么?伯仲之间翻译成英文是什么?

    答:伯仲之间的读音是bózhòngzhījiān,伯仲之间翻译成英文是 almost on a par; about the same

  3. 问:伯仲叔季拼音怎么拼?伯仲叔季的读音是什么?伯仲叔季翻译成英文是什么?

    答:伯仲叔季的读音是,伯仲叔季翻译成英文是 eldest


