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In times of war, the same approach is said to have been used to set enemy ships ablaze.
据说在战争时期,同样的办法曾经用来点燃敌人的战船。As Miss Barclay, she was the only woman to have served on a British fighting ship during the war.
Bayard婚前姓Barclay,她是战时唯一一个在战船上服役的女性。The name of the new version was changed to IN THE LAND OF THE WAR CANOES when the Kwakiutls objected to Curtis' original title.
反对柯蒂斯用的原来的名字,新版本的名字改为了《战船之域》。There was some evidence the explosion was caused by an accident in the ship's fuel tanks.
有些迹象表明爆炸是由战船燃料箱里的一个故障引起的。Is anyone worshipping you as a God because you fell from the sky in a "fire ship" and they are scared of your "thunder sticks? "
有任何人因为你手握“闪电魔杖”乘坐“烈火战船”从天而降,惧怕你并把你当做神来崇拜么?From the Skeppsbron and surrounding islands the people watched this thing of beauty begin to spread her sails and catch the wind.
人们从斯开波斯布朗和周围的岛屿前来观看这艘美丽的战船扬帆起航,乘风前进。He was like a vessel, powerful and dangerous, but rolling and floundering without sail.
他就像一艘战船,强大而有威慑力,就是没有风帆,只好在海上摇摆挣扎。One story says the Archimedes made a burning mirror to set fire to the Roman ships which were attacking Syracuse.
有一个故事说阿基米德制造了一个火焰镜,点烯了进攻叙拉古的罗马战船。At sea the Persian armada of 800 vessels bore down on the retreating Greek fleet who were hopelessly outnumbered.