


歪倒(dǎo ),反转,变动位置,改变:推~。~车。~卷。~滚。~腾。~工。~阅。~身。~地。~修。~建。~改。~脸。人仰马~。~江倒海(形容水势浩大,多喻力量或气势非常壮大)。~云覆雨(喻反覆无常或玩弄手段)。数量成倍的增加:~番。越过:……





汉语拼音:fān chuán








  1. I shook the mixture through a sieve; as I rinsed off the last of the bran, the worms clung to the side like sailors on a capsized ship.


  2. The Philippines coast guard says at least 31 of the more than 800 people on a capsized ferry have managed to make it to shore.


  3. Hou Yifan cloacae was young and capsized, by the British ska players Hu deficit will be killed, out of regret.


  4. Then something happens to change sentiment. As everyone tries to rush out of the asset, the boat capsizes.


  5. Many were worried that Joyon would end up exhausted and IDEC would simply flip over as she ran out of control in the Southern Ocean.


  6. Hou Yifan were capsize young cloacae , the British MR players ska deficit will be killed, out of regret.


  7. However, due to operators of vessels are often overloaded and poorly maintained, capsize accidents occur frequently.


  8. The vessel capsized off the coast of Florida killing at least 9 people.


  9. Of course, the Guangzhou team needs to maintain a stable state of mind, not aggressive, to guard against cloacae capsized .


  1. 翻船事故常有发生。

    Shipwreck was a common occurrence here.

  2. 翻船造成三人死亡。

    The upset of the boat caused three deaths.

  3. 一个游客遭遇了翻船。

    A tourist capsized his boat.

  4. 这支足球队意外翻船。

    This football team lost the game in an upset.

  5. 如翻船的水手望洋生怨。

    As a shipwrecked sailor hates the sea.

  6. 翻船时有许多人淹死了。

    Many people drowned when the boat overturned.

  7. 也就是说我们不用再翻船舷了。

    Means we don't go over the side of the ship.

  8. 翻船之后,我们设法游上了岸。

    When the boat capsized, we managed to swim ashore.

  9. 而且如果翻船,她可不会游泳。

    Also, she was unable to swim, should the boat turn over.

  10. 如果您怕翻船,您的大头针将平庸。

    If you're afraid of capsizing, your tacks will be mediocre.

  11. 如果你不安静坐好, 便会翻船。

    If you don't sIt'still, the boat will upset.

  12. 松开大帆, 不然我们会翻船的。

    Ease the large sail out or we shall be blown over!

  13. 印度一艘救生艇翻船导致20人失踪。

    In India,20 people are missing after a rescue boat capsized.

  14. 松开大帆,不然我们会翻船得。

    Ease the large sail out or we shall be blown over!

  15. 偷渡美国途中翻船,福建数十人丧生。

    Boat capsize kills dozens of stowaways enroute to US.

  16. 刮强风时, 要收缩船帆, 以防翻船。

    When a strong wind blows up, the sails have to be reefed in to prevent the boat from capsizing.

  17. 浅论小型船舶翻船事故中的人命救助

    A comprehensive review of life rescue in the cases of small ship overturn.

  18. 坐上死亡的船可能会逃脱翻船的危险。

    To embark in death is sometimes the means of escaping a shipwreck.

  19. 他在一次所谓的翻船事故中溺亡。

    He drowned in a boating quote'accident'unquote.

  20. 重点是他们还得了最引人注目之翻船奖!

    won the prize for most spectacular capsize !!

  21. 有关当局说, 恶劣天气可能导致此次翻船。

    Authorities say bad weather may have caused the vessel to overturn.

  22. 史密斯警官恐惧地看着翻船的救生艇。

    SERGEANT SMITH had watched with horror as the boat overturned.

  23. 他尽干违法的坏事,早晚有一天会翻船!

    He will be caught one day for all his bad deeds.

  24. 他尽干违法的坏事,早晚有一天会翻船!

    He will be caught one day for all his bad deeds.

  25. 每一个翻船得成功男人背后往往多了一个女人。

    Behind the fall of a successful man is usually another woman.

  26. 每一个翻船的成功男人背后往往多了一个女人。

    Behind the fall of a successful man is usually another woman.

  27. 兄弟会的人就要翻船了, 他们都将永沉海底。

    The brotherhoods ship was about to be capsized forever.

  28. 那个河段刚刚发生了翻船事故,好在没有人员伤亡。

    There was a shipping accident at that part of the river just now, but luckily no one died or got hurt.

  29. 那个河段刚刚发生了翻船事故,好在没有人员伤亡。

    There was a shipping accident at that part of the river just now, but luckily no one died or got hurt.

  30. 永远不要站在独木舟上,它会失去平衡翻船的。

    Never stand up in a canoe; it will get off balance and turn over.


  1. 问:翻船拼音怎么拼?翻船的读音是什么?翻船翻译成英文是什么?

    答:翻船的读音是fānchuán,翻船翻译成英文是 A ship that overturns and sinks.; Used as a m...




【注音】:fān chuán

