







汉语拼音:kè yè







  1. 功课;学业。

    北周 昙积 《谏周太祖沙汰僧表》:“爰降明詔,责其试艺;颁下诸州,问其课业。”《宋史·李绚传》:“﹝ 李绚 ﹞少放荡亡检,兄 綯 教之书,严其课业而出。” 明 吴海 《送林生赴延平学正序》:“独学正职掌规矩,学録职程课业,无有司之事,专行其教。”

  2. 攻读学业。

    《警世通言·老门生三世报恩》:“今日承老师以令孙相托,此乃门生报德之会也。鄙思欲留令孙在敝衙同小孙辈课业。” 清 蒲松龄 《聊斋志异·沂水秀才》:“ 沂水 某秀才,课业山中。夜有二美人入,含笑不言。”



  1. Search by subject to see what books you may be able to read to get the extra leg up in your classes.


  2. I'm nearly out of my work and study load so please bear with me a little more!


  3. Even since I enrolled in University, my workload is no longer as busy as it has been during high school.


  4. The student had been performing poorly and seemed to have lost confidence in himself. He had lost interest in learning.


  5. Yet, during this time, Harry and his friends go through daily life, busy with school work, Quidditch, and of course, romance.


  6. The assignment as well as being of practical importance for your dissertation is also your assessment for the Research Methods module.


  7. I felt a pull toward the subjects that involved logic and data, and I loaded up on courses in advanced math.


  8. The former are helpful to my writing ability and the latter relieve me of my pressure from schoolwork.


  9. They found 89% of pupils had access to computers at home and English was the subject pupils used computers for most often.


  1. 学习课业示例

    exemplar learning task

  2. 文秘课业评价

    assessment on course of secretary.

  3. 首先,在加州的课业。

    First, the coursework at Caltech.

  4. 他在课业上指导学生。

    He guided his students in their studies.

  5. 要好好用功,不可荒废课业。

    Study hard and never neglect schoolwork.

  6. 减轻学生课业负担的对策

    Countermeasures of Reducing Students'Studying Burden

  7. 我必须为了我的课业而努力。

    I have to study for my classes.

  8. 上次你被停学课业落后不少。

    Last time you got suspended you fell so far behind.

  9. 过重的课业负担必然导致才疏学浅。

    Overburdening necessarily leads to superficiality.

  10. 关于初中生课业负担问题的研究

    The Research on Junior Students'Lessons Burden

  11. 她说,今年有350名学生完成了课业。

    This year,350 students completed the course work, she says.

  12. 课业量更大了,上课的形式不同了。

    The workload is more intense, the style of classes is different.

  13. 我爸希望我多花些心力在课业上。

    Dad wants me to put more effort into my school work.

  14. 他们帮助孩子们学习学校课业和计算机技能。

    They help children with schoolwork and computer skills.

  15. 亨利该更专注于他的学校课业上。

    Henry should focus on his schoolwork more.

  16. 此课程包含完整的参考书目及所有的课业。

    This course includes a complete bibliography and all assignments.

  17. 此课程包含完整得参考书目及所有得课业。

    This course includes a complete bibliography and all assignments.

  18. 学校给学生的课业压力事实上越来越重。

    The stress of schoolwork is, in fact, weighing more and more heavily on our pupils.

  19. 你如果想赶上学校的课业,就得睡一下。

    You need to catch some sleep if you want to catch up in school.

  20. 虽说课业内容减轻了,实际上功课更多、更深了。

    While the syllabus has been reduced, students are getting more and tougher homework.

  21. 唐人立必须面对的,不仅仅只有课业的障碍。

    Schoolwork was not the only obstacle Tang had to confront.

  22. 自从进入大学后, 课业不再像高中那样繁忙。

    Even since I enrolled in University, my workload is no longer as busy as it has been during high school.

  23. 学生们都期望他们的沉重的课业压力能变轻。

    The students all expect that their heavy course load upon their minds would grow lighter.

  24. 本课业务职掌为营业税、货物税及菸酒税。

    In this section, we are responsible for Tax, Commodity Tax, Tobacco and Alcohol Tax.

  25. 造成此现象的主要原因是学生过重的课业负担。

    The main cause of this phenomenon is students'overloaded schoolwork.

  26. 课外体育活动给予学生从课业中抽身的机会。

    Sports extracurriculars give students a chance to step away from school work.

  27. 听着音乐使我暂时忘记繁重的课业和考试。

    Hearing the music made me forget the heavy assignments and exams temporarily.

  28. 她一个月没上学了,有许多课业要补上。

    She's been off school for a month, so she has a lot of leeway to make up.

  29. 论中小学生课业负担过重的成因及解决对策

    A discussion on the cause of formation of schoolwork load overweight of elementary and middle school students and countermeasure of settling it

  30. 我完成课业并取得好成绩,但课业很少引起我的兴趣。

    I did my schoolwork and got good marks, but the work seldom aroused my interest.


  1. 问:课业拼音怎么拼?课业的读音是什么?课业翻译成英文是什么?

    答:课业的读音是kèyè,课业翻译成英文是 lessons; schoolwork; classwork



(1).功课;学业。 北周 昙积 《谏周太祖沙汰僧表》:“爰降明诏,责其试艺;颁下诸州,问其课业。”《宋史·李绚传》:“﹝ 李绚 ﹞少放荡亡检,兄 綯 教之书,严其课业而出。” 明 吴海 《送林生赴延平学正序》:“独学正职掌规矩,学録职程课业,无有司之事,专行其教。”