







汉语拼音:zuò bān






  1. 清 代常朝之日,群臣各就班列侍朝,谓之“坐班”。

    清 昭槤 《啸亭续录·常朝》:“上驻蹕大内日,王公皆於 太和门 坐班,赐茶始散。”《清史稿·礼志七》:“ 乾隆 初,敕大小各官依内廷官例,黎明坐班。”参阅《清会典·礼部·仪制清吏司一》。

  2. 按照规定的时间在固定的地点(指办公室等)工作。



  1. Graduate assistance assistants might teach, give tests, grate grade work, assist professors with research and hold office hours.


  2. When anyone among the people breaks the law, he too should be punished, imprisoned.


  3. I can't get off the office treadmill.


  4. The pig's owner swore to have Cutler jailed, and this almost started a war.


  5. If you don't take my advice, you will end up behind bars.


  1. 他每天都得坐班。

    He has had to be in every day.

  2. 他在每周周二和周四下午坐班。

    He has office hours every Tuesday and Thursday afternoon.

  3. 我的工作不用坐班,这使我享受到很大的自由。

    My schedule is very flexible, and I am given a lot of freedom.

  4. 珍坐在班上的最前面。

    Jane sits at the head of the class.

  5. 我也该坐那班飞机去的。

    I should be on that plane, too.

  6. 玛莉没有坐那班飞机真令人欣慰。

    It is a great relief Mary did not travel on that plane.

  7. 噢,你觉得我应该坐哪一班?

    Erm, which train do you think I ought to take ?

  8. 她要是早点动身, 也许已经坐上那班火车了。

    If she had started earlier, she might have caught the train.

  9. 去年夏天我们坐过同一班去纽约的飞机。

    We were on the same plane to New York last summer.

  10. 坐哪一班飞机我可以在晚上十点之前赶到汉堡?

    Which flight can take me to Hamburg by 10 p.m.

  11. 在班上她坐在我后面。

    She sits behind me in class.

  12. 我们班一个男孩坐小汽车上学。

    One of the boys in our class goes to school by car.

  13. 我将会让整个班的学生都坐到我这里来。

    I am going to have all the class round here.

  14. 你要想确保能赶上那班飞机,就坐出租车去吧。

    If you want to ensurethat you catch the plane, take a taxi.

  15. 你要想确保能赶上那班飞机,就坐计程车去吧。

    Ensure that. Ensure sb. Sth. If you want to ensure that you catch the plane, take a taxi.

  16. 在仆人厅里,有2个马夫和3个跟班或站或坐,正围着火炉。

    In the servant hall two coachmen and three gentlemens gentlemen stood or sat round the fire.

  17. 在班上, 你坐在一个叫做阿比盖尔的红头发的女孩子旁边

    You sit in class next to a redhead named Abigail

  18. 我们将坐下一班船。

    We'll get the next sailing.

  19. 我每天坐交通车上下班。

    I take bus to work every day.

  20. 我们早起以便坐上第一班车。

    We got up early as to catch the first train.

  21. 我打算坐下一班火车离开这里。

    I plan to take the next train out of here.

  22. 甲您坐的是哪家航空公司的哪一班飞机

    A What airline and what flight

  23. 我们明天坐很早的一班的火车走。

    We shall be going away tomorrow by an early train.

  24. 我们明天坐很早得一班得火车走。

    We shall be going away tomorrow by an early train.

  25. 你坐德文郡开出的第一班火车过来

    You came up from Devon on the first available train this morning.

  26. 嗯, 我只是替他代班, 在这里坐一下。

    Well, I am just sitting in for him for a while.

  27. 他让我免费去西班牙度假,我却坐失良机。

    I missed out on his offer of a free holiday in Spain.

  28. 这些吵闹的小朋友被请坐到全班的前面。

    The noisy children were asked to sit in the front of the class.

  29. 坐在电风扇下的男孩是我们班上最好的学生。

    The boy sitting under the electric fan is the best in our class.

  30. 班尼请你一起坐船环游世界, 分享个中乐趣。

    Barney is about to embark on a the world and you can share the fun!


  1. 问:坐班拼音怎么拼?坐班的读音是什么?坐班翻译成英文是什么?

    答:坐班的读音是zuòbān,坐班翻译成英文是 work nine to five

  2. 问:坐班房拼音怎么拼?坐班房的读音是什么?坐班房翻译成英文是什么?

    答:坐班房的读音是zuòbānfáng,坐班房翻译成英文是 To be imprisoned.


