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1. 衣 [yī]衣 [yī]人穿在身上用以蔽体的东西:~服。~着(zhuó)。~冠。~架。~锦还(huān)乡。披或包在物体外面的东西:炮~。糖~。肠~。中医把胎盘和胎膜统称为“胞衣”。姓。……
汉语拼音:yī shān
唐 杜荀鹤 《山中寡妇》诗:“夫因兵死守蓬茅,麻苧衣衫鬢髮焦。”《红楼梦》第四七回:“大家忙走来一看,只见 薛蟠 的衣衫零碎,面目肿破。” 叶圣陶 《城中·在民间》:“他们十有九个满面沾着汗,衣衫也粘贴着皮肤。”
Itembarrassed him to see a woman so unkempt and a child with such restless ways.
看到一个这样衣衫褴褛的女人带着一个这样焦躁不安的孩子,让他觉得有点不对劲。The little boy in rags cast his eyes on a cake in the shop window and his mouth was watering.
这个衣衫褴褛的小男孩把目光投向橱窗里的一块蛋糕,嘴里流着口水。Some investors are sure to see their shirts blown away in the wind.
一些投资者确信能够看到他们倾家荡产之后褴褛的衣衫在随风摇曳了。"You are mad to say so, " cried the Star-Child angrily. "I am not your son, for you are a beggar, and ugly, and in rags. Get out! "
星子生气地大叫道:『你疯了才会这幺说。我不是你的儿子,因为你是个衣衫褴褛的丑乞丐。出去!』One evening, on his way home from the office, Hiroshi is accosted by a raggedy man who claims to be his father.
一天,放工回家途中他遇到了一名衣衫褴褛的男子,坚称自己便是他的父亲。If my dad reaches for his shirt when I'm out with him, I threaten to go home.
我和我爸出去的时候,如果我爸要撩起衣衫,我就威胁他要回家。However, if she had seen her own dad pushing the heavy dung-cart in the shabby clothes as they were , how would that have made her feel?
但如果她看见自己的父亲,衣衫褴褛,推着沉重的粪车,她又作何感想?我噙着眼里的泪水往回走。Miller once called Marilyn "a poet on a street corner trying to recite to a crowd pulling at her clothes. "
米勒曾经称梦露为“一位在街角尽力对着一群正扒掉她衣衫的人们念诗的诗人”Going through the valley of balsam-trees, they make it a place of springs; it is clothed with blessings by the early rain.