




注意可能发生的危险,戒备,告诫:~卫。~世。~告。~戒。~备。~惕。~省(xǐng )(警惕醒悟)。需要戒备的事件或消息:~号。~报。~钟。感觉敏锐,见解独到:~句。~觉(jué)。机~。国家维持社会秩序和治安的武装力量:~察。~士。……



汉语拼音:xún jǐng








  1. 亦作“ 巡儆 ”。巡查警戒。

    《梁书·萧范传》:“﹝ 范 ﹞迁卫尉卿,每夜自巡警, 高祖 嘉其劳苦。” 唐 元稹 《茅舍》诗:“防虞集邻里,巡警劳昼夜。”《元典章新集·刑部·防盗》:“路府州县捕捉盗官,督责应捕官兵,时常巡儆者。”《东周列国志》第六四回:“ 范匄 使 赵 荀 两家之军,协守南关二重, 韩无忌 兄弟,协守北关二重, 祁午 诸人,周围巡儆。”《上海小刀会起义史料汇编·防堵始末》:“乃假 严州 营兵号衣,照常巡警。”

  2. 清 末及 民国 时对警察的称谓。

    《清史稿·兵志二》:“﹝ 光绪 ﹞二十九年,从 徐世昌 等言,以緑营挑改巡警。” 鲁迅 《华盖集·牺牲谟》:“先行脱下了也不妥当,一则不太雅观,二则恐怕巡警要干涉。” 老舍 《赵子曰》第二:“虽然只是初冬的天气,却已经把站街的巡警冻得缩着脖子往避风阁里跑了。”



  1. Patrol don't understand mother duck what to do, so he took it away from the side continue to work.


  2. "Sure, Mike, " she said joyfully, "if you'll blow me to a pail of suds. I'd have spoke to you sooner, but the cop was watching. "


  3. "He would beat me for simple things, like not making enough money or worse, getting pulled over by a cop, " she said.


  4. Their ambitions sometimes tempt them to turn a blind eye or to accept bribes, which lowers the morale of the ordinary cop.


  5. So far this year, patrols have stopped 20, 000 people trying to cross the Mediterranean.


  6. He persuaded them to stay behind a pillar while he drove to a store to call the highway patrol.


  7. Ohio State Highway Patrol troopers said the driver lost control and both occupants were ejected.


  8. Yes, the policeman comes to ask just whether have calls gold farmland one Geng help of does the person leave here?


  9. Suddenly she screamed, and the man turned and ran out of the store, and ran into the arms of a passing patrolman .


  1. 巡警唐 利利

    Patrolman Don Lilly.

  2. 巡警汤普森。

    Ranger thompson.

  3. 巡警在检查过往车辆。

    The patrolman is inspecting the vehicular traffic.

  4. 所幸巡警并未受伤。

    The trooper was not hurt.

  5. 照片中是一位巡警

    This is actually one of the rangers.

  6. 巡警六个小时后再来。

    Patrol came back six hours later.

  7. 巡逻警车和巡警撤离怎么样?

    The squad car, the patrolman?

  8. 恐怖分子袭击了两名巡警。

    Terrorists attacked two patrollers.

  9. 想当年我还是年轻巡警时。

    You know, back when I was a young patrolman.

  10. 清末巡警部与高等巡警学堂

    Patrol Police Department and Patrol Police Academy at the End of Qing

  11. 巡警的巡察工作适用本条例。

    These regulations shall apply to the patrol done by patrolmen on duty.

  12. 巡警琼斯曾在出事现场。

    Patrolman Jones is at the scene of the accident.

  13. 你是谁,除了巡警这个身份之外

    And who are you. besides the pass police?

  14. 贝尔巡警那时也直起了身。

    Officer bell stood up at the same time.

  15. 巡警很难找到我们只要我们一着陆。

    Patrol have a hard time trying to find us once we land.

  16. 我让你们巡警队抓起来了!

    I will let you patrol teams arrested!

  17. 巡警再过3分钟就要来了。快走!

    The stick man is due here in about three minutes. Hurry.

  18. 正在这个期间,巡警把我抓了去。

    Just about this time, I was arrested.

  19. 巡警汤普森,请报告你的位置。

    Ranger thompson, please respond and report your location.

  20. 开始时,巡警每个月的薪水为16。

    The starting salary for the patrolmen was16 per month.

  21. 当一队巡警经过时,炸弹爆炸了。

    The bomb went off as a police patrol went by.

  22. 要规范巡警的警容风纪, 树立良好形象。

    We must uphold morale of the police officers and build a good image.

  23. 要规范巡警的警容风纪,树立良好形象。

    We must uphold morale of the police officers and build a good image.

  24. 卡洛尔巡警部分证实了目击者的口述

    Sergeant Carroll partially confirms eyewitness accounts.

  25. 有人看见巡警向那个跑堂得挤眉弄眼。

    Policeman was seen to smile to potboy.

  26. 有人看见巡警向那个跑堂的挤眉弄眼。

    Policeman was seen to smile to potboy.

  27. 内华达巡警是在这里找到死者的车

    Nevada State Patrol found the victims vehicle here.

  28. 当时贝尔巡警隐蔽在这扇门后头的。

    Officer bell was crouched down behind his door.

  29. 职业紧张对巡警和刑警心理健康的影响

    Effect of Occupational Stress on Mental Health of Patrolmen and Criminal Policemen

  30. 想想那值勤的巡警怎么受得了这么冷的天。

    Think how could the flatfoot on duty bear such a cold.


  1. 问:巡警拼音怎么拼?巡警的读音是什么?巡警翻译成英文是什么?

    答:巡警的读音是xúnjǐng,巡警翻译成英文是 policeman

  2. 问:巡警官拼音怎么拼?巡警官的读音是什么?巡警官翻译成英文是什么?

    答:巡警官的读音是xúnjǐngguān,巡警官翻译成英文是 police force ordinance

  3. 问:巡警用电话拼音怎么拼?巡警用电话的读音是什么?巡警用电话翻译成英文是什么?

    答:巡警用电话的读音是xún jǐng yòng diàn huà,巡警用电话翻译成英文是 patrol telephone


