







汉语拼音:tāo tiān








  1. 弥漫天际。形容水势极大。

    《书·尧典》:“汤汤洪水方割,荡荡怀山襄陵,浩浩滔天。” 晋 郭璞 《江赋》:“极泓量而海运,状滔天以淼茫。” 明 何景明 《延津歌送韩令》:“ 黄河 岸边不种麦,浊浪滔天多贾客。” 陈毅 《题<长征会师图>》诗:“长城如龙走, 大河 水滔天。”

  2. 比喻罪恶、灾祸或权势等极大。

    《书·尧典》:“静言庸违,象恭滔天。” 孔 传:“言 共工 ……貌象恭敬而心傲很若漫天。”《晋书·愍帝纪论》:“股肱非挑战之秋, 刘 石 有滔天之势。” 明 李日华 《南西厢记·猜诗雪案》:“鬱闷滔天,教我如何理料。” 清 平步青 《霞外攟屑·论文上·刘恭甫司马文》:“隐然折衝,消弭滔天燎原之祸於决策之顷。” 李劼人 《死水微澜》第五部分十三:“ 清 朝是该灭了,惹下了这种滔天大祸,是不是呢?” 张书绅 《正气歌》六:“但是,一指黑纱怎能掩盖得了反党反人民的滔天罪行。”



  1. Someone even suggested a great and unknown crime, and was now trying to pay back his debt to society.


  2. When the boat meets the times change the dreadful very rough sea waves, is doomed to carry floats carries sinks, actually also involuntary.


  3. There was no wall of water, no howling winds; just the sound of taps drying up and toilets ceasing to flush.


  4. The crimes of Al Qaeda touched most continents, bringing tragedy and loss of life to thousands of men, women and children.


  5. Credit default swaps are the rocket fuel that turned the subprime mortgage fire into a conflagration.


  6. A rapid exchange of information and instructions is especially valuable if the company wants to alter course in stormy times.


  7. Deluge seedlings did not show, the Central Plains have seen the whole dream of flying.


  8. With no hair, no danger of little accidents, and a mind capable of doing far more than fetch, is K9 the perfect pet?


  9. The Gold Coast is known as a surfers ' paradise3 with over 42 kilometers of sandy beaches, crystal-clear water, and great waves.


  1. 白浪滔天。

    Whitecaps surge high.

  2. 滔天巨浪的激增高。

    The monstrous billows surge up high.

  3. 他为非作歹,罪恶滔天。

    He has committed many towering crimes.

  4. 希特勒政权的滔天罪行

    the enormities of the Hitler regime

  5. 巴沙尔之后, 洪水滔天。

    After Bashar alAssad, the deluge.

  6. 我们强烈谴责这一滔天罪行。

    We strongly condemn that heinous crime.

  7. 他犯下了滔天大罪。

    He committed a flagrant crime.

  8. 那艘船淹没在滔天巨浪中。

    The ship sank in mountainous seas.

  9. 关于洪水滔天传说的断想

    Thought on tales about floodwater dash to the skies

  10. 他对人类犯下滔天罪行。

    He committed a crime against humanity.

  11. 海水被大风刮起滔天波涛。

    The sea ridges under the wind.

  12. 那么原子弹?痛苦?人类的滔天罪行?

    What about the bomb and the misery and humanitys most heinous crime

  13. 他犯下的是滔天大罪。

    The most heinous crime has been committed.

  14. 他犯下的是滔天大罪。

    The most heinous crime has been committed.

  15. 滔天大水不能解爱的饥饿。

    Many waters cannot quench love, neither can floods drown it.

  16. 超过15万人提供了思考的滔天罪行。

    More than 150,000 people offered their thoughts on the heinous crime.

  17. 超过15万人提供了思考得滔天罪行。

    More than 150, 000 people offered their thoughts on the heinous crime.

  18. 滔天大水!水灾造成欧洲数千人逃难

    Floods cause thousands in Europe to flee

  19. 他的滔天罪行人们永远也不会忘记。

    His heinous crimes will never be forgotten.

  20. 法官说他对妇女犯下了滔天罪行。

    The judge said he had committed atrocious crimes against women.

  21. 小船迎着滔天的白浪向前疾驶。

    The little boat against white horses.

  22. 王杀王, 谓诸王相并。洪水滔天, 谓天王。

    King to kill King, that the phase and the Kings.

  23. 如果美丽有罪, 那你就是罪恶滔天。

    If beauty is a crime, you are heinous!

  24. 如果漂亮是一种罪,你已经罪恶滔天!

    If attractive is one kind of crime, you already monstrous crimes!

  25. 希特勒的滔天罪行人们永远也不会忘记。

    Hitlers heinous crimes will never be forgotten.

  26. 我们犯了什么滔天大罪,受到如此对待?

    What we committed a heinous crime, to receive the same treatment ?

  27. 杀死一只独角兽算得上是滔天罪行。

    That is because it is a monstrous thing, to slay a unicorn.

  28. 洪水滔天苗不秀, 中原曾见梦全飞。

    Deluge seedlings did not show, the Central Plains have seen the whole dream of flying.

  29. 杀死一只独角兽可是件滔天大罪。

    It is a terrible crime to slay a unicorn.

  30. 恶魔已经在这里犯下了滔天罪行,你这个流氓。

    Demons have committed enough atrocities here, you filth.


  1. 问:滔天拼音怎么拼?滔天的读音是什么?滔天翻译成英文是什么?

    答:滔天的读音是tāotiān,滔天翻译成英文是 towering; heinous



词目滔天 拼音tāo tiān 基本解释 1. [billows, etc. dash to the skies]∶弥漫无际;形容水势极大 波浪滔天 2. [monstrous;heinous]∶比喻罪恶灾祸等极大 滔天罪行 滔天之势 详细解释 1. 弥漫天际形容水势极大 书·尧典汤汤洪水方割荡荡怀山襄陵浩浩滔天 晋 郭璞 江赋极泓量而海运状滔天以淼茫 明 何景明 延津歌送韩令 黄河 岸边不种麦浊浪滔天多贾客陈毅 题诗长城如龙走 大河 水滔天 2. 比喻罪恶灾祸或权势等极大 书·尧典静言庸违象恭...