


1. 增 [zēng]增 [zēng]加多,添:~加。~多。~添。~益。~生(a.同“增殖”;b.古代科举制度中生员名目之一)。~产。~长(zhǎng )。~援。~殖。~辉。~减。~删。……


1. 色 [sè]色 [sè]由物体发射、反射的光通过视觉而产生的印象:颜~。~彩。~相(xiàng )。~调(diào )。脸上表现出的神气、样子:脸~。气~。~厉内荏。情景,景象:行~匆匆。景~宜人。种类:各~用品。品质,质量:音~。成……



汉语拼音:zēng sè








  1. And whatever you do, do not spend time improving your CV. It sounds as if your CV is fine as it is.


  2. "A wine is not going to make a meal so much better, " she says, "Asian flavours and the intensity of those flavours are already so high. "


  3. Certainly his record and demeanour stand him in good stead in the eyes of his colleagues.


  4. I didn't do all this thinking it would make a great resume builder for a Wall Street job.


  5. If the circumstances are rigorous, the plot is rich, equipped with a complete songs, moving story, smooth picture as he graces many.


  6. Cut up some old comic books and, using collage medium, add some color to an old pair of flats.


  7. Any of these plants or a combination will add color to the garden.


  8. By this product handling surfaces with original same illustrious graces, do not affect the original appearance.


  9. Some of the curator's choices seem a bit odd and the written descriptions, which add little, are occasionally heavy-handed .


  1. 光线给这幅画增色不少。

    The ray dosed the paint.

  2. 这幅画让这房间增色不少。

    The paint will brighten the room.

  3. 他的讲话为晚会增色不少。

    His remarks haloed the party greatly.

  4. 这些花会使你得花园增色。

    These flowers will brighten up your garden.

  5. 这些花会使你的花园增色。

    These flowers will brighten up your garden.

  6. 优美的家具使室内大为增色。

    Fine furniture graced the rooms.

  7. 他使我的演出增色生辉。

    He added color to my performance.

  8. 这张邮票给邮册增色不少。

    This stamp has added to the album.

  9. 迷你口红,色泽自然,为您增色。

    The charming lipstick with genuine luster adds color to you.

  10. 我觉得它给我的作品增色不少

    I think it adds a huge amount.

  11. 您的到来给我们的聚会大大增色。

    You graced our party with your presence.

  12. 这种新壁纸确实让卧室增色不少!

    This new wallpaper really glamorizes the living room!

  13. 广大宽阔的庭院为博物馆增色不少。

    The museum is complemented by a spacious garden.

  14. 强烈的室内灯光不会使人增色的。

    Harsh studio lights are never very flattering.

  15. 学会活用形容词可以使文章增色不少。

    Learning to use adjectives can add much color to your essays.

  16. 学会活用形容词可以使文章增色不少。

    Learning to use adjectives can add much color to your essays.

  17. 这条项链确实为你的着装增色不少。

    That necklace really is a complement to your outfit.

  18. 这条项链确实为你的着装增色不少。

    That necklace really is a complement to your outfit.

  19. 学会使用语气词也会使句子增色不少。

    Using words indicating tones properly would make the sentences much more colourful.

  20. 学会使用语气词也会使句子增色不少。

    Using words indicating tones properly would make the sentences much more colourful.

  21. 想买增色粮, 唔知红袋定紫袋好呢?

    I dont know what is red pocket or purple pocket, have photo or not?

  22. 一个不但没增色反而减色的装修方案。

    A decorating scheme that detracts but does not enhance.

  23. 那条红围巾为她的美增色不少。

    The red scarf adds to her beauty.

  24. 他反复推敲一个习语以使该句增色。

    He hashed a phrase in order to colour the sentence.

  25. 特别的创意戒指,为你的首饰盒增色不少!

    Unusual and creative rings that will spice up anyone's jewelry collection.

  26. 桂竹香盆栽为门外的景致增色不少。

    Tubs planted with wallflowers brightened the area outside the door.

  27. 一曲优美的主题歌能给电视剧增色不少。

    A good theme song adds much colour to a TV series.

  28. 一曲优美的主题歌能给电视剧增色不少。

    A good theme song adds much colour to a TV series.

  29. 这张桌子曾一度为公爵的起居室增色不少。

    The table had once graced a dukes drawing room.

  30. 汤姆的照片让这份地方报纸的头版增色不少。

    Tom's photo graced the front page of the local newspaper.


  1. 问:增色拼音怎么拼?增色的读音是什么?增色翻译成英文是什么?

    答:增色的读音是zēngsè,增色翻译成英文是 add to

  2. 问:增色团拼音怎么拼?增色团的读音是什么?增色团翻译成英文是什么?

    答:增色团的读音是zēng sè tuán,增色团翻译成英文是 hyperchrome

  3. 问:增色性拼音怎么拼?增色性的读音是什么?增色性翻译成英文是什么?

    答:增色性的读音是zēng sè xìng,增色性翻译成英文是 hyperchromicity; hyperchromism

  4. 问:增色的拼音怎么拼?增色的的读音是什么?增色的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:增色的的读音是zēng sè de,增色的翻译成英文是 hyperchromic

  5. 问:增色效应拼音怎么拼?增色效应的读音是什么?增色效应翻译成英文是什么?

    答:增色效应的读音是zēng sè xiào yìng,增色效应翻译成英文是 hyperchromic effect

  6. 问:增色转变拼音怎么拼?增色转变的读音是什么?增色转变翻译成英文是什么?

    答:增色转变的读音是zēng sè zhuǎn biàn,增色转变翻译成英文是 hyperchromic shift

  7. 问:增色性斑痕拼音怎么拼?增色性斑痕的读音是什么?增色性斑痕翻译成英文是什么?

    答:增色性斑痕的读音是zēng sè xìng bān hén,增色性斑痕翻译成英文是 hypertrophic scar




【拼音】zēng sè



【解释】增添光彩、情趣等 新修的水榭为花园增色不少