




1. 些 [xiē]2. 些 [suò]些 [xiē]表示不定的数量:一~。某~。~微。~许。用在形容词后表示比较的程度:病轻~了。些 [suò]《楚词》中的句末助词。……



汉语拼音:xiǎn xiē







  1. Captain Wentworth made a very early return to Mr. Musgrove's civility, and she was all but calling there in the same half hour!

  2. He wondered if she did not begin to see what a powerful engine it was, and how nearly it had crushed her.

  3. Oliver nearly swooned after this frightful scene, and was so weak that for an hour or more, he had not the strength to walk.

  4. The bank's collapse set off a chain of events across the world's financial system that almost brought down the entire structure.

  5. The philosopher nearly fell into the water when he tried to jump into the boat. The boatman caught his arm and helped him to get in.

  6. At times in this playful book the author has such fun with her theme that she risks overstretching the point.

  7. The hall door was closed behind me, the east wind caught me in the face, and I walked into a child.

  8. Macedonia remains fragile eight years after it almost lapsed into war. Testy relations with its neighbours do not help.

  9. I'll have to start earlier the next time. This time I only finished by the skin of my teeth.


  1. 她险些丧命。

    She was within an inch of being killed.

  2. 他们险些丧命。

    They were within a hairs breadth of being killed.

  3. 他险些淹死。

    He was within an inch of drowning.

  4. 她险些儿丧命。

    She was within a hair's breadth of death.

  5. 险些掉到水里

    nearly fall into the water

  6. 他险些被打着。

    He just missed being struck.

  7. 他险些被压死。

    He is narrowly pressed to dead.

  8. 他险些被淹死。

    He narrowly escaped being drowned.

  9. 他险些没逃掉。

    He escaped by the skin of his teeth.

  10. 小孩险些被溺死。

    The child narrowly escaped drowning.

  11. 他们险些丢了性命。

    They came within a whisker of being killed.

  12. 险些发生的人命案

    It Might Have Happened Otherwise as a Homicide Case

  13. 他险些儿送了命。

    He escaped death by an inch.

  14. 他险些掉进河中。

    He nearly fell into the river.

  15. 他险些被车压死。

    He narrowly escaped being run over.

  16. 汽车险些碰上门柱。

    The car only just cleared the gatepost.

  17. 那两辆车险些相撞。

    The two cars narrowly missed hitting each other.

  18. 我们险些出了大乱子。

    We came perilously close to disaster.

  19. 他险些儿泄露了秘密。

    He was on the verge of betraying his secret.

  20. 苏珊开车险些遇到意外。

    Susan have a close call in her car.

  21. 我们险些出了严重事故。

    We only just missed having a nasty accident.

  22. 我险些误了那班火车。

    I nearly missed the train.

  23. 他脚下一滑,险些跌倒。

    He slipped and almost fell.

  24. 那辆小汽车险些撞到你。

    That car nearly hit you.

  25. 险些发生核反应堆熔?事故。

    A meltdown at the reactor had only just been avoided.

  26. 母亲和儿子都险些死去。

    Both mother and son almost died.

  27. 她跌倒了, 险些跌断了脖子。

    She fell and almost nearly broke her neck.

  28. 声称是险些致命的一餐。

    What she claimed to be a near fatal meal.

  29. 杯子里险些没有汽水儿了。

    There is soda in the glass.

  30. 你险些踩到我的隐形眼镜。

    You almost stepped on my contact lens.


  1. 问:险些拼音怎么拼?险些的读音是什么?险些翻译成英文是什么?

    答:险些的读音是xiǎnxiē,险些翻译成英文是 almost; just barely; nearly




