







汉语拼音:wéi xiū








  1. 保养和修理。

    郭小川 《出钢的时候》诗:“那里呀,维修工正在维修炉膛。” 周而复 《上海的早晨》第四部五十:“每一部机器,他都熟悉。一听机器亲切的声音,他就知道啥地方该维修。”



  1. As one of the essential maintenance equipment, each kind of automobile lift like the emergence of the mushrooming .

  2. An air conditioner capable of preventing the mutual interference of internal parts has simple structure and easy maintenance.

  3. This language was developed to make it easier to understand and translate documents used at aircraft repair centers around the world.

  4. The product features easy to use, low maintenance cost and long usage life, it mainly applies in different civil construction applications.

  5. Finally, one of the men turned his back on the maintenance van, went down on one knee, and pointed an unfamiliar object at the sky.

  6. It will then be shut down for up to a year for maintenance work.

  7. Near Basra, ICRC contractor was repairing a water pipe after it was damaged by an explosion during the war.

  8. He began to establish a workshop in the basement of the Main Service Building at the observatory and to repair the horizontal telescope.

  9. "That strongly led me to believe that there was some foul play in this computer store, " he said.


  1. 维修工作量

    maintenance load.

  2. 维修工程师

    maintenance engineer.

  3. 黑白电视维修

    monochrome servicing

  4. 特约维修站

    service station.

  5. 飞机维修库

    maintenance hangar

  6. 维修工领班

    maintenance foreman.

  7. 特约维修店

    special repair shop.

  8. 维修停机率

    scheduled outage rate.

  9. 电化学维修

    electrochemical repair.

  10. 可维修备件

    repairable spare parts.

  11. 轮椅维修站

    Wheelchair Repair Station.

  12. 维修电工学

    maintenance electrotechnics.

  13. 维修相关表

    maintenance dependency chart.

  14. 维修良好/ 不善

    in good/ bad repair

  15. 基建及维修

    infrastructure and maintenance engineering.

  16. 全员生产维修

    total productive maintenance

  17. 维修机具设备

    maintenance tool and equipment

  18. 民航机务维修

    maintenance errors in aviation.

  19. 汽车维修备件

    vehicle maintenance spare parts.

  20. 综合维修天窗

    Comprehensive maintenance window

  21. 外部设备维修

    Repairment of Peripheral Equipment

  22. 电梯正在维修。

    The elevator is out of order.

  23. 车辆维修车间

    vehicle maintenance and repair shop

  24. 设备维修工作量

    service workload

  25. 机器维修良好。

    The machine is in good repair.

  26. 工程维修备忘录

    engineering service memo

  27. 维修碇泊处

    service anchorage.

  28. 录像机维修中心

    video recorder repair center

  29. 自动变速器维修

    Automatic transmission repair

  30. 民用运输机维修

    maintenance of civil transport


  1. 问:维修拼音怎么拼?维修的读音是什么?维修翻译成英文是什么?

    答:维修的读音是wéixiū,维修翻译成英文是 maintain

  2. 问:维修包拼音怎么拼?维修包的读音是什么?维修包翻译成英文是什么?

    答:维修包的读音是wéi xiū bāo,维修包翻译成英文是 maintenance pack

  3. 问:维修史拼音怎么拼?维修史的读音是什么?维修史翻译成英文是什么?

    答:维修史的读音是wéi xiū shǐ,维修史翻译成英文是 maintenance history

  4. 问:维修员拼音怎么拼?维修员的读音是什么?维修员翻译成英文是什么?

    答:维修员的读音是wéi xiū yuán,维修员翻译成英文是 Repairman

  5. 问:维修工拼音怎么拼?维修工的读音是什么?维修工翻译成英文是什么?

    答:维修工的读音是wéi xiū gōng,维修工翻译成英文是 maintenance man

  6. 问:维修度拼音怎么拼?维修度的读音是什么?维修度翻译成英文是什么?

    答:维修度的读音是wéi xiū dù,维修度翻译成英文是 maintainability

  7. 问:维修架拼音怎么拼?维修架的读音是什么?维修架翻译成英文是什么?

    答:维修架的读音是wéi xiū jià,维修架翻译成英文是 maintenance rig

  8. 问:维修点拼音怎么拼?维修点的读音是什么?维修点翻译成英文是什么?

    答:维修点的读音是wéi xiū diǎn,维修点翻译成英文是 Maintenance Rally Point

  9. 问:维修率拼音怎么拼?维修率的读音是什么?维修率翻译成英文是什么?

    答:维修率的读音是wéi xiū lǜ,维修率翻译成英文是 Maintenance Ratio

  10. 问:维修班拼音怎么拼?维修班的读音是什么?维修班翻译成英文是什么?

    答:维修班的读音是wéi xiū bān,维修班翻译成英文是 maintenance gang

  11. 问:维修船拼音怎么拼?维修船的读音是什么?维修船翻译成英文是什么?

    答:维修船的读音是wéi xiū chuán,维修船翻译成英文是 Maintenance and Repair Ship

  12. 问:维修费拼音怎么拼?维修费的读音是什么?维修费翻译成英文是什么?

    答:维修费的读音是wéi xiū fèi,维修费翻译成英文是 upkeep

  13. 问:维修车拼音怎么拼?维修车的读音是什么?维修车翻译成英文是什么?

    答:维修车的读音是wéi xiū chē,维修车翻译成英文是 maintenance lorry

  14. 问:维修不良拼音怎么拼?维修不良的读音是什么?维修不良翻译成英文是什么?

    答:维修不良的读音是wéi xiū bù liáng,维修不良翻译成英文是 maintenance trouble

  15. 问:维修主管拼音怎么拼?维修主管的读音是什么?维修主管翻译成英文是什么?

    答:维修主管的读音是wéi xiū zhǔ guǎn,维修主管翻译成英文是 maintenance supervisor

  16. 问:维修义务拼音怎么拼?维修义务的读音是什么?维修义务翻译成英文是什么?

    答:维修义务的读音是wéi xiū yì wù,维修义务翻译成英文是 liability for maintenance

  17. 问:维修令状拼音怎么拼?维修令状的读音是什么?维修令状翻译成英文是什么?

    答:维修令状的读音是wéi xiū lìng zhuàng,维修令状翻译成英文是 de domo reparanda

  18. 问:维修仪器拼音怎么拼?维修仪器的读音是什么?维修仪器翻译成英文是什么?

    答:维修仪器的读音是wéi xiū yí qì,维修仪器翻译成英文是 maintenance device

  19. 问:维修作业拼音怎么拼?维修作业的读音是什么?维修作业翻译成英文是什么?

    答:维修作业的读音是wéi xiū zuò yè,维修作业翻译成英文是 maintenance work

  20. 问:维修保函拼音怎么拼?维修保函的读音是什么?维修保函翻译成英文是什么?

    答:维修保函的读音是wéi xiū bǎo hán,维修保函翻译成英文是 maintenance bond