


1. 痱 [fèi]2. 痱 [féi]痱 [fèi]〔~子〕由于暑天出汗过多,引起汗腺发炎,皮肤表面生出来的小红疹,很痒。痱 [féi]古代称偏瘫症:风~。……


1. 子 [zǐ]子 [zǐ]古代指儿女,现专指儿子:~女。~孙。~嗣。~弟(后辈人,年轻人)。植物的果实、种子:菜~。瓜~儿。~实。动物的卵:鱼~。蚕~。幼小的,小的:~鸡。~畜。~城。小而硬的颗粒状的东西:~弹(dàn )。棋~儿。与“……



汉语拼音:fèi zǐ






  1. 亦作“疿子”。一种夏令常见的皮肤病。由于皮肤不洁、出汗不畅引起。表现为密集的红色或白色小疹。易发于额、颈、上胸、肘窝等多汗部位。有刺痒和灼热感。

    宋 周密 《志雅堂杂钞·医药》:“暑天疿子,用王瓜摩之,即消。” 老舍 《骆驼祥子》十一:“身上痒剌剌的像小孩儿在夏天炸了痱子似的。”



  1. Sometimes it seems as if baking soda is good for just about anything, and it's certainly good for relieving heat rash.


  2. Heat rashes are caused by sweat glands not being able to clear the large amounts of sweat we produce in the heat.


  3. The heat brought him out in a rash.


  4. The most common type, known as prickly heat, results when sweat escapes into the epidermis.


  5. Is summer too hot did allergy have prickly heat how is ability a bit faster good ah?


  6. Heat rash can be itchy, painful and very uncomfortable, but it is completely preventable!


  7. Apply to children with measles in the initial stage, when no hair, as well as prickly heat, sores boil embolism.


  8. Heat rashes are best avoided by wearing cool, light cotton clothes and taking regular tepid showers.


  9. What is children born prickly heat to have to compare good method?


  1. 磺胺痱子粉

    conspensus sulfanilamidiet zinci oxydi.

  2. 孩子长痱子了。

    My child has heat rash.

  3. 他背上起痱子了。

    Heat rash rises on his back.

  4. 喝酒出酒痱子怎么办?

    Drink how does prickly heat giving wine do?

  5. 太阳晒了她一身痱子。

    The sun brought her out inan itchy rash.

  6. 去痱子的做有效的办法!

    Go of prickly heat make efficient way!

  7. 香粉,爽身粉和痱子粉的行业标准

    Trade standardization of fragrance powder, toilet powder and bath powder

  8. 为什么长这么大还会长痱子啊?

    Why to grow so big return chairman prickly heat ?

  9. 怎么样才能,最快最好的消除痱子?

    How ability, the fastest best elimination prickly heat?

  10. 我这么大了, 还可能长痱子吗?

    I am so big, grow prickly heat possibly still

  11. 宝宝夏天额头总是长痱子, 怎么办?

    Forehead always grows darling summer prickly heat, how to do ?

  12. 芦荟也用于治疗粉刺,痱子,癣等皮肤病。

    Aloe also is used at treating the skin disease such as acne, prickly heat, tinea.

  13. 小孩子生痱子有什么比较好的方法?

    What is children born prickly heat to have to compare good method.

  14. 热天给宝宝洗澡后, 一定要扑一点痱子粉。

    When bathing babies in summer, we should apply some bath powder.

  15. 热天给宝宝洗澡后,一定要扑一点痱子粉。

    When bathing babies in summer, we should apply some bath powder.

  16. 大家有什么办法能够治好婴儿长痱子吗?

    What method does everybody have to you can cure the baby grows heat

  17. 烧伤或长痱子,用新鲜黄瓜土豆,皮肤表面的涂层。

    Burn or long prickly heat, mash with fresh cucumber, coating surface of the skin.

  18. 夏天太热了过敏起了痱子怎样才能快一点好啊?

    Is summer too hot did allergy have prickly heat how is ability a bit faster good ah

  19. 有时好像小苏打能做任何事, 当然对减轻痱子也有效。

    Sometimes it seems as if baking soda is good for just about anything, and its certainly good for relieving heat rash.

  20. 最常见得一型, 即痱子, 因汗液溢入表皮内而导致。

    The most common type, known as prickly heat, results when sweat escapes into the epidermis.

  21. 最常见的一型,即痱子,因汗液溢入表皮内而导致。

    The most common type, known as prickly heat, results when sweat escapes into the epidermis.

  22. 夏天热的时候身上为什么会长痱子,怎么才能快速治好呢

    Go up personally when summer is hot why chairman prickly heat, how does ability cure quickly

  23. 看这太阳把烤的,我都听得见痱子在脖子上暴跳出来了。

    This sun is broiling me and I can just hear freckles popping out on my neck.


  1. 问:痱子拼音怎么拼?痱子的读音是什么?痱子翻译成英文是什么?

    答:痱子的读音是fèizi,痱子翻译成英文是 prickly heat

  2. 问:痱子粉拼音怎么拼?痱子粉的读音是什么?痱子粉翻译成英文是什么?

    答:痱子粉的读音是fèizifěn,痱子粉翻译成英文是 medicinal powder which is used to prevent prick...


