


总括,总起来:~一。~率(shuài)。~帅。~摄(统辖)。~考。~筹。~战。~共。~购~销。事物的连续关系:系~。血~。传(chuán )~。体~。……





汉语拼音:tǒng zhì









  1. 统领制约。

    唐 李德裕 《授张仲武招抚回鹘使制》:“崇以夏官之秩,委其统制之权,当竭一心,敬兹休命。”《旧唐书·韩滉传》:“议者以 滉 统制一方,颇著勤绩,自幼立名贞亷,晚途政甚苛惨。” 宋 苏辙 《西南夷论》:“古者九夷八蛮无大君长,纷纷籍籍不相统制。”

  2. 官名。

    北宋 于出师作战时选拔一人为都统制,总辖诸将。至 南宋 建炎 初设置御营司都统制,始为职官名。又有统制、同统制、副统制等。见《宋史·职官志七》。 元明 不置此职。 清 末统辖一镇的军事长官也称统制。《续资治通鉴·宋高宗绍兴三十一年》:“先是 錡 遣前司策应右军统制 王刚 等间以兵数百渡 淮 , 金 人退却,官军小胜。”

  3. 集中控制。

    邹韬奋 《萍踪忆语》四:“他们的触角且深入到零售商业的旧机构里去,也一古脑儿包括在他们的统制之下。” 续范亭 《乱弹琴》诗之二:“我要说什么,抗战与统一。统一非统制,抗战要团结。”



  1. It is of course then up to you to take control of the vehicle in this Higher gear and find out whsupport it is capbellyle of.


  2. Throughout his life, Mahatma Gandhi fought against the power of force during the heyday of British rein over the world.


  3. Despite some tepid reforms, most of its economy remains stuck in a dirigiste impasse. Its army, though crucial to Mr.


  4. The two basic policies of the state in the economic struggle will be regulation of capital at home and control of foreign trade.


  5. Here was the Temple of Zeus, father of the gods and ruler of both gods and men.


  6. He sets out from ethical position discuss regulatory economy idea, emphasize China having the necessity with regulatory credence.


  7. The policies of comforting and avoiding the energy "bottleneck restraint" come from the Japanese economics controlling ideas.


  8. The general ledger is also called control account .


  9. Many of these measures were gradual, but they signaled a decisive break with India's dirigiste past.


  1. 统制对外贸易

    controlled foreign trade

  2. 总统制政府

    a presidential government.

  3. 总统制国家

    The States of the Presidency.

  4. 总统制共和国

    presidential republic

  5. 统制工会活动的法律。

    Legislation to control the activities of trade unions.

  6. 俄罗斯总统制剖析

    Analysis on Russian Presidential System

  7. 总帐也称统制帐目。

    The general ledger is also called control account.

  8. 人民遭受法西斯政体的统制。

    People suffered the fascist regime.

  9. 可是统制政策依然没有改变。

    Yet the policy of autocratic rule remains unchanged.

  10. 人自觉地统制着交换过程

    Process of exchange is governed by men

  11. 哈萨克斯坦保持总统制政体。

    Kazakhstan maintains a presidential form of government.

  12. 很多国家选择总统制政府。

    Many countries favour a presidential system of government.

  13. 监控行政裁量运行需要程序统制。

    Monitoring the operation of administrative discretion need program controlling.

  14. 加蓬是总统制的共和政府。

    Gabon is a republic with a presidential form of government.

  15. 在公约的统制下, 全体缔约国一律平等。

    All States parties are equal under the rules of the Convention.

  16. 总统制是一元化行政体制的典型。

    President system is a typical of the centralized administrative system.

  17. 罗马尼禄皇帝得统制是一个恐怖统治。

    The reign of Roman Emperor Nero was a reign of terror.

  18. 罗马尼禄皇帝的统制是一个恐怖统治。

    The reign of Roman Emperor Nero was a reign of terror.

  19. 俄罗斯与中亚五国总统制比较

    A Comparison of Presidential Systems Between Russia and Five Central Asian States

  20. 行政裁量权必须置于立法统制之下的。

    The administrative discretion must lie under legislation regulation.

  21. 这些规定使法国带有总统制得色彩。

    These provisions make France's presidential system with color.

  22. 这些规定使法国带有总统制的色彩。

    These provisions make France's presidential system with color.

  23. 民主政体可分为君主制和总统制。

    A democracy can be monarchicalor presidential.

  24. 相比之下美国的总统制共和制更加稳定。

    By contrast the U.S. presidential republic more stable.

  25. 相比之下美国得总统制共和制更加稳定。

    By contrast the U. S. presidential republic more stable.

  26. 菲律宾共和国是民主共和国,采取总统制政体。

    The Republic of the Philippines is a democratic and republican State with a presidential form of government.

  27. 在中世纪,封建统制和农奴制度是普遍的,残酷的。

    In the Middle Ages, feudal control and serfdom were universal and cruel.

  28. 人们往往认为,总统制国家就是其总统的国家。

    Country with a presidential system tends to get identified with its leader.

  29. 第一,总统制和议会制的内在特性及其缘起。

    In the first part, the characteristics and origin of presidentialism and parliamentary system are explored.

  30. 太平洋战争前后日军实行华中金融统制史料选

    Japanese Army Enforced Urgent Strategy of Financial Control and Other Measures Concerned in Central China Before the Pacific War Broke Out


  1. 问:统制拼音怎么拼?统制的读音是什么?统制翻译成英文是什么?

    答:统制的读音是tǒngzhì,统制翻译成英文是 to control

  2. 问:统制的拼音怎么拼?统制的的读音是什么?统制的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:统制的的读音是,统制的翻译成英文是 regulatory

  3. 问:统制经济拼音怎么拼?统制经济的读音是什么?统制经济翻译成英文是什么?

    答:统制经济的读音是tǒng zhì jīng jì,统制经济翻译成英文是 controlled economy

  4. 问:统制李公水军大捷碑拼音怎么拼?统制李公水军大捷碑的读音是什么?统制李公水军大捷碑翻译成英文是什么?

    答:统制李公水军大捷碑的读音是tǒngzhì lǐgōngshuǐ jūn dàjié bēi,统制李公水军大捷碑翻译成英文是 Admiral Yi Sun-sin's Naval Battle Monumnet...

  5. 问:统制营址(十二工房)拼音怎么拼?统制营址(十二工房)的读音是什么?统制营址(十二工房)翻译成英文是什么?

    答:统制营址(十二工房)的读音是tǒngzhì yíng zhǐ (shí'èr gōngfáng),统制营址(十二工房)翻译成英文是 Tongjeyeong Site



“统制”是个多义词,它可以指统制(北宋时期的官名), 统制(词语释义)。