




1. 劲 [jìn]2. 劲 [jìng]劲 [jìn]力气,力量:~头。费~。干~。精神,情绪,兴趣:干活儿起~儿。这部电影真没~。劲 [jìng]坚强有力:~敌。~旅。~拔。~悍。~挺。~秀。~直。~松。强~。刚~。疾风知~草。……



汉语拼音:qǐ jìn








  1. 情绪高,劲头大。

    《官场现形记》第三八回:“所以他们趋奉太太,竟其比趋奉老爷还要来得起劲。” 巴金 《灭亡》第八章:“房东母女和她底叔父夫妇谈得很起劲。”

  2. 用劲;用力。

    《冷眼观》第十二回:“后来我急了,就起劲把头一拗,纔看出是 柔斋 来。”



  1. The piano was the only thing that kept his mother actively engaged with the world.


  2. The stem of everyone eager, the sweat bedewed clothes, flow full ZHANG ZHANG's smiling face, hope the whose on the faces is all red all.


  3. I energetically did several weeks, trying to create a pound of wheat stone mortar, and finally they had hollowed out a large piece of wood.


  4. But she had seen enough of him to join in all the admiration of the others, and with an energy which always adorned her praise.


  5. If I had been more diligent at school and university I could have been a doctor or a lawyer.


  6. Wake up, people! Everybody seems to be dogging it today. What the matter with you?


  7. He pulled hard, to start with, but after a time he began to lose interest and let go of the rope.


  8. Try not to be a man of sess but rather try to be a man of value. -- A. Einstein.


  9. Dumbledore conducted their last few lines with his wand and when they had finished, he was one of those who clapped loudest.


  1. 起劲地干着

    go at it with spirit.

  2. 他愈讲愈起劲。

    He warmed up as he went on with his speech.

  3. 他们越干越起劲。

    The more they worked, the more energetical they became.

  4. 你为什么这么起劲?

    Why do you keep pushing like this?

  5. 某些人很起劲嘛

    Someone's peppy.

  6. 人们正干得起劲。

    Work is in full swing.

  7. 他起劲地干起来。

    They fell to work dingdong.

  8. 男孩子们起劲地欢呼。

    The boys cheered lustily.

  9. 我们起劲地工作起来。

    We set to work with a will.

  10. 他们起劲地投入工作。

    They set to work with a will.

  11. 不好意思,我写的正起劲

    I'm sorry. I was on a roll.

  12. 他鼓起劲,站起身来。

    With great effort, he rose to his feet.

  13. 乔治, 你干的真起劲。

    You are working hard george.

  14. 乔治,你干的真起劲。

    You are working hard george.

  15. 他们谈的很起劲儿。

    They talked animatedly.

  16. 她目前起劲搞的是柔道。

    Her current enthusiasm is judo.

  17. 别的弟兄没有一个起劲的。

    None of the other men were eager.

  18. 那些年轻人闹得可真起劲。

    The youngsters ran on at a great rate.

  19. 我们起劲地干个不停。

    They blazed away at their work.

  20. 他鼓起劲作最后一击。

    He rallied his strength for a final blow.

  21. 我们起劲地搞起了推销工作。

    We went to town on the sales campaign.

  22. 孩子们起劲儿地学骑车。

    The children enthusiastically learned to ride a bicycle.

  23. 我对这件事鼓不起劲来。

    I couldn't muster up much enthusiasm for it.

  24. 但是打得那么起劲一定很过瘾

    but it must be so fun to play that hard.

  25. 东岸的同胞瞧你摇得起劲。

    Down South, I know you bouncing right.

  26. 听众起劲地对我大喝倒彩。

    The audience hissed me with great gusto.

  27. 他们非常起劲地谈着度假计划。

    They talked of their holiday plans with great animation.

  28. 因为要是我不起劲,你将一事无成。

    Cause if I don't, you go nowhere.

  29. 这次旅行我真提不起劲来。

    Can not work up much enthusiasm for that journey.

  30. 演讲者就她的主题越讲越起劲。

    The speaker was now warming to her theme.


  1. 问:起劲拼音怎么拼?起劲的读音是什么?起劲翻译成英文是什么?

    答:起劲的读音是qǐjìn,起劲翻译成英文是 enthusiastic

