




劳绩,成绩,与“过”相对:~勋。~绩。论~行赏。徒劳无~。~德无量(liàng )。~成不居(立了功而不把功劳归于自己)。成就,成效:成~。~能。~亏一篑。事半~倍。急~近利。物理学上指用力使物体移动的工作,等于力乘移动的距离:~率。本领,……


1. 而 [ér]而 [ér]古同“尔”,代词,你或你的:“~翁归,自与汝复算耳”。连词(a.表平列,如“多~杂”。b.表相承,如“取~代之”。c.表递进,如“~且”。d.表转折,如“似是~非”。e.连接肯定和否定表互为补充,如“浓~不烈”……


回,归:往~。~航。~工。~青(某些植物的幼苗移栽或越冬后,由黄转绿并恢复生长)。~销。~修。~还(huán )。流连忘~。……



汉语拼音:wú gōng ér fǎn





指没有任何成效而回来。 。



  1. na.
  2. return without accomplishing anything;a wild goose chase

  1. 暴风雨使营救工作无功而返。

    The storm rendered the rescue effort unsuccessful.

  2. 我们辛辛苦苦跟踪他, 却无功而返。

    Our efforts to trace him turned up nothing.

  3. 于是她再试一次 但也是无功而返

    She attempted it a second time, and again, halfway up, she fell backwards.

  4. 聪明的可汗亲自去捉神鸟, 也是无功而返。

    Khan smart superbird scs personally, but also failed.

  5. 擂主的实力很强, 估计攻擂者要无功而返了。

    The challenged is very powerful. I am afraid the challenger will end in vain.

  6. 擂主的实力很强,估计攻擂者要无功而返了。

    The challenged is very powerful. I am afraid the challenger will end in vain.

  7. 擂主得实力很强,估计攻擂者要无功而返了。

    The challenged is very powerful. I am afraid the challenger will end in vain.

  8. 哈吉开了2小时的车,追寻气球,不过无功而返。

    Hajji spent two hours in his car trying to chase and find the balloon, without success.

  9. 随后博扬也向本尼顿球门发难,依旧无功而返。

    Afterward raises abundantly also launches an attack to a Benni goal, the idle work returns as before.

  10. 今年早些时候, 微软收购雅虎的尝试无功而返。

    Earlier this year, Microsoft acquired Yahoo's attempt failed.

  11. 部长们飞赴阿卜耶伊以求结束战斗,但无功而返。

    Ministers were flown to Abyei to end the fighting, but to no avail.

  12. 此后哥伦比亚大举反扑无功而返,比分最终定格在0比1。

    Since then, Colombia failed counterattack on a large scale, fixed the final score of0 to1.

  13. 他们将试图干扰日籍捕鲸船的行动或令其无功而返。

    They will try to interfere with or disable the Japanese whalers.

  14. 马刺最后时刻的反扑也告无功而返, 被迫缴械投降。

    The last time the Spurs have been nothing back, was forced to surrender.

  15. 无功而受礼,真是不好意思呀!

    It's really embarrassing for me to accept your present when I haven't done anything for you!

  16. 无功而受礼,真是不好意思呀!

    It's really embarrassing for me to accept your present when I haven't done anything for you!

  17. 他的搜集最后无果而返。

    he gave the attic a good rummage but couldnt find his skis.

  18. 那些恐怖分子是注定死而无功得。

    The terrorists are destined to die for nothing.

  19. 无功得来得声望却常因无过而失去。

    Reputation is often got without merit, and lost without crime.

  20. 无功得来的声望却常因无过而失去。

    Reputation is often got without merit, and lost without crime.

  21. 干劳而无功的事

    make bricks without straw

  22. 那些恐怖分子是注定死而无功的。

    The terrorists are destined to die for nothing.