


1. 打 [dǎ]2. 打 [dá]打 [dǎ]击,敲,攻击:~击。殴~。~杀。放出,发出,注入,扎入:~炮。~雷。~信号。~电报。做,造:~首饰。~家具。拨动:~算盘。揭,破,凿开:~破。~井。举,提起:~灯笼。~起精神。涂抹,印,画:~……





汉语拼音:dǎ guǐ







  1. 明 时一种儿戏。

    明 沉榜 《宛署杂记·民风》:“正月十六日,小儿多羣集市中为戏,首以一人为鬼,繫绳其腰,羣儿共牵之,相去丈餘,轮次跃而前,急击一拳以去,名曰打鬼。期出不意,不得为繫者所执,一或执之,即谓为被鬼所执,鬨然共笑。捉代繫者,名曰替鬼……以此占儿轻佻,盖习武之意。”

  2. 喇嘛教的一种仪式。僧人扮天神以驱逐邪魔。

    清 潘荣陛 《帝京岁时纪胜·喇嘛打鬼》:“初八日 弘仁寺 打鬼。其制:以长教喇嘛披黄锦衣乘车持鉢,诸侍从各执仪仗法器拥护;又以小番僧名班第者,衣彩胄,戴黑白头盔,手执綵棒,随意挥洒白沙,前以鼓吹导引,众番僧执曲锤柄鼓,鸣锣吹角,演念经文,遶寺周匝,迎祥驱祟。念五日, 德胜门 外 黄寺 行亦如之。” 清 富察敦崇 《燕京岁时记·打鬼》:“打鬼本西域佛法,并非怪异,即古者九门观儺之遗风,亦所以禳除不祥也。每至打鬼,各喇嘛僧等扮演诸天神将以驱逐邪魔,都人观者甚众,有万家空巷之风。朝廷重佛法,特遣一散秩大臣以临之,亦圣人朝服阼阶之命意。打鬼日期, 黄寺 在十五日, 黑寺 在二十三日, 雍和宫 在三十日。”



  1. The Yonghe Lamasery in Beijing is a palace for Tibetan Buddhism, and its dance is called "Tiaobuzha" (driving ghosts).


  2. Haunted house exorcise demons Introduction


  3. Haunted house exorcise demons Games


  1. 芝加哥打鬼

    Return of the Living Dead, The.

  2. 鬼屋打鬼小游戏

    Haunted house exorcise demons Games

  3. 鬼屋打鬼游戏攻略

    Haunted house exorcise demons Introduction

  4. 你还相信打鬼这样的迷信啊?

    You don't believe in the exorcism of demons, do you ?

  5. 你还相信打鬼这样的迷信啊?

    You don't believe in the exorcism of demons, do you?

  6. 我看他脸上的表情就知道他在打鬼主意。

    I knew he was up to something by the look on his face.

  7. 她不让我跟那些吸毒鬼打比赛。

    She made me quit fighting the smokers.

  8. 这真是鬼打墙了,怎么就走不出这片林子了呢?

    I got lost at night, and went to the wrong place. Why can't I get out of the bamboo forest?

  9. 等我用打字机把那个鬼东西清楚地打出来再寄走。

    I'll retype the damned thing and mail it.

  10. 在这种状况下 思考逻辑如鬼打墙般走不出来

    What happens is that circular logic takes over.

  11. 我们神不知鬼不觉地打开门。

    We opened it with millimetric stealth.

  12. 然后你就可以和豪鬼对打了!

    Then you will challenge the secret person!

  13. 就做顽皮鬼也不打紧。主教说。

    Good devils even, said the Bishop.

  14. 这个冒失鬼不小心打碎了我的花瓶。

    The hot head carelessly broke my vase

  15. 这个冒失鬼不小心打碎了我的花瓶。

    The hot head carelessly broke my vase

  16. 下次鬼出现时,你要和她打个赌。

    Now, next time if the ghost appears, you have to make a bet with her.

  17. 他用拳头猛力推打柱子,而且声称他见鬼。

    He thrusts his fists against the posts and still insists he sees the ghosts.

  18. 李逵打不过李鬼得现象再也不能继续下去了!

    Li Kui has not been hit plum the phenomenon of ghost also cannot continue again!

  19. 李逵打不过李鬼的现象再也不能继续下去了!

    Li Kui has not been hit plum the phenomenon of ghost also cannot continue again!

  20. 这些黑鬼们打从心底的妒忌我的, 因为他们想要成为我。

    These niggaz is jealous cause deep in they hearts they wanna be me.

  21. 这些黑鬼们打从心底得妒忌我得, 因为他们想要成为我。

    These niggaz is jealous cause deep in they hearts they wanna be me.

  22. 糊涂鬼边说边把孩子拖过来,也打了他一耳光。

    Confused ghost said as she dragged the child over and hit him in the face.

  23. 尽是些刚放出来的自由黑鬼!嬷嬷打鼻子里哼了一声。

    Free issue country niggers, 'snorted Mammy.

  24. 懒惰鬼一看,妻子的老毛病又犯了,就上去打了她一个耳光。

    Truant and saw his wife had suffered a relapse, on the last play her a slap.

  25. 被他打上得人还在医院里, 你居然就让他走!什么鬼法律!

    The guy that he hit is still in the hospital, and you let him go! What is the dam law!

  26. 被他打上的人还在医院里,你居然就让他走!什么鬼法律!

    The guy that he hit is still in the hospital, and you let him go! What is the dam law!

  27. 可能是她用的那个黑鬼在院子里打死了一条蛇或一只老鼠。

    It's probably just a snake or a rat that nigger of hers killed in the yard.

  28. 寺院的打鬼仪式就要开始了。

    The rite of dancing to exorcise demons will soon be held in the temple.

  29. 寺院的打鬼仪式就要开始了。

    The rite of dancing to exorcise demons will soon be held in the temple.


  1. 问:打鬼拼音怎么拼?打鬼的读音是什么?打鬼翻译成英文是什么?

    答:打鬼的读音是dǎguǐ,打鬼翻译成英文是 To drive the devil away.; To observe a Tibeta...

  2. 问:打鬼战士II:档案Z拼音怎么拼?打鬼战士II:档案Z的读音是什么?打鬼战士II:档案Z翻译成英文是什么?

    答:打鬼战士II:档案Z的读音是,打鬼战士II:档案Z翻译成英文是 World War Z