


1. 并 [bìng]2. 并 [bīng]并 [bìng]合在一起:~拢。合~。兼~。一齐,平排着:~驾齐驱。~重(zhòng )。~行(xíng )。连词,表平列或进一层:~且。用在否定词前,加强否定的语气,表不像预料的那样:~不容易。……





汉语拼音:bìng jiǎn






  1. 见“ 并州剪 ”。



  1. With one hand, I can easily clamp the Easy Cutter down enough to cut through three layers of laminated Popsicle sticks.


  2. He was shorn as well. He has shaved off his beard and cut his hair, she realized.


  3. Fold the side seam under and cut out the armhole.


  4. To design several pattern on the Crystal paper by stamps or Colors pens and to cut them spare.


  5. Choose firm grapes with sturdy stems and cut into small bunches.


  6. Her grandmother, unlike most women her age, had hair that was neither dyed nor cut.


  7. At this time, trim away crowded and damaged branches, too.


  8. Colour and cut out the figures and clothes.


  9. Cut out and trace the owl and wings onto paperboard with the template.


  1. 折叠侧缝线并剪下袖窿。

    Fold the side seam under and cut out the armhole.

  2. 我想要洗头并剪短些。

    I'd like my sideboard cut short, please.

  3. 将人物和衣服涂色并剪下来。

    Colour and cut out the figures and clothes.

  4. 请帮我刮胡子并剪个男孩头。

    Please shave me and cut the boy's hair.

  5. 放开并剪去不需要的缝份量。

    Open out and cut away all the seam amounts not required.

  6. 这时候,也同时疏枝并剪去残枝。

    At this time, trim away crowded and damaged branches, too.

  7. 头发太长了, 请帮我剪短, 打薄并剪层次。

    My hair is too long, please trim it short, thin it out and layer it.

  8. 修剪及缝挑裤脚及袖口折叠侧缝线并剪下袖窿。

    Fold the side seam under and cut out the armhole.

  9. 选择坚硬的葡萄和有粗壮的茎干并剪断枝条。

    Choose firm grapes with sturdy stems and cut into small bunches.

  10. 如果有人刺死她们并剪掉她们头发那意味着什么?

    What would it mean if somebody were stabbing them and cutting off their hair ?

  11. 按照纸样在纸板上描出猫头鹰的身体和翅膀并剪出。

    Cut out and trace the owl and wings onto paperboard with the template.

  12. 她走向郁金香并开始剪下一朵又一朵。

    She went to the tulips and began cutting them off, one after another.

  13. 标出新的剪开线并沿线剪到胸点为止。

    Mark the new slash line and slash along to the bust point

  14. 将剪刀靠下部分的刀刃插入洞中, 并开始剪。

    Insert the lower blade of the scissors into the hole and cut.

  15. 将剪刀靠下部分的刀刃插入洞中,并开始剪。

    Insert the lower blade of the scissors into the hole and cut.

  16. 初收的五谷,新酒和油,并初剪的羊毛,也要给他。

    You are to give them the firstfruits of your grain, new wine and oil, and the first wool from the shearing of your sheep

  17. 这样得处理并不影响剪应力。

    The process does not affect the shear stresses.

  18. 这样的处理并不影响剪应力。

    The process does not affect the shear stresses.

  19. 然后涂好颜色并把它剪下来。

    Colour and cut out the face.

  20. 接通电源并将侧轧剪开关推上。

    With switch ON, push the hair trimmer knob up.

  21. 删除当前所选内容并复制到剪贴板。

    Removes the current selection and copies it onto the Clipboard.

  22. 再在纸上构图设计。并将它们剪下来。

    Then make your designs on the paper and cut them down.

  23. 并分析刀剪磨削技术的发展和关键技术。

    The keys for technique of grinding have been analyzed.

  24. 她母亲对我的头发总是抱怨不休,并让我剪掉。

    Her mothers always nagging me about my hair and telling me to get it cut.

  25. 并认为韧性剪剪切带构造控制着金矿化的分布和规模。

    It is considered that the structures of the ductile shear zone control the distribution and scale of gold mineralization.

  26. 将选定内容复制到剪贴板并删除它。

    Copies the selection to the clipboard and deletes it.

  27. 修整结束后,将侧轧剪开并推下。

    After trimming, push the hair trimmer knob down.

  28. 孩子们乐于将字剪下来并贴到图片旁边。

    Students enjoyed cutting out the words and taping them beside the pictures.

  29. 正确调整图形尺寸后,请拖动剪贴画并将其置于形状中。

    After the shape is sized correctly, drag your clip over to the shape and place it inside.

  30. 我想要洗头并剪短发型。

    I'd like my hair washed and bobbed.