







汉语拼音:shèng bēi






  1. 犹圣珓。

    宋 无名氏 《张协状元》戏文第十四出:“明日恁地,神前拜跪。神还许妾嫁君时,觅一个圣杯。”



  1. In this way, each individual is able to create his and her own grail led only by a sense of self discovery and of personal bliss.


  2. It became our habit over the years to look in every jewelry store window as if searching for the Holy Grail.


  3. It would be the dawn of a new era of regenerative medicine, one of the holy grails of modern biology .


  4. Economically significant reuse has always been a holy grail of software engineering.


  5. Unfortunately she does, and the knight is compelled to reveal that his name is Lohengrin and is compelled to leave her.


  6. His strategy, he said in an interview by phone on Wednesday, is "finding the holy grail of local. "


  7. Robert Langdon : Maybe there is no proof. Maybe the Grail is lost forever. But, sophie, the only thing that matters is what you believe.


  8. Jesus: Father, Y-you can do all things. If it is possible, let this chalice pass.


  9. Sangreal exists truly, but it refers not to Mary Magdalene; you must be astonished, as well as entire world; the Last Judgment has begun!


  1. 圣血与圣杯

    The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail.

  2. 巨蟒与圣杯

    Python and the Holy Grail.

  3. 圣杯密码预言卡

    Oracle of the Grail Code

  4. 追究圣杯而历险

    the quest for the Holy Grail.

  5. 他们也找到了圣杯。

    They also searched for the Holy Grail.

  6. 你是圣杯的守护者。

    You're the guardian of the grail.

  7. 这是投资人的圣杯。

    It was the holy grail of investors.

  8. 你准备好寻找圣杯了么?

    You ready to search for the Holy grail?

  9. 结果,它并没有那个圣杯

    Well, it turns out it's not the Holy Grail.

  10. 勇士们你们? ? 此帮助找到圣杯。

    Help each other and find it. brave men!

  11. 噢?圣杯溢满白色的酒?

    Oh ?Cup which brims with the whitest of wine.

  12. 渔夫王是寻找圣杯的终点。

    Fisher king's at the end of all grail quests.

  13. 葡萄酒瓶可不是全能得圣杯。

    A bottle of claret is not the Holy Grail.

  14. 或许你就是守护圣杯的骑士。

    And maybe you're a knight on a grail quest.

  15. 这是肯尼亚新闻界的圣杯

    It's the Holy Grail of Kenyan journalism.

  16. 有许多关于寻找圣杯得故事。

    There are many stories about the quest of the Holy Grail.

  17. 有许多关于寻找圣杯的故事。

    There are many stories about the quest of the Holy Grail.

  18. 圣杯在罗斯林教堂下等待。

    The Holy Grail neath ancient Roslin waits.

  19. 圣杯昨天还在,现在不见了。

    The Grail was there yesterday, but not now.

  20. 我要的仅是理想,不是圣杯。

    What I want is only ideality, not the grail.

  21. 冷熔解是粒子物理的圣杯。

    Cold fusion is the Holy Grail of particle physics.

  22. 你是说,圣杯是一个人?一个女人?

    You're saying the Holy Grail is a person? A woman?

  23. 你是圣杯最后留下的守护者。

    You're the last remaining guardian of the grail.

  24. 生活就是冒险,这是我的圣杯。

    Adventure is out there, it's my Holy Grail.

  25. 精确地标明了圣杯的具体位置

    That pinpoints the exact location of the grail

  26. 剑刃圣杯守护着她的门宅。

    The blade and chalice guarding oer Her gates.

  27. 可靠性是任何生产环境的圣杯。

    Stability is the holy grail of any production environment.

  28. 圣杯圣餐中盛圣酒所用的杯子

    A cup for the consecrated wine of the Eucharist.

  29. 我只是想要看一看耶稣和圣杯。

    I just wanna see the Jesus and the Sangreal.

  30. 诺顿的投弹瞄准器被 视为圣杯

    The Norden bombsight is the Holy Grail.


  1. 问:圣杯拼音怎么拼?圣杯的读音是什么?圣杯翻译成英文是什么?

    答:圣杯的读音是,圣杯翻译成英文是 Holy Grail

  2. 问:圣杯之役拼音怎么拼?圣杯之役的读音是什么?圣杯之役翻译成英文是什么?

    答:圣杯之役的读音是,圣杯之役翻译成英文是 Waka Waka

  3. 问:圣杯 (塔罗牌)拼音怎么拼?圣杯 (塔罗牌)的读音是什么?圣杯 (塔罗牌)翻译成英文是什么?

    答:圣杯 (塔罗牌)的读音是,圣杯 (塔罗牌)翻译成英文是 Suit of cups