







汉语拼音:shì guān






  1. 即士师,掌刑狱之官。

    《书·立政》“準人” 孔 传:“準人,平法,谓士官。” 孔颖达 疏:“準,训平也。平法之人,谓士官也。士,察也。察狱之官,用法必当均平,故谓狱官为準人。《周礼》司寇之长在常任之内,此士官当谓士师也。” 汉 荀悦 《汉纪·惠帝纪》:“ 契 作司徒,训五品; 皋陶 作士官,正五刑。”

  2. 监狱的别名。

    汉 蔡邕 《独断》:“四代狱之别名: 唐 虞 曰士官,《史记》曰‘ 皋陶 为理’,《尚书》曰‘ 皋陶 作士’; 夏 曰均臺; 周 曰囹圄; 汉 曰狱。”

  3. 犹言作官。士,仕。

    《韩非子·五蠹》:“今则不然。以其有功也爵之,而卑其士官也;以其耕作也赏之,而少其家业也;以其不收也外之,而高其轻世也;以其犯禁也罪之,而多其有勇也。” 陈奇猷 集释:“ 松皋圆 曰:‘士官,读为仕宦。’ 尹桐阳 曰:‘士,事也。’”

  4. 日本 军队尉官的统称。

    沈从文 《从文自传·我上许多课仍然不放下那一本大书》:“至于武人,随同 曾国荃 打入 南京城 的就出了四名提督军门,后来从 日本 士官学校出来的 朱湘溪 ,还作 蔡锷 的参谋长;出身 保定 军官团的,且有一大堆,在 湘 西十三县似占第一位。”



  1. Ethan: He used to be a (6)sergeant in the (7)Yugoslav army. At least if you go downtown, you'll be safe with him.


  2. and afterward he remembered that the color sergeant was standing with his legs apart, as if he expected to be pushed to the ground.


  3. You don't have to be a shouty sergeant major to wonder whether a bit of pain inflation has crept in here.


  4. There was a soldier, playing like a sergeant or something, at the other end of the line.


  5. When on the surface, the quartermasters may use a sextant to obtain navigation fixes as a backup to our modern day systems.


  6. One was the serjeant called Scar a black-tempered brute with a head as smooth as stone and the shoulders of an ox.


  7. Mr Miller was a master-sergeant in the army and a self-described redneck when he joined his first white racist group in 1974.


  8. The hundred-dragon notes were all for serjeants. Below them the amounts suddenly grew larger.


  9. Sergeant : any of several ranks of noncommissioned officers in the U. S. Army, Air Force, or Marine Corps .


  1. 不对。我是士官。

    I am a noncommissioned officer.

  2. 士官命令兵士们集合。

    The sergeant ordered the men to fall in.

  3. 将一个士官降级

    disrate a noncommissioned officer

  4. 那士官吼叫着发号施令。

    The sergeant barked an order.

  5. 士兵分为兵和士官。

    Soldiers are classified as Private and NCO.

  6. 那个士官大声发出命令。

    The sergeant barked an order.

  7. 你不应该和士官顶嘴。

    You shouldn't talk back to a noncommissioned officer.

  8. 团旗护卫队中护卫团旗的士官

    a sergeant in a color guard who carries one of the colors

  9. 护卫营旗或团旗的士官

    color sergeant

  10. 干部40名,士官260名,义务兵538名,学员332名。

    And there were40 officers,260 petty officers,538 soldiers, and332 students.

  11. 当士官们奏起了进行曲

    While sergeants played a marching tune

  12. 海航士官生选拔委员会

    Naval Aviation Cadet Selection Board

  13. 医院士官的管理应因势利导

    Management of Petty Officers Should Be Adroitly Guided Action According to Circumstances in Hospital

  14. 袖章显示他是一名士官。

    On his sleeve was the chevron of a petty officer.

  15. 琼斯经6个月后当了士官。

    Jones reached the rank of sergeant in six months.

  16. 叫过来一名枪炮士官核查。

    A gunnery sergeant was called over to check it out.

  17. 有人把它淋到了士官身上。

    Somebody hosed the petty officer down with it.

  18. 我是美国陆军的一名士官。

    I am a sergeant in the United States army.

  19. 士官长,我的散兵坑在哪里?

    First sergeant, where's my foxhole?

  20. 一个拥有高级士官海军军衔的人。

    A person with the senior noncommissioned naval rank.

  21. 你们这些士官已经让101空降师蒙羞。

    All of you NCOs have disgraced the101st airborne.

  22. 而这些少数军官说服连上其他士官。

    And these few sergeants convinced all of the other NCOs in your company.

  23. 士官向全排士兵大声地发出命令。

    The sergeant bellowed orders at the platoon.

  24. 我注意到了作为一位士官的任务。

    I am aware of my role as a Noncommissioned Officer.

  25. 司令官能重整溃兵。士官命令兵士们集合。

    The commander was able to rally the fleeing troops.

  26. 士官杜建桥腌制咸菜上了外宾席

    Pickles made by an NCO is served at a reception in honor of foreign guests

  27. 一个军衔在海军陆战队上士之上的士官。

    A noncommissioned officer ranking above a staff sergeant in the marines.

  28. 留日士官生与晚清军事现代化

    The relation between oVersea students from Japanese military school and Late Sing military modernization

  29. 一个训练新兵军队步伐和军纪的士官。

    A noncommissioned officer who instructs recruits in military marching and discipline.

  30. 海军中军衔和军队中军士地位相当的士官。

    A noncommissioned officer in the navy with a rank comparable to sergeant in the army.


  1. 问:士官拼音怎么拼?士官的读音是什么?士官翻译成英文是什么?

    答:士官的读音是shìguān,士官翻译成英文是 The highest rank of volunteer soldiers.

  2. 问:士官学校拼音怎么拼?士官学校的读音是什么?士官学校翻译成英文是什么?

    答:士官学校的读音是shì guān xué xiào,士官学校翻译成英文是 NCO Academy

  3. 问:士官生分队拼音怎么拼?士官生分队的读音是什么?士官生分队翻译成英文是什么?

    答:士官生分队的读音是shì guān shēng fēn duì,士官生分队翻译成英文是 Pre-commissioning Detail

  4. 问:士官生学校拼音怎么拼?士官生学校的读音是什么?士官生学校翻译成英文是什么?

    答:士官生学校的读音是shì guān shēng xué xiào,士官生学校翻译成英文是 Pre-Commissioning School