







汉语拼音:xù hòu






  1. 随后。

    宋 无名氏 《错立身》戏文第十二出:“既然胡乱且招它在家,续后又别作道理。”《水浒传》第四二回:“此时已有八九个土兵在前面草厅上;续后不见了,不知怎地赶出去了。”



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  1. 事实证明,拇指在弹奏中起着承前续后的桥梁作用!

    Do watch that the thumb is raised both before and after playing!

  2. 你续约后还想住多久?

    For the renewal, how long do you want to stay?

  3. 当加内特以九位的天文数字与球队续约后,事情变得有趣了。

    But then Kevin signed an astronomical ninedigit extension, and things got funny.

  4. 复会后的续会

    resumed session.

  5. 帕梅拉喝完后又续了一杯。

    Pamela drained her glass and refilled it.

  6. 合同期满后,公司续聘了他。

    When his contract expired, the company kept him on.

  7. 合同期满后,公司续聘了他。

    When his contract expired, the company kept him on.

  8. 合同期满后如要求续订, 经双方同意, 可以续订合同。

    A contract may be extended on its expiry , subject to the approval of both parties.

  9. 在本标准第6款所述的最初六个月后不得再续发临时证书。

    No further interim certificate may be issued following the initial six months referred to in paragraph 6 of this Standard.

  10. 合同期满后, 成绩显著者续聘。

    Those who acquit themselves exceptionally well will have their contracts renewed.

  11. 出让期满后,使用者可优先续租。

    At the end of the remising time, the users have the priority to continue renting.

  12. 设置后续项的默认压缩方法。

    Sets the default compression method for subsequent entries.

  13. 租赁土地期满后,使用者可优先续租或受让。

    When limit to remise or lease out comes, the users have the priority to continue renting.

  14. 抱怨处理后的满意度会影响消费者后续行为意图。

    Consumer satisfaction will influence consumer intent of sequent behavior.

  15. 抱怨处理后得满意度会影响消费者后续行为意图。

    Consumer satisfaction will influence consumer intent of sequent behavior.

  16. 控件中删除行以后,将相应地减小后续行的索引编号。

    Control, the index numbers of subsequent rows are lowered to compensate.

  17. 此值是基于标识种子依次为每个后续行增加的增量。

    This value is the increment that will be added to the identity seed for each subsequent row.

  18. 后沿技续时间

    last transition duration

  19. 左后主静脉续存

    Persistent left posterior cardinal vein

  20. 产后风续之数十日不解

    postpartum disease caused by wind lasting for several dozens of days

  21. 续展注册经核准后, 予以公告。

    Any renewal of registration shall be published after it has been approved.

  22. 域名期满后,提供30天作为域名续约宽限期。

    Registry will provide 30 days grace period for domain name renewal.

  23. 域名过期后再续费多久可以生效?

    How long does it take for an expired domain to work again after renewal ?

  24. 面试的成功,续写了你们笔试成功后的喜悦和亢奋!

    Success of the interview, it is happy and excited after continue your written examination and succeed!

  25. 韦斯特得续约也使得球队后场阵容更加丰富。

    Wester's supplementary contract also causes the team wings lineup to be richer.

  26. 开发企业土地使用权期满后,经协商可以续期。

    On expiration of the land tenancy for the development enterprise, renewal of terms may be done through coordination.

  27. 术后患者于门诊续接受放射线治疗,追踪迄今,情况良好。

    A tumor of the left vocal cord was found and biopsy revealed a squamous cell carcinoma.

  28. 域名期满后不续费, 多长时间可以释放进行公开注册?

    Any Redemption Grace Period for.kr domain name

  29. 牌匾将在全额付讫首年会费或首次续费后寄送给您。

    Your plaque will be forwarded upon payment of your first full year's subscription or first renewal.