







汉语拼音:fàn tuán







饭团 [fàn tuán]
  1. 饭揑成的团子。

    鲁迅 《故事新编·采薇》:“ 叔齐 取出两个大饭团,和 伯夷 吃了一饱。” 艾明之 《雨》:“ 季阿镜 一面嚼着饭团,一面向厂里走。”



  1. He soon became hungry and it was time for lunch, he took out some rice balls from his lunch box.


  2. The rabbit also rolled down and went right inside the hole just like the rice ball.


  3. Since the first night to see full moon people hang out colorful lanterns, eat glutinous rice balls and enjoy the day with their families.


  4. Inside is fried pork n some rice balls da he made for you.


  5. But when a seaweed-wrapped rice ball was offered, his hand snatched it before his mouth could say thank you.


  6. Onigiri are often a essential part of any bento or Japanese boxed meal.


  7. Like the mochi in your bowl sticking to everything, this macho singing group has latched onto every branch of the pop-culture tree.


  8. For the onigiri with the salmon filling, sprinkle salmon with salt, and rest for at least 30 minutes.


  9. The rice ball rolled down and fell into a small hole in the ground.


  1. 西梅椰浆饭团

    Coconut and prune rice ball.

  2. 寿司饭团成型机

    Sushi Rice Ball Forming Machine

  3. 这就是我家的饭团!

    This is my rice ball!

  4. 那是一种马来西亚饭团。

    It's a kind of rice ball in Malaysia.

  5. 我不要饭团!臭死了!

    I don't want rice cakes! It stinks!

  6. 我不要饭团!臭死了!

    I don't want rice cakes! It stinks!

  7. 它发现了一个三角形的饭团。

    It finds a triangle rice ball.

  8. 经济藤本植物冷饭团的初步研究

    Preliminary study on a species of rattan namely Kadsura coccinea

  9. 嘿,兔子们!谢谢你给了我们这些饭团。

    Hello, rabbits!! Thank you for giving us the rice balls.

  10. 猪肉饭团是用罐装猪肉和米饭为原料的。

    The pork food group is with the canned pork and the rice for the raw material.

  11. 冷饭团萌芽抽枝及结果习性的调查研究

    Observation on Sprouting and Habit of Bearing Fruit of KadsuracoccineaA.C.Smith

  12. 使用饭团在脸上轻轻滚, 然后应该是洗脸的。

    Use balls to the face gently rolling, and then you should face.

  13. 野生水果冷饭团的研究现状及开发利用前景

    Research Status and Development and Utilization Prospect of Wild Fruit Species Kadsura coccinea A.C.Smith

  14. 老人很善良,他掏出一个饭团给了小兔子。

    Kind old man gave the rabbit one of his rice balls.

  15. 因为女性的手比较小这样饭团的大小就不一致。

    Because women have smaller hands That messes up the size of the nigiri.

  16. 在制作鲑鱼饭团之前, 先将鲑鱼用盐腌制30分钟以上。

    For the onigiri with the salmon filling, sprinkle salmon with salt, and rest for at least 30 minutes.

  17. 饭团滚掉到地上,然后滚入了地上的一个小洞里。

    The rice ball rolled down and fell into a small hole in the ground.

  18. 虽然只有这些米,但我还是可以做出一粒好吃得饭团呢!

    Although only these rices, can I still do a grain of delicious rice roll!

  19. 虽然只有这些米,但我还是可以做出一粒好吃的饭团呢!

    Although only these rices, can I still do a grain of delicious rice roll!

  20. 寿司是用各种海产包成的小饭团,通常是海藻,卵和生鱼片。

    Sushi are small riceballs covered with a variety of seafoods, usually seaweed, fish eggs, and slices of raw fish.

  21. 甜绿饭团是一种在江浙很受欢迎得清明节时吃得食物。

    The sweet green rice ball is a Qingming Festival food popular in Jiangsu and Zhejiang Provinces.

  22. 甜绿饭团是一种在江浙很受欢迎的清明节时吃的食物。

    The sweet green rice ball is a Qingming Festival food popular in Jiangsu and Zhejiang Provinces.

  23. 寿司是用各种海产包成的小饭团,通常是海藻,鱼卵和生鱼片。

    Sushi are small riceballs covered with a variety of seafoods, usually seaweed, fish eggs, and slices of raw fish.


  1. 问:饭团拼音怎么拼?饭团的读音是什么?饭团翻译成英文是什么?

    答:饭团的读音是fàntuán,饭团翻译成英文是 rice ball; rice roll

  2. 问:饭团拼音怎么拼?饭团的读音是什么?饭团翻译成英文是什么?

    答:饭团的读音是fàntuán,饭团翻译成英文是 Riceballs

  3. 问:饭团拼音怎么拼?饭团的读音是什么?饭团翻译成英文是什么?

    答:饭团的读音是fàntuán,饭团翻译成英文是 rice and vegetable roll; onigiri

  4. 问:饭团套餐拼音怎么拼?饭团套餐的读音是什么?饭团套餐翻译成英文是什么?

    答:饭团套餐的读音是fàntuán tàocān,饭团套餐翻译成英文是 Set Menu with Japanese Rice Ball


“饭团”是个多义词,它可以指饭团(粉丝代名词), 饭团(日本传统食品), 饭团(魔兽RPG真三国无双知名战队), 饭团(动漫《校园迷糊大王》中一大主流派系)。


