




液体移动:~水。~汗。~血。~泪。~程。~泻。~质。~水不腐。汗~浃背。随波逐~(随着波浪起伏,跟着流水漂荡,喻没有主见,随着潮流走)。像水那样流动不定:~转(zhuǎn )。~通。~寇。~浪。~离。~散。~失。~沙。~露。~萤。传播:~言……



汉语拼音:hóng liú








  1. 浩大的水流。

    战国 楚 宋玉 《小言赋》:“析飞糠以为舆,剖粃糟以为舟,泛然投乎杯水中,淡若巨海之洪流。” 唐 韦应物 《使云阳寄府曹》诗:“仰瞻乔树颠,见此洪流跡。”

  2. 比喻前进中的巨大事物。

    秦牧 《<长河浪花集>序》:“几十年,对于无穷无尽的历史洪流来说,本来只是一瞬。”



  1. The 2011 equinox will manifest with a flood of information that will change the world as you know it to be.


  2. Some of these animals were changed in midstream, and there were even dead horses that, sadly, appeared to have been beaten.


  3. As history surges forward like an unstoppable deluge, human society evolves toward progress with an irresistible force.


  4. Where once it had recycled mountain rain into a vast aquifer underneath, its hard bottom now ushers occasional floodwater right out to sea.


  5. The result has been a torrent of money into a finite pool of assets.


  6. But a year later, like other technology giants, it was hit by what Mr Chambers calls the "hundred-year flood" .


  7. You flung me into the depths, into the heart of the sea, And the flood surrounded me; All Your breakers and Your billows Passed over me.


  8. "It's a wall of money that they face. They can't in my view stop appreciation through intervention, they can only slow it, " he said.


  9. He is traveling within the great stream of life that emanates from the All Inclusive Creator and, for him, obstacles cease to be such.


  1. 洪流三角洲

    torrential delta.

  2. 未调节洪流

    unregulated flood flow.

  3. 时代的洪流

    the powerful current of the times.

  4. 洪流计算公式

    flood flow formula

  5. 谁能不顾岁月洪流

    Who can ignore the galloped time

  6. 你能下载洪流文件

    Here you can download the torrent file

  7. 为历史洪流所淹没

    be submerged in the mighty torrent of history

  8. 不可遏止的改革洪流

    the irresistible tide of reform

  9. 不可抗拒的革命洪流

    irresistible trend of revolution

  10. 时代洪流中的艺术选择

    The Choice on Art in the Great Era

  11. 一股洪流冲下山谷。

    A torrent of water swept down the valley.

  12. 木筏顺着洪流远下。

    The mighty torrent carried the raft far downstream.

  13. 远处是车的洪流,人的洪流。

    A stream of vehicles and humanity engulfed the horizon.

  14. 革命的洪流奔腾向前。

    The tide of revolution is surging ahead.

  15. 杨照加入了这股洪流。

    Yang Zhao entered this onrush.

  16. 一股洪流喷薄而出。

    A powerful current spurted out.

  17. 光阴的洪流里,我在漂移

    I'm drifting away in the torrent of time

  18. 历史洪流气势磅礴,奔腾向前。

    The historical tide is surging forward with great momentum.

  19. 山水倾泻而下,汇成洪流。

    Streams rushed down the mountain and converged into a torrent.

  20. 都淹没在秋雨的洪流中

    Drowned in a flood of autumn rain

  21. 喜舍能对治贪欲的洪流。

    Charity wards off torrents of greed.

  22. 远处是车得洪流, 人得洪流。

    A stream of vehicles and humanity engulfed the horizon.

  23. 浴在火的洪流中, 或栖于

    To bathe in fiery floods, or to reside

  24. 一种同步洪流攻击的监测模型

    A monitor model against SYN flood attacks

  25. 小溪继而又变成了滔滔的洪流。

    The stream has now become a torrent.

  26. 她被卷入革命事件的洪流中。

    She was drawn into a maelstrom of revolutionary events.

  27. 华丽的幕缓缓落下,时光的洪流。

    Gorgeous screen slowly fall, the current time.

  28. 地土几乎沉没于大雨洪流中

    And the earth be immersed in a deluge of rains

  29. 珍贵的时刻全部遗失于洪流之中。

    The precious moments all are lost in the tide. yea.

  30. 珍贵得时刻全部遗失于洪流之中。

    The precious moments all are lost in the tide. yea.


  1. 问:洪流拼音怎么拼?洪流的读音是什么?洪流翻译成英文是什么?

    答:洪流的读音是hóngliú,洪流翻译成英文是 powerful current; violently fast stream of wat...



“洪流”是个多义词,它可以指洪流(兴化市安监局副主任科员), 洪流(7.闸北区委办公室主任、机要局局长), 洪流(东南大学图书馆原馆长), 洪流(乔瑟林·扑克发行专辑), 洪流(亨利克·显克维奇创作小说), 洪流(中国内地作家), 洪流(湖北省财政厅副厅长洪流‍)。