


1. 北 [běi]2. 北 [bèi]北 [běi]方向,早晨面对太阳,左手的一边,与“南”相对:~方。~辰(古书指北极星)。~上(古代以北为上,后指去本地以北的某地,与“南下”相对)。~极星(出现在天空北部的一颗亮星,人常靠它辨别方向)……





汉语拼音:běi guó







  1. 指我国北部地区的诸侯国。

    《诗·大雅·韩奕》:“王锡 韩侯 ,其 追 其 貊 ,奄受北国,因以其伯。”

  2. 指建立在北方地区的王朝。

    《南齐书·周盘龙传》:“ 盘龙 父子由是名播北国。”此指 北魏 。《金瓶梅词话》第九九回:“天子慌了,与大臣计议,差官往北国讲和。”此指 金 。

  3. 指我国北部地区。

    宋 苏轼 《韩维三代妻·曾祖外均燕国公制》:“是用因上公之旧秩,开北国之新封。” 毛泽东 《沁园春·雪》词:“北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。” 峻青 《秋色赋·瑞雪图》:“啊,好一幅北国寒冬瑞雪丰年的画图!”



  1. So you think may have happened in the past, but do not know where but there is no sign that winter north of the ice hanging tree.


  2. millet: the SU, the North known as millet, millet is called off the shell.


  3. White winter lay heavily on Sherwood Forest, and far across the moors to the North Country where Whitby Abbey towered over the sea.


  4. the gods of the North, the heroes, and the noble women, showed themselves in the dark forest depths.


  5. Hou origin of its main store unit, the world was known as the northern part of the country "town of brush. "


  6. Are true, "the North scenery, thousands of miles Bingfeng, Miles . . . " there is no trace of wind, snow on the quiet so quiet the next.


  7. he plucked the rose, pressed a kiss upon her fresh mouth, and carried her away to the home of the clouds and the northern lights.


  8. Trough the bottom of the vast flat terrain, summer green grass and Fanhuasijin, winter snow-wrapped, one faction Northland scenery.


  9. Old Bay, formerly known as the rule of smoked water for provincial-level scenic spots, the "North South, " said.


  1. 北国养育健儿。

    Northern countries breed a race of strong men.

  2. 北国冰雪奇雕


  3. 剑指北国溢豪气。

    The sword points northward with heroism burning.

  4. 北国志士猎团之一。

    The Loyalists of Thule Compact.

  5. 这一年, 北国犯边。

    In this year, the enemy aggress frontier.

  6. 这一年,北国犯边。

    In this year, the enemy aggress frontier.

  7. 天津北国高尔夫练习场

    Tianjin Northland Golf Club Training Ground

  8. 北国红豆酒酿制工艺的探讨

    Study on the Production Technology of Jequirity Fruit Wine

  9. 北国的冬天是雄浑的,北国的冬天也是壮丽的。

    Northern winter is the vigorous, the northern winter is magnificent.

  10. 我们在北国寒冷的冬夜里启程。

    We set out that night for the cold in the North.

  11. 冬天银装素裹, 北国风光分外妖娆。

    In winter, clad in white and presenting a typical north China scene, the city looks enchanting.

  12. 石林叠翠老君山,北国山水走洛阳。

    Shilin Pinnacle Laojunshan, Northland landscapes take Luoyang.

  13. 冬季弥漫江城, 也是北国一大奇景。

    Jiangcheng filled winter is also a great wonders of the North.

  14. 此时,北国的二月,春天的脚步已近。

    Now it is February in North China where the spring footstep comes near.

  15. 秋蝉衰弱的残声更是北国的特产

    The sporadic feeble chirping of cicadas is especially characterisic of Autumn in the North.

  16. 经常像个无畏的英雄遥望北国大地。

    I often gazed toward the northland like a hero without fears.

  17. 秋蝉的衰弱的残声, 更是北国的特产。

    The sporadic feeble chirping of cicadas is especially characteristic of autumn in the North.

  18. 严冬季节苍柏挂雪,一派北国风光。

    Cang linked to Parkinson's severe winter season snow pack of scenery in the north.

  19. 不逢北国之秋,已将近十余年了。

    It is more than a decade since I last saw autumn in the North.

  20. 婚恋气息包围着这些来自北国的男人。

    Marriage atmosphere surrounded by these men from the North.

  21. 我们看到北国抽烟很吃惊,北国过去不抽烟啊!

    We are surprise to see Beiguo smoking, Beiguo used not do.

  22. 北国还在春寒料峭, 南国已然绿色满园。

    The North was still cold chilly, but everywhere in the Southland already provided a green view.

  23. 小米在苏,如小米称为北国,小米是取消了壳。

    millet the SU, the North known as millet, millet is called off the shell.

  24. 时间过得漫长而艰难,一如北国的冬天。

    Time is walking so slow and difficult just like winter in north of China.

  25. 伴随着北国飘舞的雪花,2003年就要过去了。

    Companion waves as northland the snowflake of dance, was about to go2003.

  26. 对于北国的花园说来,它是太娇嫩了。

    Here is a foreign hothouse plant, too tender for the gardens of the North.

  27. 在北国的雪线上有很多可爱的小动物。

    In north China, there are lots of lovely animals living above the snow line.

  28. 在北国的雪线上有很多可爱的小动物。

    In north China, there are lots of lovely animals living above the snow line.

  29. 北国的秋,却特别地来得清,来得静,来得悲凉。

    However, the autumn of northland comes extra lightly, silently and dismally.

  30. 北国的冬天, 每家门口都可以看见雪罗汉。

    In winter, there are snowmen in front of every house in north China.


  1. 问:北国拼音怎么拼?北国的读音是什么?北国翻译成英文是什么?

    答:北国的读音是běiguó,北国翻译成英文是 the North; the northern part of the country...

  2. 问:北国人拼音怎么拼?北国人的读音是什么?北国人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:北国人的读音是,北国人翻译成英文是 northerner


