


用来记录语言的符号:文~。汉~。~符。~母。~典。~句。~里行(háng )间。~斟句酌。文字的不同形式,书法的派别:草~。篆~。颜~。柳~。欧~。赵~。书法的作品:~画。~幅。字的音:~正腔圆。人的别名,亦称“表~”,现多称“号”;商店的……


绘图:绘~。~图。~像。~地为牢。~脂镂冰(在凝固的油脂或冰上绘画雕刻,一融化就都没有了,喻劳而无功)。图像:~面。~片。~坛。~板。~卷(juàn )(a.成卷轴形的画;b.喻壮丽的景色或动人的场面)。~外音。图~。诗中有~。写,签押,署……



汉语拼音:zì huà







  1. 文字的笔画、笔形。

    宋 陈恩 《书苑菁华》卷六:“ 杜 氏之杰有骨力而字画微瘦。” 宋 苏轼 《李氏山房藏书记》:“自 秦 汉 以来,作者益众,纸与字画,日趋于简便。” 清 王士禛 《池北偶谈·谈艺三·张浚书》:“ 宋 张魏公 手书謁 范文正公 祠一絶……字画甚拙,诗亦劣。”

  2. 即书画。书法和绘画作品的统称。

    宋 苏轼 《东坡志林》卷八:“ 唐 末 五代 ,文章藻丽,字画随之。”《西湖佳话·六桥才迹》:“ 张二 抱扇叩头而出,才走出府门,早有好事的,见是 苏东坡 的字画,都情愿出千钱一柄。”《红楼梦》第三七回:“索性凑成十二个,就全了;也和人家的字画册页一样。” 曹禺 《北京人》第二幕:“想想这所屋子除了啃我们字画的耗子还有什么?”



  1. But sometimes, when they seemed to have had a bad day there were only hurried scrawls.


  2. Stuck to also carving out a variety of decorative patterns, mostly with a celebrity fan scroll .


  3. The Company production, sale pure hand carving, embroidery double-sided single, three-dimensional embroidery, Gangnam literati Crafts.


  4. During the vacation, people are used to set a new indoor finish, and then carefully selected linked some of calligraphy and painting.


  5. Traditional painting and calligraphy can influence family environment, calligraphy and painting, hang a few home had a scholar taste.


  6. Twin linked to celebrities Crafts, hanging next to his bamboo vases, bottles, floral, floral species as the seasons and different.


  7. with bonsai , antique, craft, photo embellishment home, the layout of the balance, dynamic atmosphere, color coordination have good results.


  8. The calligraphy and plantings on the wall, old already, give off the thick atmosphere of literature.


  9. Each child's work was meticulous and clearly presented in the upright, graceful strokes of a fountain pen.


  1. 名贵的字画

    priceless scrolls of calligraphy and painting.

  2. 字画装裱技术

    Mounting Technique of Calligraphy and Paintings

  3. 我喜欢收集字画。

    I like collecting calligraphic works and paintings.

  4. 圣人门前卖字画

    show off in front of sages

  5. 你可能知道这种字画迷。

    You probably know this kind of puzzles.

  6. 黑纸真金字画扇

    black fan with gilded painting and calligraphy

  7. 这里展出得字画, 笔力雄浑。

    The strokes in the calligraphic works and paintings on display here are vigorous.

  8. 这里展出的字画,笔力雄浑。

    The strokes in the calligraphic works and paintings on display here are vigorous.

  9. 那幅名贵字画被盗劫了。

    That rare work of calligraphy and painting has been stolen.

  10. 那幅名贵字画被盗劫了。

    That rare work of calligraphy and painting has been stolen.

  11. 他对于古玩字画真是门儿清。

    He is knowledgeable about antiques, scripts and paintings.

  12. 他对于古玩字画真是门儿清。

    He is knowledgeable about antiques, scripts and paintings.

  13. 碳素环境对字画的保护研究

    A Study on the Protection of the Carbon Environment on the Calligraphy and Painting.

  14. 对字画碑帖的搜集整理及利用

    Brief Discussion on the Collection, Arrangement aud Use of Calligraphy and Painting

  15. 他家收藏了许多历代的名人字画。

    His family has collected many famous paintings through the ages.

  16. 他喜欢四处欣赏榜额上的字画。

    He loves to go about admiring the words and paintings on horizontal inscribed boards.

  17. 收藏古书字画, 要注意定时防除蛀虫。

    One must prevent and kill moths when collecting ancient calligraphy and paintings.

  18. 收藏古书字画,要注意定时防除蛀虫。

    One must prevent and kill moths when collecting ancient calligraphy and paintings.

  19. 随着书法家们笔走龙蛇,一幅幅字画跃然纸上。

    With vigorous and graceful strokes, the calligraphers create their excellent works.

  20. 随着书法家们笔走龙蛇,一幅幅字画跃然纸上。

    With vigorous and graceful strokes, the calligraphers create their excellent works.

  21. 他对于名家字画有很好的鉴赏能力。

    He has a good taste for those famous paintings.

  22. 老先生的精舍中挂着不少名人字画。

    There are many paintings and calligraphy works in the old gentleman's study.

  23. 他还创作了一些名人字画的铁拓画。

    He also created a number of celebrity pictures and paintings of iron formation.

  24. 再有木刻,工艺礼品制作,天三先生字画等。

    Besides these, making woodcarving and artwork as well as selling the calligraphies and paintings of Mr.

  25. 此外,中式卧房也借由字画、古玩表现出来。

    In addition, chinese style bedchamber also borrows by calligraphy and painting, antique expression comes out.

  26. 在课桌上写字画一只兔子抄新单词

    Write on the desk draw a rabbit copy the new words

  27. 杨老师总是告诉我们要在重要的字画线。

    Miss Yang always tells us to underline important words.

  28. 故能纸札精致, 字画完整, 冠诸收书家。

    It can bar fine paper, calligraphy and painting complete, close all calligraphers crown.

  29. 他把自己的字画收藏品借给了大众美术馆。

    He loaned his collection of pictures to the public gallery.

  30. 所属行业字画,工艺画相框,画框拳击器械树木盆景

    Industry Calligraphy and painting, craft painting Photo frame, picture frame Boxing equipment Bonsai trees.


  1. 问:字画拼音怎么拼?字画的读音是什么?字画翻译成英文是什么?

    答:字画的读音是zìhuà,字画翻译成英文是 "calligraphy and painting; scripts and paint...



基本 词目:字画

拼音:zì huà

注音:ㄗㄧˋ ㄏㄨㄚˋ 同义词:书画 基本解释 1.[calligraphy and painting]∶书法和绘画 2. [the stroke in a character]∶一个字的笔画 详细解释 1. 文字的笔画、笔形。 宋陈恩《菁华》卷六:“ 杜 氏之杰有骨力而字画微瘦。” 宋苏轼《李房藏书记》:“自 秦 汉 以来,作者益众,纸与字画,日趋于简便。” 清王士禛《池北偶谈·谈艺三·张浚书》:“ 宋 张魏公手书谒范文正公 祠一绝……字画甚拙,诗亦劣。” 2. 即为书画。也就是书法和绘画作品的统称。 宋 苏轼 《东坡志林》卷八:“ 唐 末 五代 ,文章藻丽,字画随之。”《西湖佳话·六桥才迹》:“张二抱扇叩头而出,才走出府门,早有好事的,见是苏东坡的字画,都情愿出千钱一柄。”《红楼梦》第三七回:“索性凑成十二个,就全了;也和人家的字画册页一样。”曹禺《北京人》第二幕:“想想这所屋子除了啃我们字画的耗子还有什么?”