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汉语拼音:wú tóng
《诗·大雅·卷阿》:“凤凰鸣矣,于彼高冈。梧桐生矣,于彼朝阳。” 孔颖达 疏:“梧桐可以为琴瑟。”《庄子·秋水》:“夫鵷鶵发於南海,而飞於北海,非梧桐不止。” 唐 聂夷中 《题贾氏林泉》诗:“有琴不张弦,众星列梧桐。须知澹泊听,声在无声中。” 明 范受益 王錂 《寻亲记·局骗》:“馁腹欲餐胡地雪,梧桐巢破凤凰分。”
清 富察敦崇 《燕京岁时记·梧桐》:“京师十月以后,则有梧桐鸟等。梧桐者,长六七寸,灰身黑翅,黄嘴短尾。市儿买而调之,能於空中接弹丸,谓之打弹儿。”
How much romance has the light drizzle parasol tree ever deduced and contained how much deep feeling?
细雨梧桐,曾演绎了多少浪漫,蕴含了多少深情?In the light of day, in a street full of passengers, she was like playing a lucky-draw and had her eye on me at first sight.
光天化日,在人们熙来攘往的大街上,她像是在玩送奖游戏,一眼看中了走在法国梧桐树下的我。Under a tree in the Indus, I learned a lot of poetry, also began to understand the feelings of the poets.
在梧桐树下,我学会了很多诗词,也渐渐地懂得了诗人们的心情。Don't want to Indus gave sad, do not want to let her Ye Yun aggravated a melancholy, so quiet that she indistinct illusory her beauty.
不想对梧桐赋予伤感,不想让她的叶韵加重一笔惆怅,于是安静的让她隐隐约约幻现她的美感。Thunderstorm case, picking a great Indus leaves, up in the head, playing a home.
遇上雷阵雨,摘一片大大的梧桐树叶,撑在头顶,玩耍着回家去。There is another way of saying that the parents want the same as I would like to Indus is the atmosphere, friendly, so the name has X.
还有另一种说法,就是父母希望我想梧桐一样很大气,友善,所以名字中有X。He does not directly go home after work. He goes to where they used to date, where there is an old phoenix tree.
男人下班后不再直接回家,来到了他们约会的老地方,那儿有棵老梧桐。The sun rose from the east and shone upon the entrance to the house, making the leaves of the big cola nut tree glisten with the dew.
太阳从东方升起来,照着那座宅第的大门,巨大梧桐树的叶子上,晨间的清露珠光闪耀。Lonely Indus lock kiyoaki 's dream, with your tender words touch me cool feeling, let me know you kinky love, texture clear.