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1. 说 [shuō]2. 说 [shuì]3. 说 [yuè]说 [shuō]用话来表达意思:~话。~明。演~。解~。介绍:~合(a.从中介绍;b.商议;c.说和。“合”均读轻声)。~媒。言论,主张:学~。著书立~。责备:数~。文体的一种……
汉语拼音:què shuō
《三国志平话》卷中:“却説 周瑜 伏病数日。”《二十年目睹之怪现状》第三回:“却説我搬到客栈里住了两天,然后到伯父公馆里去打听。” 雷加 《命名的传说》:“却说一个建筑过 官厅水库 的青年工人,到 三门峡 来了。”
Mr Blair, then still trying to please everybody and offend nobody, said the report made a "powerful case for the system it recommends" .
虽然布莱尔仍然试图讨好大众,试图不触怒任何一人,他却说该报道“对于它所推崇的体制给出了强有力的理由”。" When we parted, I asked him to return my share, to which he replied: " And you and I never had a business.
但是当我们分手的时候,我让他把我的部分还给我,他却说:“我和你从来就没做过生意”然后,当然,我开始变得有点儿(对他们的动机?)The White House said the extra duties were necessary to combat market disruption caused by a surge in tyre imports.
美国白宫却说,额外关税对于解决因轮胎进口剧增而引起的市场混乱很有必要。But the U. S. , which hatched the rebalancing plan, says the IMF isn't doing enough to put pressure on countries for change.
不过最先提出经济再平衡议题的美国却说,IMF在向各国施压以要求其改变经济政策方面做的还不够。We've got to get the support of the people of -- of Pakistan. He said that he would launch military strikes into Pakistan.
我们还需要巴基斯坦人民的支持。而他却说他要对巴基斯坦进行军事打击。When he gave them his name, they informed him that, as an actor, he was a member of the opposition.
当爸爸将他的名字报给警方听时,警方却说爸爸是一位演员,是反对党的成员之一。In the days and nights where he experienced a severe test, but he said: "I did not come for the enjoyment of life. "
在那里他日日夜夜都经历着血与火的考验,但是他却说:“我不是为生活享受而来的。”Friends said he like a trivial hermes, she said, was the world is married a good man.
朋友都说他琐碎得像个老妈子,她却说他是世界上值得嫁的好男人。On the day when the north wind started blowing, the little bird said he had to leave away for a warmer place in the south.