


1. 浑 [hún]浑 [hún]水不清,污浊:~水摸鱼。~浊。骂人糊涂,不明事理:~人。~话。~蛋。~~噩噩。全,满:~身。~然。天然的,淳朴的:~古。~朴。~厚。简直:“白头搔更短,~欲不胜簪。”姓。……





汉语拼音:hún yuán







  1. 谓形体很圆。

    《明史·历志一》:“天体浑圆。” 清 薛福成 《出使四国日记·光绪十七年正月初六》:“地球浑圆,界以三百六十度。” 叶圣陶 《隔膜·伊和他》:“温和慈爱的灯光照在伊丰满浑圆的脸上。”

  2. 不露棱角痕迹;圆满。

    宋 沉作喆 《寓简》卷八:“为文当存气质,气质浑圆,意到辞达,便是天下之至文。” 闻一多 《死水·静夜》:“这神秘的静夜,这浑圆的和平,我喉咙里颤动着感谢的歌声。”



  1. It had a perfectly round door like a porthole, painted green, with a shiny yellow brass knob in the exact middle.


  2. The long and narrow face, Hypertrophy of the lips, strong body, Sagging breasts, the rounded belly Outline a clear image of the woman Mali.


  3. The woman or women are fleshy, with round stomachs and heavy thighs; their breasts are small; and they wear their hair up in a twist.


  4. The highest point of the softly curved hill measures about three meters tall, while the lowest point is only a few centimeters thick.


  5. Some are like glittering and translucent chubby pearl, some like morning, some are like the morning dew, some are like children laugh.


  6. Truck take after old liberations is but no, is a little perfectly more round than old liberation a bit .


  7. The portly, podgy-faced Kim Jong Un, wearing a dark Mao suit, looked the spitting image of his grandfather at a similar age.


  8. Small to medium in size, V-shaped with rounded tips, set on at eye level, normally carried low, flat, and close to the head.


  9. Representation of human beings remained figurative, faithful to the human image, and sculpture was rounded and weighty.


  1. 浑圆的珍珠

    a perfectly round pearl.

  2. 她珍藏着一颗浑圆的珍珠。

    She has a perfectly round pearl.

  3. 体形浑圆的鱼易患此病。

    Rounded shape of the fish easy to contracting this disease.

  4. 比如,指尖浑圆代表个性活泼。

    Rounded fingertips, for instance, suggest a lively personality.

  5. 一个身体柔软、浑圆,肥胖的人。

    A heavy person with a soft and rounded body.

  6. 来到一片空地, 看见浑圆的海面。

    Came to an open space, and saw the disk of the ocean.

  7. 来到一片空地,看见浑圆得海面。

    Came to an open space, and saw the disk of the ocean.

  8. 我的小妹妹有一张浑圆的脸庞。

    My little sister has a round face.

  9. 他本人跟磨坊里的耗子那么浑圆滑溜。

    He himself is sleek as a miller's rat.

  10. 月球绕地球运行的轨道不是浑圆的, 而是椭圆的。

    The moon doesn't describe a circle round the earth, but rather an ellipse.

  11. 浑圆度取决于边角得锐度或曲率半径。

    Roundness depends on the sharpness or radius of curvature of the edges.

  12. 印网版效果比活版柔和,容易印得浑圆的网点。

    Printing halftone effect than usually gentle, easy website are perfectly round.

  13. 他们的身体浑圆滚胖,颊部有可扩大的囊袋。

    The Dwarf Campbells Russian Hamster has a plump rounded body and expandable cheek pouches.

  14. 月球绕地球运行得轨道不是浑圆得, 而是椭圆得。

    The moon doesn't describe a circle round the earth, but rather an ellipse.

  15. 卡车有点象老解放, 但不是, 比老解放浑圆一些。

    Truck take after old liberations is but no, is a little perfectly more round than old liberation a bit.

  16. 它们的外壳两端浑圆, 这是一般贻贝所没有的特征。

    their shell is rounded at both ends, a feature which is not remarked in the common mussel.

  17. 我还有一个浑圆的身体,短腿和又厚又软的皮毛。

    I have a chubby body, short legs and thick, soft fur.

  18. 声钵是宽边大锣,用软槌击奏,音色浑圆纯厚。

    the shenbo is a large, broad gong tapped with a muffled stick, giving out a rounded and mellow sound.

  19. 浑圆得山顶最高点约有3米高, 而最低点只有几厘米厚。

    The highest point of the softly curved hill measures about three meters tall, while the lowest point is only a few centimeters thick.

  20. 浑圆的山顶最高点约有3米高,而最低点只有几厘米厚。

    The highest point of the softly curved hill measures about three meters tall, while the lowest point is only a few centimeters thick.

  21. 例如,床铺不要过高,家具的楞角要处理成钝角或浑圆形。

    For example, bed is not exorbitant, the edges and corners of furniture should handle obtuse angle or muddy circle.


  1. 问:浑圆拼音怎么拼?浑圆的读音是什么?浑圆翻译成英文是什么?

    答:浑圆的读音是húnyuán,浑圆翻译成英文是 rounded; perfectly round




【拼音】hún yuán

【注音】ㄏㄨㄣˊ ㄧㄨㄢˊ

【英译】[perfectly round]
