


唱:~唱。~咏。~颂。~坛。~台舞榭。~舞。能~善舞。能唱的文词:唱~。~谱。~词。~诀。民~。诗~。~行(xíng )(旧诗的一种体裁,音节、格律比较自由)。诗言志,~咏言。……





汉语拼音:gē tán






歌坛 [gē tán]
  1. 歌唱界。




  1. However, as the domestic scene a decade ago, she amazing voice and she did not change the status quo.


  2. He established the singer as a man of the hour.


  3. Meanwhile , JJ has earned spoils of numerous music awards , as today's Chinese-language pop music, one of the most brilliant male singers.


  4. As a big sister of the show biz, Anita Mui is not happy about this phenomenon.


  5. Although she now already basic withdrew a circle of singers, she is still a fan the lasting angel in the heart.


  6. But a spokeswoman for Beckham said the 30-year-old could return to music in the future.


  7. Hurt and disillusionment slowly crept into his big expressive eyes, did he go into the music world with this blood-thirsty audience in mind?


  8. Anita Mui has been famous for 20 years, there must a reason for her everlasting success.


  9. The band's works are mainly based realism, has created a large number of well known classic original songs, the singer's reputation.


  1. 他是歌坛的大腕。

    He's a big name in the singing world.

  2. 他在歌坛很有名。

    He's very well-known in singing circles.

  3. 她是一位歌坛新秀。

    She is an up-and-coming singer.

  4. 他驰骋于歌坛多年。

    He has been very active in the music world for years.

  5. 那个歌手还将重返歌坛吗?

    Is the singer expected to come back?

  6. 他会让我成为歌坛巨星的。

    And he's gonna make me a superstar singer.

  7. 歌坛又涌现出了一批新人。

    Many new stars are spewing out of the singing circle.

  8. 除了表演,他也小小涉足了歌坛。

    Besides acting, he also did dabble singing.

  9. 荒废得歌坛, 那里百鸟曾合唱。

    Bare ruined choirs, where late the sweet birds sang.

  10. 歌坛天王刘德华不是至今未婚吗?

    Heavenly king Andy Lau is not music you still single?

  11. 当然是让你在歌坛崭露头角的恩师。

    Your mentors who gave you your start in showbiz, of course.

  12. 观众确实十分喜爱这个年青的歌坛新秀。

    The public have really taken this new young singer to their hearts.

  13. 那位著名的歌唱家还活跃在歌坛上吗?

    Is that famous singer still around?

  14. 终于,他的第一张专辑问世,立即轰动歌坛。

    At last, his first special edition came out, the sensational circle of singers immediately.

  15. 从声乐美学的视角看当代流行歌坛的发展

    Development of the Contemporary Popular Song Circle From the View of the Contemporary Vocal Music Esthetics

  16. 创意和原创性让台湾歌坛发展持续向前进。

    Creativity and originality have put Taiwan's music scene ahead.

  17. 试图重返歌坛的已经上了年纪的流行音乐歌星

    an ageing pop star trying to stage a comeback

  18. 在当代蒙古歌坛上,哈琳的出现是一个奇迹。

    Thus in the contemporary singing field of Mongolia, Halin's coming out is a miracle.

  19. 台湾乐坛和香港歌坛有某种共栖共生的关系。

    The music scene in Taiwan and Hong Kong has always enjoyed a kind of symbiotic relationship.

  20. 在美国拉丁歌坛掀起强劲风暴的这位帅哥是谁?

    Who is the man that is creating a storm in American Latin music ?

  21. 在影视, 歌坛发展很成功, 受到了无数歌迷, 影迷的喜爱。

    He likes to collect curio watch very much, driver, beat bowling etc.

  22. 周杰伦发片,对于华语歌坛来说无疑是头等大事。

    Zhou Jielun sends the piece, regarding Chinese song world is major event without doubt.

  23. 梅艳芳从艺20年,创下了歌坛连续开个唱的纪录。

    For her 20 years career,she broken the record of number of concerts one singer holds.

  24. 梅艳芳从艺20年,创下了歌坛连续开个唱得纪录。

    For her 18 years career, she broken the record of number of concerts one singer holds.

  25. 但是歌迷们并不太相信他从今以后会彻底告别歌坛。

    But, fans of the former Wham front man didnt quite believe that he would never sing a concert again.

  26. 观众都起立鼓掌欢呼, 使这位歌坛新秀谢了三次幕

    The standing ovation made the new singing star take three curtain calls

  27. 他是个有实力的歌手,肯定能很快在歌坛蹿红。

    He is a singer with real power, so it is certain that he'll become popular within a short period of time.


  1. 问:歌坛拼音怎么拼?歌坛的读音是什么?歌坛翻译成英文是什么?

    答:歌坛的读音是gētán,歌坛翻译成英文是 singing circles


