


遮拦的东西:~杆。木~。石~。养家畜的圈(juàn ):牛~。~厩。报刊或广播、电视按内容、性质划分的版面或专门的时间;亦指出版物版面的部位:~目。专~。新闻~。纸、书、织物上的格子:朱丝~(旧时有红色格子的绢素)。表格中区分项目的格子:备……





汉语拼音:lán mù







  1. 报刊中刊载特定内容的版面。




  1. Please choose from the "matter needs predicting" column to predict and then get started.


  2. And here at HP, we're always trying to give you new information to help you work and play smarter.


  3. When he took over the Obituaries in 1995, just after their launch, he kept the Asian flag flying.


  4. I would add: is such a swerve really 'unexpected, ' as the title of his AOL Defense column indicates?


  5. Brand people can trust, it was decided to put a certain period of time to this channel, this column rather than the others.


  6. When you add one of these sections to your page, we will let you know.


  7. However, if it is unable to avoid consciously the embarrassment of annoying complaints, the original intention to the program is lost.


  8. The power of a percentage point There is only one way I can see out of this box: stronger economic growth.


  9. Regular readers of this column will not be surprised to hear me extolling the virtues of immutability .


  1. 电视财经栏目

    TV business programs

  2. 赠送三级栏目

    A third class lot will be presented

  3. 人文科教电视栏目

    TV programs on humanistic education

  4. 你最喜欢哪个栏目?

    What column do you like best ?

  5. 电视频道栏目设置策略

    Strategies for Setting up the Columns of TV Channels

  6. 栏目,设置一个中文字体。

    Set the font used in the terminal window.

  7. 这是一档电视点歌栏目。

    This is a TV program for requesting music.

  8. 这是一档电视点歌栏目。

    This is a TV program for requesting music.

  9. 我们不是学汉语的栏目嘛

    Isn't ours a Chinese learning program

  10. 电视戏曲栏目传播观念衍变

    On the Evolution of Dissemination Idea of Television Drama Program

  11. 栏目品牌建设的六大要旨

    Six Key Elements of the Making of a Brand Column

  12. 他使他的栏目侧重于青少年。

    He angled his column towards teenagers.

  13. 电视栏目改版中存在的问题

    Problems in TV Column Reformatting

  14. 他是一个体育栏目的编辑。

    He is a sports editor.

  15. 请在你同意的栏目打勾。

    Please place a tick in the appropriate column.

  16. 有的报纸一版有八个栏目。

    Some newspapers have eight columns to a page.

  17. 有得报纸一版有八个栏目。

    Some newspapers have eight columns to a page.

  18. 是一档日播型得电视剧栏目。

    It is a Daily Drama Program.

  19. 是一档日播型的电视剧栏目。

    It is a Daily Drama Program.

  20. 默认设置是继承父栏目或菜单。

    By default permissions are inherited from the parent tab or page.

  21. 我已经填好了表格里的栏目。

    I have filled in items listed in the form.

  22. 这个栏目的热线电话一直打不通。

    I am never able to get through to the hot-line of this program.

  23. 我们诚邀广大珠宝商刊登广告、办栏目。

    We sincerely invite all jewelry dealers for corporation and sponsorship.

  24. 栏目介绍周末活动和下周电视节目。

    The weekend and the TV programmes in the coming week.

  25. 且该栏目应当由公司授权人员签名。

    This box must be signed by the Company's authorized signatory.

  26. 进入信息与资源栏目,然后点击出版物。

    Choose the link for news and resources NewsResources, then click on publicationsPublications.

  27. 地方高校社科学报如何打造特色栏目?

    How Can Local Universities Create Columns with Characteristics?

  28. 专题调查用户点评栏目的运作与思考

    Operation and pondering on monographic survey on the column users'comments

  29. 未经许可,任何人不得复制本栏目内容。

    Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited.

  30. 新栏目资讯电视综艺节目的创新研究

    Information About New Programs A Study of Innovation of TV Grogram of Synthetic Art


  1. 问:栏目拼音怎么拼?栏目的读音是什么?栏目翻译成英文是什么?

    答:栏目的读音是lánmù,栏目翻译成英文是 column