


感到耻辱:~耻。~辱。~恶。难为情,害臊:害~。~惭。~臊(sào )。~愧。含~。~赧(因害臊而红了脸的样子)。~怯。~涩。使难为情:~人。你别~我。进献:“~玉芝以疗饥”。同“馐”。……





汉语拼音:xiū sè








  1. 难为情,情态不自然。

    唐 韩偓 《无题》诗:“羞涩佯牵伴,娇饶欲泥人。” 清 和邦额 《夜谭随录·霍筠》:“女羞涩之态,几不能支。” 周而复 《白求恩大夫》二:“ 童翻译 不会跳,他摇摇头,羞涩地退后两步,注视着 白大夫 的步法。”



  1. The heart inside always concern about that he, hope to be in accidentally to meet, but while meeting again and very awkward and shy?


  2. This woman voice is clear and fragile, that clumsy and timid and serene exterior even if is loudly talk to all terror to scare her to her.


  3. Ming is high big big man, a mature man of charisma, but he and her eyes met, just as quickly to avoid electric shock, somewhat shy.


  4. Then once you to my grandma, don't years didn't see you, that meet appear so shy, we seem to have ducked each other.


  5. Not able to speak Korean freely, he might seem to be a little shy.


  6. At this time the sun seem to have lost the reserved and shy, by the slow gait of the following has become firmly.


  7. When she frowns, the slight dimples on her smooth forehead remind one of the tired and shy expression on her mother's face.


  8. As a poor guy, what I could do there was just to be a passing traveller, haha!


  9. One of my roomie sleeptalked every night when I was a freshman in the college. One night, he said shyly: "I'm pregnant. " Faint all of us!


  1. 少女的羞涩

    A maiden blush.

  2. 我笨拙而羞涩。

    I was awkward and shy.

  3. 她毫无羞涩之感。

    She has no sense of shyness.

  4. 羞涩是贫穷之大敌。

    Bashfulness is an enemy to poverty.

  5. 他那姑娘般的羞涩

    his girlish shyness

  6. 羞涩的笑脸透着粉红。

    Pink shows the smiling faces of shy.

  7. 她羞涩地看了他一眼。

    She glanced shyly at him.

  8. 那时我很羞涩,喜欢摄影。

    I loved the magic of the darkroom and I was shy!

  9. 你就收起羞涩的笑容

    You will put away your bashful laugh.

  10. 他们说你是羞涩的花朵

    They say you my bashful flower

  11. 这个小女孩满脸的羞涩。

    The little girl blazed shy.

  12. 因为寒冷和羞涩,她颤抖了。

    She was trembling with cold and embarrassment.

  13. 喜欢你羞涩注视我的样子

    I kindly of liked it your way how you shyly placed your eyes on me

  14. 面对心爱得人,你容易羞涩,

    But in front of the person you like, you can show your own self.

  15. 面对心爱的人,你容易羞涩,

    But in front of the person you like, you can show your own self.

  16. 因为她是一个羞涩的恋人。

    Because she is a shy sweetie.

  17. 在你爱的人面前你会羞涩

    In front of the person you love, you tend to get shy

  18. 我竟敢投以羞涩的致歉的微笑。

    I dare a smile in shy excuse.

  19. 我竟敢投以羞涩得致歉得微笑。

    I dare a smile in shy excuse.

  20. 她用羞涩的微笑向他打招呼。

    She acknowledged him with a shy smile.

  21. 起初的印象是憨厚, 略带羞涩。

    The inceptive impression of him is simple and honest, slightly shy.

  22. 一抹淡淡的羞涩泛上她的面颊。

    A dusky blush rose to her cheek.

  23. 她羞涩地用眼角扫了他一眼。

    She glanced shyly at him out of the comers of her eyes.

  24. 那样羞涩地注视着我你可曾知道。

    How you shyly placed your eyes on me Oh, did you ever know?

  25. 羞涩的眼里流露出的只有悔恨与渴望!

    The bashful eyes show the deep regret and desire.

  26. 大多数羞涩的准新娘都喜欢谈婚礼的。

    Most blushing brides to be love to talk about the wedding.

  27. 快乐裙摆,重味初恋的羞涩,很美好。

    Happy skirt, heavy flavor love shyness, very beautiful.

  28. 一朵含苞欲放的玫瑰, 一个娇美羞涩的少女!

    A rose in bloom, a shrinking violet ?

  29. 玫瑰不只是为了它的刺而羞涩地道歉。

    The rose is a great deal more than a blushing apology for the thorn.

  30. 玫瑰不只是为了它得刺而羞涩地道歉。

    The rose is a great deal more than a blushing apology for the thorn.


  1. 问:羞涩拼音怎么拼?羞涩的读音是什么?羞涩翻译成英文是什么?

    答:羞涩的读音是xiūsè,羞涩翻译成英文是 shy